
Terms for subject Securities containing 最的 | all forms
一天内的最低点intraday low
为股东的最佳利益着想in the best interests of shareholders
为股东的最佳利益而行动act in the best interest of shareholders
交投最活跃的股票most active issues
交易量变动最大的股票volume percentage leaders
价格涨跌幅度最大的股票price percentage gainers and losers
债权人测试的最佳利息best-interests-of-creditors test
准许的最高杠杆比率maximum permitted leverage
出价最低的投标人lowest bidder
出价最高的投标highest tender
华尔街投行最为剧烈的转变radical change for Wall Street investment banks
发出订单的最后期限deadline for placing order
受限的最大值constrained maximum
10 只升幅最大的股票top 10 rises (stocks)
10 只跌幅最大的股票top 10 falls (stocks)
可接受的最大数量maximum quantity acceptable
可替代的最小税负证券alternative-minimum tax paper
可能的最大损失probable maximum loss
可能的最高损失额maximum possible loss
合格的最低报价投标lowest conforming tender
喊得最响的分析师loudest analyst
在公司与股东之间使利润最大化的平衡机制balanced profit maximization mechanism between companies and shareholders
增加的最低值increased threshold
对金融机构经营能力董事会有最后的决定权board of directors' final say on the financial institutions' operating capability
把潜在的司法纠纷降到最低minimize potential litigation
指数化中的最小方差法variance minimization approach to indexing
按交易金额比较最活跃的股票most active stocks by value
按换手率比较最活跃的股票most active stocks by turnover rate
按最佳条件执行交易的原则principle of best execution
按最佳条件执行的原则best execution standards
损失的最大限度cap to the amount of damage
授权机构财务披露的最佳实施指导Best Practice Guide on Financial Disclosure by Authorized Institutions
收人和最大股本的时效权prescribed right to income and maximum equity
文件最后的审批final review and approval of document
证券新的最低价格new low
证券新的最高价格new high
最低价的报lowest offer
最低可接受的报酬率hurdle rate of return
最佳估计的设想best estimate assumptions
最佳资源配置的市场作用market's function of optimal resource allocation
最坏情况的方案worst-case scenario
最基本的谨慎标准minimum prudential standards
最大限度地减少可能的遗漏minimizing any possible omissions
最常见的监管障碍most common regulatory barrier
最有价值的资产公司中marquee assets
最理智的投资者savviest investors
最畅销的股票best selling stock
最终确定的发行价格ultimate fixed issuance price
最高评级的短期公司债券top-rate short-term corporate bonds
有关股市的最直率的言论outspoken comments on stock market
本金的最初交换initial exchange of principal
本金的最终交换final exchange of principal
表现最差的股市worst performing market
规定的收人和最高股权的限制性权利prescribed right to income and maximum equity
规定的最小配售额required minimum distribution
证券行情布告板上记下最近消息的人board boy
评级最高的公司top-rated companies
调整后的最短期限收益yield to adjusted minimum maturity
资本积累的最佳速度optimum rate of capital formation
通胀率调整后的市值最低水平inflation adjusted capitalization minimums
阻止进人的最低价格minimum entry preventing price