
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
一般惠国条款general most favored nation clause
上次支付日,后支付日date of the last payment
上臂大围upper arm circumference
专利早申请日期priority date
交货后截止日期deadline delivery date
交货后期限deadline delivery date
估计低成本minimum cost estimating
估计大损失maximum loss expectancy
估计小费用minimum cost estimating
使用费汇款的高限额ceiling on remittance of royalties
保证低所得guaranteed minimum income
保证低收入guaranteed minimum income
保证年低收入guaranteed annual minimum
信用证上近装运日期L/C latest shipping date
信用证上迟装运日期L/C latest shipping date
信誉好的借款人prime borrower
做出后裁决give a final ruling
全面惠国条款comprehensive most-favored-nation clause
利润大化原理profit maximization principle
利润大化法profit maximization approach
利润大化问题profit maximization problem
合格品质低标准acceptable quality limit
大腿大周长femur girth
大腿小围least thigh circumference
大宽maximum head breadth
大长maximum head length
奖金高限ceiling bonus
孟加拉低级生丝Assorcebunder silk
工资高限额ceiling on wage
弹力织物的低张力结构jammed construction
成本低化minimization of cost
成本小化minimization of cost
优惠价best offer
好开盘价成交market on opening
损失小化minimization of loss
提单低运费minimum freight per B/L
数值高限额numerical ceiling
新的低价位new low
新的高价位new high
日本优级生丝etschizen silk
日本厚重的电力纺Fukui habutai
日本忧级生丝etshigo silk
不发达国家most underdeveloped counties
不发达国家least less developed countries
不满意产品most unsatisfactory products
优估计optimum estimation
优估计量optimal estimation
优决策规则optimal decision rule
优分配optimal distribution
优分配量optimal distribution
优化决策optimizing decision
优品质optimum quality
优惠报价best offer
优技术optimization technique
优标准成本perfect standard cost
优生产批量optimum production lot size
优级手织亚麻布spun linen
优级秘鲁山羊毛Arequipa alpaca
优级长弹毛Thybet wool
优能力optimal capacity
优获利性optimum profitability
优订货optimal order
优质的top quality
优贷款利率best lending rate
优配置optimum allocation
低价报盘lowest offer
低价格knock-down price
低价格bed rock price
低估价递盘lowest evaluated bid
低使用费minimum royalty
低保护价格minimum safeguard price
低保证工资minimum entitlement
低储量minimum storage
低储量minimum quantity of inventory
低准备制度reserve requirement
低准备比率minimum reserve ratio
低准备金要求required reserve
低制造数量minimum manufacturing quantity
低可能成本lowest possible cost
低售价lowest price limit
低存款余额minimum free balance
低存货量minimum quantity of stock
低存货量minimum quantity of inventory
低实施权利金minimum royalty
低工资率minimum wage rate
低库存量minimum quantity of stock
低度开发国家least less developed countries
低成本lowest possible cost
低成本minimal cost
低成本least cost
低成本法least cost method
低成本组合least outlay combination
低报价the lowest quotation
低报价lowest quotation
低报价best offer
低报盘minimum quotations
低收费minimum charge
低日需要量minimum daily requirement
低期限deadline date
低标准minimum specifications
低添加法minimum application process
低温low thermal
低牌价lowest quotation
低生活费minimum cost of living
低税率minimum tariff rate
低税率minimum rate of tax
低税率minimum rate
低等级minimum standard
低级亚麻布用于工作服minimum harden
低级骆马毛pelotage wool
低给液法minimum application process
低给液量minimum add-on
低给液量法minimum application process
低给液量装置minimum applicator
低给液量装置minimum application liquor applicator
低联合价格minimum associated price
低补助minimum of subsistence
低规格minimum specifications
低订货量minimum ordering point
低费率minimum rate
低费用minimum cost
低费用规则minimum cost rule
低资产水平minimum equity
低运费minimum transport charge
低运费minimum transport expense
低运费minimum charge
低运费minimum amount of freight
低运费提单minimum bill of lading
低通行税率best prevailing tariff rate
低配额minimum level of quota
低限度必须设备minimum essential equipment
低限额交款数least payment
低预付保费minimum deposit premium
低风险prime risk
optima (optimum 的复数)
佳产品周期optimal product cycle
佳价格optimum price
佳价格带《销售》volume zone
佳再订货量optimum reorder quantity
佳再订购水平optimum reorder point
佳再订购点optimum reorder point
佳决策optimal decision
佳出口量optimal export quantity
佳分布optimal distribution
佳分配optimum distribution
佳可纺性highest spinnability
佳品质best in quality
佳增长率optimum rate of growth
佳存量optimum stock
佳容量optimal capacity
佳工艺过程optimized process
佳投资optimum investment
佳时尚搭配best vogue matches
佳程序optimal order
佳穿衣者best dresser
佳策略optimal strategy
佳能量optimal capacity
佳船舶航线optimum ship routing
佳营销策略optimal marketing strategy
佳装船时间optimum loading time
佳订货量optimal order quantity
佳质量optimum quality
佳资本结构optimal capital structure
佳通行税率best prevailing tariff rate
佳采购量optimum purchase
初涨价original markup
受影响的国家most seriously affected countries
后一笔交易run off
后买主ultimate vendee
后付款final payment
后价格run off
后决策final decision
后净自留ultimate net retention
后分保额definite order
后分配final distribution
后判决absolute decree
后卖主ultimate vender
后实际损失条款ultimate net loss clause
后归属权ultimate reversion
后成本last cost
后成本final costs
后推定conclusive presumption
后支付complete payment
后支付凭单last pay certificate
后整理流程final finishing process
后期限deadline date
后条款final clauses
后查验final inspection
后校验terminal check
后检验terminal check
后熨烫final ironing
后申报final declaration
后申报额final declaration
后留存净额ultimate net retention
后的论据ultima ratio
后红利final dividend
后进货发票价格last invoice price
后进货成本last cost
后项目的交付end item delivery
后风险ultimate risk
喜爱的颜色favourite color
大业务量peak traffic
大产量ultimate yield
大产量ultimate production
大产量成本productive capacity costs
大价格波动maximum price fluctuation
大值maximal value
大光谱光效力maximum spectral luminous efficacy
大出口量maximum exports
大出口额maximum exports
大利润maximum profit
大功效most power
大功效检验most power test
大功率most power
大努力uttermost efforts
大化期望值maximizing expected value
大单位maximum unit
大单元maximum unit
大卷绕比largest winding ratio
大可能损失maximum possible loss
大可能损失maximum foreseeable loss
大可能误差most probable error
大吃水maximum draft
大容许限度maximum permissible limit
大工作宽度maximum working width
大平均价格maximum average price
大开支maximum expenditure
大打裥限度盘gathering maximum limited dial
大投入maximum input
大抬高量maximum lift
大收益maximum income
大曲折线迹宽度maximum zigzag width of throw
大标准差maximum standard deviation
大毛量maximum gross weight
大流量peak flow
大流量maximal flow
大生产量full capacity output
大的盈利可能性optimum profitability
大纬密jamming point
大线缝节距maxi seam pitch
大线迹宽度maximum stitch width
大缝纫速度top operating speed
大股围maximum thigh girth
大能力peak capacity
大腓围高maximum calf girth height
大诚信原则utmost good faith
大负荷load on top
大负载peak load
大负载load on top
大输入量maximum input
大输入量maximum imports
大输岀量maximum exports
大进口量maximum imports
大进口额maximum imports
大限度high limit
大限额maximum limit
大需求maximum demand
大需求量maximum demand
大风险maximum risk
个人所有的好的一套衣服英国tiddly suit
口语好的服装Sunday clothes
口语好的服装best clothes
好的服装Sunday clothes
好的服装Sunday best
好的衣服best bib and tucker
好的衣服glad clothes
宜价格产量政策price-output policy
密织物jammed construction
密结构jammed construction
小价格影响least price distortion
小保证金minimum margin
小值minimal value
小差别minimum differentiation
小成本least cost
小批量法minimum batch method
小抬高量minimum lift
小放松量minimum wearing tolerance
小有效处理量minimum effective treatment level
小有效规模minimal efficient scale
小绝对偏差minimize the absolute deviations
小脚腕围minimum leg girth
小费用minimal cost
小费用法least cost method
小量货物提单minimum bill of lading
少印花量printing minimum lot
少染量dyeing minimum lot
少织布量fabric minimum lot
惠国待遇most favored nation treatments
惠国待遇条款most favorable national treatment clause
惠特许条款most favored licence clause
新信息current information
新发髻Nouvel chignon
新型up-dated look
新型the latest styles
服装的新式样the latest fashion
新式样top mode
新式样the latest styles
新式样up-to-date style
新式风貌up-dated look
新报价recent quotation
新数据most current data
新数据current data
新时装top fashion
新时装top coat fashion
新时装款式top fashion
新服式》法国dépêche mode
新服式专题》法国dépêche mode special prêt a porter
新服饰the latest style
新服饰潮流le dernier mode
新样式the latest model
新样式dernier mode
新款式high style
新款式the latest style
新款式haute boutique
新款式the latest mode
新款式的服装dernier cri
新流行top trend
新流行all the vogue
新流行top fashion
新流行款式top coat fashion
新流行款式top fashion
新流行款式high fashion
新流行色latest fashion colour
新流行色high fashion color
新消息recent news
新设备up-to-date equipment
新设计the latest design
新资料most current data
早到达的时间earliest arriving time
早可能日期earliest possible date
早完成日期earliest finish date
时髦人士总称smart set
时髦款式agogo look
时髦款式agogo style
流行式样top mode
短上衣minimal top
短中转时间minimum connecting time
短作业时间shortest operation time
短棉籽绒hull fiber
短距离geodesic distance
短路径算法shortest path algorithm
简单派艺术抽象派艺术的一个变种minimal avt
简单派艺术抽象派艺术的一个变种ABC art
简式派艺术minimal avt
精选羊毛choicest wool
细针距extra fine gauge
终产品end use product
终产品率rate of final products
终产量ultimate capacity
终余额ultimate balance
终决策terminal decision
终净付损失条款ultimate net loss clause
终净损ultimate net loss
终净损条款ultimate net loss clause
终卸货港final port of discharge
终受益者final beneficiary
终商品final goods
终外观final appearance
终成本核算terminal costing
终收益ultimate yield
终残值terminal savage value
终用户ultimate purchaser
终用途terminal use
终目的地ultimate destination
终目的港final port of destination
终股息final dividend
终裁定absolute decree
终资本terminal capital
终轮廓线contour final
终采收量ultimate recovery
终需求构成composition of final demand
终项目检验end item
经济生产率,经济生产速度上限maximum economic rate of production
经济负载most economic load
经济额定值most economical rating
考究的衣服glad rags
讲究衣着者best dresser
近价格recent price
近定价recent quotation
近成本recent costs
近行情recent quotation
近进价last invoice price
适合的资本构成optimal capital structure
适宜利率optimum rate
适度的价格optimum price
适度的关税optimum tariff
适度的生产能力optimal capacity
适当产量optimum yield
适当出口税optimal export duty
适当投资额optimum investment
高保险额maximum insured amount
高利润原则profit maximization principle
高利率maximum interest rate
高利用率maximum utility rate
高可成交价格best obtainable price
高吃水线plimsoll line
高和最低限额ceiling and floor
高定价maximum pricing
高定价法maximum pricing
高工资ceiling on wage
高工资限额wage ceiling
高市价maximum market price
高成本ultimate costs
高操作速度top operating speed
高收入upper income
高收入maximum income
高权力sovereign power
高汇率ceiling exchange rate
高法院Supreme Count of Justice
高海事法庭High Court of Admiralty
高温high thermal
高生产率maximum efficiency
高级negligible change (色牢度评级)
高经费maximum expenditure
高胸平宽度highest bust-level width
高行情ceiling rate
高负荷量peak load
高费率maximum rate
高费用ultimate costs
高费用maximum expense
高费用maximum charge
高退圈位置extra high clearing position
高限superior limit
高限价maximum price
高限额ceiling top
高限额ceiling limitation
有希望获得大收益promising the best yield
有条件的惠国条款conditional most-favored-nation clause
服装的新款式the latest fashion
服装等新样式dernier mode
机器允许低速度threading speed
每分钟大针迹数maximum number of stitches per minute
汇率高限ceiling of exchange rate
纤维佳取向optimum fiber orientation
纤维佳长度optimum staple length
纺织终产品textile end product
编制报表的低要求minimum reporting requirement
羊毛低保留价wool minimum reserve price
美利奴羊颈部好毛choice wool
美利奴羊颈部好的毛choice wool
股票上市新情报red tip on the stock market
肩部终熨烫机shoulder off press
自动定向佳处理self directing optimization
航空险高限额combined single limit
衬衫上的纽孔top buttonhole
规定低数specified minimum
规定低股数specified minimum
责任高限度limitation limit
货币小需求量minimum demand for money
货抵终目的地arrival of the goods at final destination
进口的低限价reference price
退捻大伸长maximum elongation by untwisting
选择佳方法select best method
销售量大化maximization of sales
预计高损失maximum loss expectancy
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