
Terms for subject Nautical containing 最的 | all forms
两船横交航行〔通过〕的最近距离nearest approach
允许的最小角度allowable minimum angle
公布的热带淡水最大吃水巴拿马运河published TFW maximum draft
最近一次压载航行的排油监控系统记录record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage
标定的最小屈服应力标定的最小屈服强度specified minimum yield stress
标志港口〔航道口〕最外边的浮标farewell buoy
用于预洗的最小水量.minimum quantity of water to be used in a prewash
自液舱最高点至基线的垂直距离vertical distance of the highest point of the tank from the baseline ZTOP
适当的最新纸质海图卷appropriate portfolio of up to date paper charts (APC)
钢材的最低设计温度lowest design temperature of steel
预定的最不利情况worst intended conditions
预期相遇的最近点 CPACPA