
Terms for subject Economy containing 最后的 | all forms | in specified order only
他们已经错过6 月6日的最后期限They have missed their June 6 deadline
仲裁庭的最后判决具有约束力,而且是结论性的The final verdict of the arbitration court shall be binding and conclusive
关于地点的选择问题将由董事会作出最后决定The final determination of location will be made by the board of directors
分期付款中最后一笔大数额的付款balloon payment
按最后卸量计算的运费freight on final outturn
支付到最后一人死亡时为止的联合年金joint and survivor annuity
最后,他们会对所发生的争执提供一份书面决定或公断书They will render a decision or award in writing upon such disputes finally
最后双方签订了,建造机场的合同In the end both parties contracted to build the airport
最后的消费final consumption
最后的需要ultimate demand
最后,经理同意了雇员们提出的建议Ultimately, the manager agreed to the suggestion of employees
8月15日是签署合同的最后日期Aug. 15 is the latest date for the signing of the contract
死亡纳税人的最后申报表final return of the decedents
迟发货是由于我方工人在生产最后阶段要求增加工资而怠工造成的The late shipping of the goods resulted from the sabotage of our workers at the final stage of manufacture for a raise of wages