
Terms for subject International trade containing 最低 | all forms | in specified order only
偿清力最低标准限度margin of solvency
商船最低标准公约Convention concerning Minimum Standards in Merchant Ships
存料最低minimum quantity of stores
中央银行对商业银行强制规定的最低存款储备compulsory minimum reserve requirement
最低乘车费minimum fare
最低minimum price
最低lowest price
最低rock bottom price
最低bottom price
最低价投标人lowest bidder
最低价格lowest quotations
最低价格reservation price
最低价格rock bottom price
最低价格reserve price
最低价格bottom price
最低价格bedrock price
交易所最低价格ground floor
最低价格check price
最低价格购得设备procuring equipment at lowest practicable cost
最低价递盘lowest bid
最低保险费minimum premium
最低准备minimum reserve
最低准备标准marginal reserve measures
最低出价报盘lowest offer
最低利润minimum profit
最低可征税收入minimum taxable income
最低售价upset price
最低售价minimum selling price
最低存货minimum stock
最低存量法minimum stock method
最低定货点minimum ordering point
最低工资minimum wage
最低工资制度minimum wage system
最低应存数compensatory balance
最低度开发国家least-developed countries
最低成本计划least-cost programs
最低best offer
最低报价单估价单lowest quotation
最低拍卖限价upset price
最低损失条款minimum loss clause
最低提单费minimum bill of lading charge
最低提货单minimum bill of lading
最低收入阶层lowest income group
最低收费minimum charges
最低数量minimum quantity
最低汇率floor exchange rate
最低运费minimum rate
最低的价目bedrock price
最低的通行税率best prevailing tariff rate
最低票价或运价率lowest fare of rate
最低租赁支出minimum lease payments
最低租金minimum lease payments
最低税率minimum tariff
最低自留额minimum retention
最低装箱标准minimum rule
最低课税限度.lowest taxable limit
最低费用minimum charges
最低费用minimum charge
最低输出价格check price
最低运费minimum freight
最低递价者lower bidder
最低银行利率prime interest
最低限价lowest price limit
最低限价bottom price
最低限度生活水平minimum standard of living
最低限度的一揽子计划minimum package project
最低限度的一揽子计划minimum package prefect
最低限额nil norm
最低限额国家floor country
最低非技术性所得群众lowest unskilled income groups
最低预付保险费minimum deposit
最低频率minimum frequency
最低额运费minimum freight
最低黄金准备额minimum ratio of gold reserve
最高最低税则税率maximum and minimum tariff
最高最低税则maximum and minimum tariffs
最高及最低税率制度double tariff system
最低递价者second lowest bidder
每年最低支付额minimum annual royalty
汇率的最低floor exchange rate
法定最低利率official minimum rate
生活工资只够生活的最低工资living wages
补偿性最低存款额compensating balance
货物拆散到低于货车最低载重量knocked-down in less than carloads
货物拆散到货车最低载重量knocked-down in carloads