
Terms for subject Commerce containing 最的 | all forms
不附带条件的最惠国条款unconditional most-favoured-nation clause
代表工业上最新发展的样品representative sample of the latest industrial development
卖方负担从码头至最终目的地货物的运费The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes
合同规定买方所订货物未能完成一定时期的最低限额时The contract stipulates that the seller shall have an option of giving notice of termination when the orders placed by the buyer do not represent a minimum volume for a fixed period
塑料业的最近兴旺景象recent boom in plastics
如按实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于最低数额,技术引进人必须补足差额When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference
对…进行最后的精加工give the last finish to
1983年中国核桃的最后产量估计为带壳重量20,000公吨The final outturn of the 1983 walnut crop in China is estimated at 20,000M/T in shell
当货运单据转让给最终买主,他就取得提单收货人的资格When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading
我们想探询有关澳大利亚最近的市场情况We should like to inquire about the recent market situation in Australia
所有的零件必须最后精加工到一定的尺寸All parts must be finished to certain dimensions
把资金作最有利的投资invest one's capital to the best advantage
最优化的决策optimizing decision
最大的吃水深度maximum draft
最终目的地last destination
最近的消息recent news
最高的paramount (a.)
物价上涨对固定收入的人们影响最大The price increases bore most severely upon the people with fixed incomes
物价管理局规定的物价最高限额price ceilings stipulated by the Office of Price Administration
由于公司最近对其他行业的分散投资Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines
由最先启航的船舶装运shipment by first available vessel
规定的最高限额fixed celling
这是我方可以得到的最好价格This is the best price we can obtain
这是我方所能接受的最大数量This is the maximum quantity we can accept
这是我方暂时所能报的最大数量That's the maximum quantity we can offer for the time being
这种载重汽车在同类型中是最好的This heavy-duty truck is rated among the best of its kind
问题要点在于你方准备订购货物的最低数量The gist of the question is the minimum quantity of the goods you are prepared to order
非最大的off peak