
Terms for subject Economy containing 最高的 | all forms | in specified order only
一定成本的最高产值maximum output for a given cost
不需高额成本的最佳技术best available techniques not entailing excessive costs
买主的最高出价reserve price
优先级最高的目标goal with the highest priority
取最相近整数的较高值round up
合资公司的最高行政负责人是位当地人The chief executive officer of the joint company is a local resident
对买方的所有付款总计不得超过五万英镑的最高额The aggregate of all payments to the seller will not exceed a maximum sum of £50.000
我们能卖得价格最高的地方莫过于此地In no place can we sell to better advantage than in this direction
房租的最高标准ceiling on rent
找出投资的最高值maximize the investment
承运人的最高责任限度the carrier's maximum liability
承运人的最高限度责任carrier's maximum liability
抵押担保品贷款的最高限额ceiling on loans upon collateral security
摊额最高的会员国member state bearing the highest assessment
新的最高位价new high
最高可能的价格highest possible price
最高的估计outside estimate (量)
最高程度的most (many, much 的最高级)
有了固定最高利率,投资者十有八九可以获得更优惠的贷款条件With a high cap rate, investors are almost certain to get better terms from the banks
汇率的最高限the ceiling exchange rate
没有最高限额的担保放款secured loans with no maximum limits
物价空前的最高纪录all high
空前的最高纪录物价等all high
纸币的伸缩性最高限额发行制elastic maximum issue limit system
自动规定的最高利息voluntary maximum limit of money rates
追求最高利润的企业家a profit maximizing entrepreneur
金额责任的最高限度monetary limitation amount
销售量最高的一年record year for sales
高需求与最低生产成本的原理principle of high demand & the lowest production cost