
Terms for subject Space containing 最近 | all forms | in specified order only
最临近nearest neighbor (内插法)
最优接近目标轨迹optimum approach path
最佳[优]逼近optimal approximation
最佳近似值best approximation
最佳近似法best approximation
最后接近显示final approach display
最后逼近final approach (二个航天器交会对接寻的阶段结束后的机动方式)
最平滑逼近smoothest approximation
两星体最接近的事件closest approach
最接近的进入点point of closest approach
最终逼近与后退撤离机动final approach and recede maneuvers (卫星编队飞行的)
最近均值分类法nearest mean classification rule
最近截击线minimum line of interception
最近接近点closest point of approach
最近距离nearest distance
最近邻域滤波器nearest-neighbor filter
最邻近内插法nearest neighbor interpolation
最邻近法nearest neighbor method (遥感图像处理中的)
用最小二乘法近似approximation by least squares
近似最大似然法approximate maximum likehood
近程防空系统最佳混合配置optimum mix of short range air defense systems