
Terms containing 最近 | all forms | in specified order only
el.下一最近相邻值next nearest-neighbor
chem.下一个最近邻数next nearest number
nautic.两船横交航行通过最近距离nearest approach
gen.事实上,圣海伦斯火山是喀斯特山脉中最年轻又是最近期活动的活火山In fact, Mount Saint Helens appears to be the youngest, most recently active volcano in the Cascade Range
econ.于此规定的最低租船费应由非洲近东有限公司付给联合货运公司The minimum charterage herein specified shall be paid by African Near East Limited to United Van Lines
gen.最近在雅典市中心为体育用品巨头耐克找到了一个很好的零售店铺地址He has recently secured a prime retail location in central Athens for the sportswear giant Nike
tech.会遇最近closest point of approach
tech.会遇最近距离distance of closest point of approach
gen.最近吃了什么不正常的东西了吗?Have you eaten anything unusual lately?
textile信用证上最近装运日期L/C latest shipping date
interntl.trade.信用证上最近装运日期latest shipping date
AI.最近邻方法method of false nearest neighbor
commer.公司在最近一次买卖中赚了大钱The company cleaned up on their recent business arrangement
gen.写…到最近日期为止write up
gen.最近的免下车餐馆有多远?How far is the nearest drive-in?
tech.到达最接近点的时间time of closest point of approach
fin.取最相近整数的较低值round down
econ.取最相近整数的较高值round up
gen.最近期间one of these days
gen.最近期间at an early date
gen.最近不久的将来in the near future
commer.塑料业的最近兴旺景象recent boom in plastics
anim.husb.大肠杆菌最近似数coli titre
avia.定期航线飞行员在完成最终进近时的目标速度target speed on short finals
tech.导标最近作用距离minimum useful range of leading marks
math.局部渐近最大严格检验locally asymptotically most stringent test
math.局部渐近最大功效检验optimal asymptotic test
math.局部渐近最大功效检验locally asymptotically most powerful test
el.平均最邻近值average nearest neighbor
el.广义最近邻对相关近似extended nearest neighbor pair correlation approximation
proj.manag.最近收到很多垃圾邮件、花了很长时间才把它们删掉Recently, I have gotten a lot of spam, and it takes me hours to delete it
gen.我们医院拥有附近街区中最好的外科医生Our hospital has the best surgeons in the nearby blocks
commer.我们想探询有关澳大利亚最近的市场情况We should like to inquire about the recent market situation in Australia
econ.我们有希望在最近把这件事搞清楚,所以希望你方暂不作最后决定As we have hopes of getting this matter cleared up in the near future we would ask you to do nothing final yet
econ.我地区最近受台风严重危害,希望你们充分体谅我们的处境Our area was badly damaged by recent typhoon and we hope you will understand our situation fully
gen.我拉肚子,您能带我去最近的洗手间吗?I have loose bowels. Can you take me to the nearest room?
commer.我方不得不要求你方将信用证展期十五天,是由于最近舱位特别拥挤The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested
econ.我方确认近来双方往来电报并欣告我方的岀口已达最大量We confirm telegrams recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that we have increased our exports to the maximum
cosmet.我确定我们的价格已经是最优惠的了。在其他地方,这个品牌的新款香水价格近几年来涨了不少I am sure our prices are the most favorable. Elsewhere prices for brand new perfumes have gone up tremendously in recent years
gen.打扰一下,先生。您可以告诉我到天鹅宾馆最近的路怎么走吗?Excuse me, sir. But could you tell me the nearest way to Swan Hotel?
gen.把它化整到最接近的整数round it off to the nearest whole number
transp.最近路线收费charge by shortest route
watchm.据乔治•华盛顿大学和L2智库最近的调查,在中国市场,有些品牌的知名度超过了劳力士、宝格丽、蒂芙尼A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2, a think-tank, found some brands are better known in China than Rolex, Bvlgari or Tiffany
gen.据说科隆大教堂是“离上帝最近的地方”It is said that Cologne Cathedral is the place which God most prefers
sport.接力赛是该国最古老、最具名望的田径赛事之一,今年将近有8 000名运动员参加The relay, one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious track and field events, will attract nearly 8, 000 athletes
earth.sc.接近最佳线性估计量nearly best linear estimator
sport.接近最大努力near-maximum effort
tech.接近最高水平approach the topmost level
space最临近nearest neighbor (内插法)
adv.最临近道路的户外广告支架angled end
adv.最临近道路的户外广告架angled end
space最优接近目标轨迹optimum approach path
busin.最优方案逼近approximation of optimal plan
busin.最优渐近性质optimal asymptotic property
math.最优渐近检验optimal asymptotic test
math.最优渐近检验locally asymptotically most powerful test
mil., air.def.最优解接近度排序法technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution
el.最优近似optimal approximate
tech.最优近似optimal approximation
tech.最优近似best fit approximation
el.最优逼近best approximate
tech.最优逼近best approximation
tech.最优逼近多项式best-fit polynomial approximation
avia.最低近拱点minimum periapsis
space最佳[优]逼近optimal approximation
telecom.最佳可行近似法best feasible approximation
oil最佳渐近正态估计器best asymptotically normal estimator
math.最佳渐近正态估计量best asymptotically normal estimator
earth.sc.最佳渐近正规估计量best asymptotically normal estimator
IT最佳_致逼近optimal uniform approximation
telecom.最佳近似optimal approximation
space最佳近似值best approximation
space最佳近似法best approximation
oil最佳逼近optimal approximation
el.mach.最佳逼近optimum approximation
el.最佳逼近best approximate
math.最佳逼近best approximation
tech.最佳逼近optimal approximate
busin.最佳逼近值best approximation
space最后接近显示final approach display
avia.最后进近final approach
avia.最后进近定位点final approach fix
avia.最后进近航道final approach course
space最后逼近final approach (二个航天器交会对接寻的阶段结束后的机动方式)
avia.最后逼近final approach
anim.husb.最大近似性maximum likelihood
agric.最大近似法method of maximum likelihood
busin.最大近似解maximum likelihood solution
tech.最大近震maximum near earthquake
avia.最小二乘差逼近least square error approximation
telecom.最小二乘方误差近似least square error approximation
el.最小二乘方近似least square approximation
IMF.最小二乘方近似least-squares fit
tech.最小二乘方逼近least square error approximation
tech.最小二乘方逼近least square approximation
tech.最小二乘法逼近approximation by least squares
oil最小二乘逼近least squares approximation
tech.最小二乘逼近least square approximation (法)
earth.sc.最小二乘逼近法minimum least-squared approximation technique
earth.sc.最小平方逼近法minimum least-squared approximation technique
avia.最小接近距离minimum approach distance
tech.最小方差近似minimum-squared-error approximation
busin.最小逼近方差minimum asymptotic variance
earth.sc.最小邻近nearest neighbourhood
avia.最平幅度逼近maximally flat amplitude approximation
avia.最平延时逼近maximally flat delay approximation
space最平滑逼近smoothest approximation
proj.manag.最接近询价要 求的发盘closest offer
tech.最接近发盘closest offer
geophys.最接近时间time of closest approach
earth.sc.〔卫星导航的〕最接近时间time of closest approach
busin.最接近条件closest terms
el.最接近点closest point of approach
tech.最接近点closest approach
tech.最接近点距离distance to closest point of approach
tech.最接近状态closest approach
space两星体最接近的事件closest approach
space最接近的进入点point of closest approach
tech.最接近瞬间closest instant
busin.最接近规格closest spec
avia.最接近超声速飞机航迹的音爆区near field
avia.最接近距离distance of closest approach
tech.最接近道路closest approach
avia.最短进近距离minimum approach distance
avia.最终进近定位点右转弯final approach fix/right
avia.最终进近定位点左转弯final approach fix/left
avia.最终进近通道final approach gate (要求着陆飞机在进近管制指定的时间内通过的跑道中心线的延长线上的一区域。它是一个以跑道中心线的延长线为对称轴的矩形区域,宽 1 mile,长3mile,因此该区域的内边界距跑道近端至少有5 mile)
space最终逼近与后退撤离机动final approach and recede maneuvers (卫星编队飞行的)
gen.最近in these days
gen.最近of late
libr.最近一期current issue
gen.最近一期the current number
gen.最近一期杂志,期刊the latest issue of
commer.最近一期期刊current issue of a magazine
nautic., tech.最近一次压载航行的排油监控系统记录record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage
commer.最近五年物价飞速上涨Prices have zoomed in the last five years
fin.最近交割月份nearby delivery month
securit.最近交割月份nearest month
genet.最近有性杂交most closed crossing
repr.biol.最近有性杂交most close crossing
anim.husb.最近有性杂交most close crossing
agric.最近亲杂交most closed crossing
busin.最近recent price
textile最近价格recent price
fin.最近价格法last price method
tech.最近会遇时间time to closest point of approach
tech.最近似值optimal approximate value
tech.最近似值most probable number
anim.husb.最近似数most probable number
tech.最近似的best approximated
multimed.最近位置的内存last position memory
IT最近使用先见priority of the latest used
el.最近使用的可变阈值variable threshold recently used
fin.最近修正recent modifications
agric.最近倒伏late lodging
econ.最近全票价上涨 10%Full fare has gone up by 10% recently
oil最近冰川作用last glaciation
expl.最近几十年、由于二氧化碳及其他温室气体的大量排放、人们关切的全球变暖问题敦促诸多工业调研和实施减少气体排放的标准Global warming concerns due to large quantities of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases GHGs in recent decades are driving many industries to investigate and implement emissions reductions
tech.最近分数式closest rational approximation
econ.最近前景immediate outlook
tech.最近单元constructional unit
sport., psychol.最近发展区zone of proximal development
cryptogr.最近向量问题nearest vector problem
cryptogr.最近向量问题closest vector problem
space最近均值分类法nearest mean classification rule
agric., stat.最近均值分类法nearest mean classification
textile最近定价recent quotation
market.最近市场报告latest market reports
tech.最近市场报告latest market report
agric.最近开垦地late clearage
telecom.最近很少使用least recently used
econ.最近情况up-to-date information
textile最近成本recent costs
econ.最近成本the recent cost
tech.最近成本recent cost
sport.最近成绩latest result
econ.最近我们已考虑了你方关于减价的要求,同意减价5%Recently we have considered your request for reduction in price and agreed to reduce it by 5%
econ.最近我们收到了不少对你方丝绸产品的激烈的投诉Recently we have received bitter complaints about your silk products
space最近截击线minimum line of interception
oil最近报价recent quotation
tech.最近拍摄距离minimum photographical distance
tech.最近拍摄距离minimum photographic distance
el.最近接近时间time of nearest approach
space最近接近点closest point of approach
avia.最近控测线minimum line of detection
auto.最近故障英里数miles since last fail
IT最近最少使用least-recently used
IT最近最少使用least recently used
IT最近最少使用算法least recently used
el.最近最少使用存储区least recently used memory
IT最近最少使用替换策略least recently used replacement
busin.最近最少使用的least recently used
AI.最近最少使用算法least recently used algorithm
el.最近最少测试的least recently tested
securit.最近月份nearest month
securit.最近月份期货合同lead month futures contract
tech.最近有理逼近closest rational approximation
interntl.trade.最近期内装运的期货nearest forward shipment
econ.最近期内装运的期货the nearest forward shipment
IT最近期空闲单元youngest empty cell
IT最近活动上游站nearest active upstream neighbor
el.最近活动上行站nearest active upstream neighbor
IT最近活动下游站nearest active downstream neighbor
tech.最近closest point
tech.最近closest approach
gen.最近closest point of approach
China, law最近点距离nearest point
IT最近点采样nearest point sampling
el.最近环境点再启动point of last environment restart
gen.最近up to date
gen.最近latter ®late
busin.最近red hot
archit.最近hot (消息等)
expl.最近的 20 年、海内外为拆除和建设而开拓了各种行之有效的爆破方法In recent two decades different effective blasting methods have been pioneered for destruction and construction at home and overseas
gen.最近的一百年the last century
tech.最近的估计指出recent estimates indicate
gen.最近的卫生间在哪里?Where is the nearest latrine?
gen.最近的墨西哥餐馆在哪儿?Where is the closest Mexican restaurant?
bank.最近的将来nearby future
shipb.最近的市场报告latest market report
bridg.constr.最近的桩nearest pile
commer.最近的消息recent news
gen.最近的纪念品店怎么走?How can I get to the nearest souvenir shop?
IMF.最近的经济发展情况Recent Economic Developments IMF background paper
tech.最近的逼近nearest approach
commun., railw.最近相关应答器组Last Relevant Balise Group
avia.最近着陆场nearest landing field
telecom.最近算法last algorithm
auto.两地间最近线路direct route
met.最近结点间距shortest interpoint distance (晶格的)
tech.最近背景immediate background
econ.最近血亲next of kin
textile最近行情recent quotation
bridg.constr.最近设计的桥more recently designed bridge
econ.最近询盘的增多证实了对玩具需求的增长Latest increase in enquiries confirms the rise of demand for toys
econ.最近购进的一家巧克力the latest acquisition of a chocolate factory
econ.最近贸易数额公告the publication of the latest trade figures
busin.最近资料current data
space最近距离nearest distance
tech.最近距离minimum range
astr.最近距离两个星球之间的distance of closest approach
construct.最近最短,最小作用距离minimum range
tech.最近距离closest range
el.K 最近近邻规则K-nearest neighbor rule
textile最近进价last invoice price
busin.最近进价法method of price of last purchase
interntl.trade.最近进价法last invoice cost method
oil最近进价法last invoice price method
busin.最近进价法last invoice method
avia.最近进场进近时间time of nearest approach
avia.最近进场进近时间time of closest approach
avia.最近进场时间time of nearest approach
avia.最近进场时间time of closest approach
avia.最近进近点closest point of approach
securit.最近连续12个月trailing twelve month
earth.sc.最近逼近点closest point of approach
tech.最近nearest neighbour
tech.最近nearest neighbor
tech.最近nearest neighbors
genet.最近序列分析nearest-neighbor analysis
genet.最近邻位碱基频率分析nearest-neighbor base frequency analysis
met.最近邻位置nearest neighbours position
telecom.最近邻内插nearest neighbor interpolation
el.最近邻内插算法nearest-neighbor interpolation algorithm
tech.最近邻分析nearest neighbour analysis (法)
tech.最近邻分析nearest neighbor analysis (法)
agric.最近邻分析法nearest-neighbour analysis
tech.最近邻区次策规则nearest neighbour decision rule
met.最近邻原子nearest neighbour atom
met.最近邻原子nearest neighbour
desert.最近邻域nearest neighbor
tech.最近邻域分类nearest neighbour classification
tech.最近邻域分类nearest neighbor classification
tech.最近邻域模式分类法nearest neighbour pattern classification
tech.最近邻域模式分类法nearest neighbor pattern classification
space最近邻域滤波器nearest-neighbor filter
el.最近邻对相关近似nearest neighbor pair correlation approximation
el.最近邻干扰nearest-neighbor disturb
oil最近邻序列nearest neighbor sequence
polym.最近邻序列分析nearest neighbor sequence analysis
AI.最近邻插值nearest neighbor interpolation
math.最近邻方法nearest-neighbour methods
mil., air.def.最近邻法nearest neighbor algorithm
genet.最近邻法nearest-neighbor method
market.最近邻法nearest neighbour method
agric.最近邻法nearest-neighbour method
tech.最近邻相互作用nearest neighbour interaction
tech.最近邻相互作用nearest neighbor interaction
math.最近邻聚类single-linkage clustering
math.最近邻聚类nearest-neighbour clustering
tech.最近邻能nearest neighbour energy
tech.最近邻能nearest neighbor energy
el.最近邻规则nearest-neighbor rule
AI.最近邻规则nearest neighbor rule
met.最近邻质点nearest neighbour
met.最近邻距离nearest neighbour distance
earth.sc.最近邻近nearest-neighbor method
earth.sc.最近邻近nearest neighbor
tech.最近邻近似法nearest neighbour approximation
tech.最近邻近似法nearest neighbor approximation
oil最近邻重复取样nearest neighbor resampling
agric.最近邻顺序分析nearest-neighbour sequence analysis
tech.最近邻顺序分析nearest neighboring sequence analysis
agric.最近邻频率nearest-neighbour frequency
tech.最近邻频率nearest neighbour frequency
tech.最近邻频率nearest neighbor frequency
interntl.trade.最近采购法recent purchase method
busin.最近采购法recent purchase met hod
interntl.trade.最近销售last sale
interntl.trade.最近销路last sale
sport., cloth.最近,阿迪达斯,世界第二大运动品牌,推出了网络旗舰店Recently, Adidas, the world's second largest sportswear brand, launched a flagship store on the Internet
nautic., tech.最近陆地nearest land
avia.最近降落Nearest landing field
busin.最近预测current forecast
mil., air.def.最邻近nearest neighbor
space最邻近内插法nearest neighbor interpolation
met.最邻近原子nearest neighbour atom
multimed.最邻近搜索nearest neighbor searches
space最邻近法nearest neighbor method (遥感图像处理中的)
IT最邻近法nearest neighbor algorithm
comp., net.最邻近算法nearest neighbor algorithm
met.最邻近距离nearest neighbor distance (晶格中的)
tech.最陡下降近似法steepest descent approximation
gen.最靠近原子核的那一层the shell nearest to the nucleus
mining.最靠近气油界面的产油井oil producer nearest the gas-oil contact
agric.最高近似法method of maximum likelihood
econ.某一个人死后,其最近血亲将首先继承其财产When somebody dies, his next of kin will inherit his property first
tech.查询最近似的文件best match file searching
AI.样条最小二乘逼近spline approximation of least square
met.最近next nearest neighbour
math.正则最佳渐近正态估计量regular best asymptotically normal estimator
math.淅近局部最优设计asymptotically locally optimal design
math.淅近最大功效检验asymptotically most powerful test
math.淅近次最大最小asymptotically subminimax
cryptogr.渐近最优asymptotically optimal
el.渐近最佳的asymptotically optimum
el.渐近最佳解asymptotically optimum
el.渐近最佳软输出算法2asymptotically optimal soft output algorithm 2
el.渐近最佳软输出算法1asymptotically optimal soft output algorithm 1
tech.渐近最短置信区间asymptotical shortest confidence interval
tech.渐近最短置信区间asymptotic shortest confidence interval
econ.现送上我公司最近发行的塑料厨房用品目录,贵公司对此可能感兴趣We are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue of plastic kitchenware which may possibly interest you
construct.用最小二乘近似approximation by least squares
tech.用最小二乘方的近似法approximation by least squares
space用最小二乘法近似approximation by least squares
busin.用最小平方法逼近approximation by least squares
econ.由于最近数周关量销售而使存货耗尽,他们目前不能供应你们所需的货As heavy sales in recent weeks have depleted their stocks, they cannot supply what you require at present
econ.由于最近陶瓷餐具的销售下降,我们对此感到有些不安We fell somewhat perturbed by the recent fall in our sales for porcelain tablewares
commer.由于公司最近对其他行业的分散投资Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines
avia.盘旋进近最小要求circling minimums
gen.直到最近until recently
econ.直到最近up-to-date (作表语时写作 up to date)
expl.直到最近up to data (down to date)
nautic., tech.TCPA相遇最近CPA
nautic., tech.相遇最近点时间CPA
el.最近居民中心的安全距离safety distance from the nearest centre of population
auto.离飞轮最近第一气缸first cylinder
gen.端墙最近位置deep position
gen.端墙最近位置的队员deep man
met.第一最近邻原子first nearest neighbor
met.第三最近邻原子third nearest neighbor
met.第二最近邻原子next nearest neighbour
el.线性最近相邻值linear nearest neighbor
el.线性最近linear nearest neighbor
tech.综合点污染源和非点污染源最近评价技术better assessment science in integrating point and non-point-sources
golf.补救的最近nearest point of relief
securit.证券行情布告板上记下最近消息的人board boy
nautic., tech.最近陆地form the nearest land
hockey.距端墙最近的位置deep position
racing车身最接近内侧的一点clipping point
agric.近交最低值inbreeding minimum
tech.近似最优near optimization
busin.近似最优先near optimum solution
cryptogr.近似最优混合策略near-optimal mixed strategy
tech.近似最优配置approximating optimum allocation
math.近似最佳线性估计量nearly best linear estimator
econ.近似最佳解near-optimum solution
tech.近似最佳解near optimum solution
busin.近似最佳配置approximating optimum allocation
avia.近似最佳飞机near-optimal aircraft
space近似最大似然法approximate maximum likehood
el.近似最大熵法approximated maximum entropy method
tech.近似等距最小误差圆锥投影approximately equidistance minimum error conical projection
tech.近似等距最小误差圆锥投影approximately equidistance minimum error conic projection
avia.近拱点最小距离minimum periapsis distance
geophys.近探测器最小滑动门时间near detector minimum sliding gate time
tech.近期最大利润short-run maximization
multimed.近期最少使用算法least recently used
space近程防空系统最佳混合配置optimum mix of short range air defense systems
commer.这一货物与你方样品最为接近This is the closest match to your sample
sport.这位赛跑运动员接近终点时最后冲刺The runner spurted as he approached the finishing line
gen.这是到华尔街最近的路吗?Is this the shortest way to the Wall Street?
avia.进场最近closest point of approach
nautic., tech.预期相遇最近点时间TCPA
nautic., tech.预期相遇的最近点 CPACPA
avia.预计相遇最近closest point of approach
mil., air.def.预计相遇的最近closest point of approach