
Terms for subject Economy containing 最低 | all forms | in specified order only
一些投资公司认为价格已降到最低限度,以后只会上升Investment companies took the view that prices had reached rock bottom and could only go up
为求最佳经济福利,必须在最低平均成本点上生产necessity for operation at point of lowest average cost, for optimum economic welfare
于此规定的最低租船费应由非洲近东有限公司付给联合货运公司The minimum charterage herein specified shall be paid by African Near East Limited to United Van Lines
他们把利润率降到最低They are cutting their margins very fine
他保留确定最低售价的权利He reserved to himself the right to fix the minimum prices
价格已下降最低Prices have reached rock-bottom
优惠项目的最低税额minimum tax on preference items
你方如果不能达到最低的销售指标,本代理合同即告终止The agency agreement terminates if you fail to meet the minimum sales quotas
你方所需数量低于最低起订量,因而不能抵补我方为制作特殊集装箱的额外费用The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers
保证最低费用的订货点cost minimizing recorder point
偿债力最低标准margin of solvency
公定最低行市official minimum rate (汇价)
农产品最低价格farm prices
减低至最低成本minimization of cost
可选择的最低税额alternative minimum tax
因为他们不能完成最低的销售指标,该协议即告终止cause they fail to meet a minimum sales quota n., the agreement is terminated
因为她的报价最低,我们接受了Because her quote was the lowest, we accepted it
固定最低准备fixed minimum reserve
固定最低fixed floor
最低平均成本点上生产pure competition cost
奖金最低标准minimum funding standard
如果发生人力无法控制的任何偶发事件,卖方和买方必须彼此协商,以便使损失减少到最低程度in the event of any contingencies beyond control, the seller and the buyer shall consult with each other in order to minimize the loss
如果贵方告知最低出口起售量,我们将很高兴We should be glad if you would let us know the minimum export quantities
官方最低利率official minimum rate
就我看来,该公司不会按最低价把该项商品卖给我们My inference is that the company will not sell us the item at the rock-bottom price
平均最低需要量average minimum requirement
强制规定的最低储备compulsory minimum reserve requirement
得到补偿的最低生产量write-off quantity
承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions
最低have the lowest price
报…最低实盘make best possible firm offer
拆散为一车皮装运的最低重量knockdown in carload
拆散为低于包车的最低重量knocked-down in less than carloads
指规数最低额值indicative planning figure floor value
最低价订价策略pendulum pricing
日常最低需要量minimum daily requirement
最低一揽子方便条件贷款minimum package facilities of a loan
最低交易额保证guarantee of minimum turnover
最低rock bottom prices (格)
最低价定价法penetration pricing
最低拍卖价格reserve price
最低价格rock-bottom price
最低价格lowest price
最低价格knockdown price
最低价格和最高价格floor and ceiling prices
最低保护价minimum safeguard price
最低保证工资call pay (被迫停工时)
最低保证金要求maintenance margin requirement
最低储备法minimum reserve method
最低储备规定minimum reserve requirements
最低利润minimum project
最低利润比minimum profit ratio
最低利率rate floor
最低利率prime rate of interest
最低利率lowest interest rate
最低利率prime rate
最低制造量minimum manufacturing quantity
最低周转率minimum turnover
最低售价an upset price
最低妻求报酬率minimum requirements of acceptability
银行支票户必须保持的最低存款余额free balance
最低存款额compensatory balance
最低存货just-in-time inventory
最低存货水平minimum stock level
最低容许可靠性minimum acceptable reliability
最低容许收益盈利minimum acceptable rate of return
最低小时工资minimum wage
最低工作性能minimum operational characteristics
最低工资living wages
最低工资制minimum wage system
最低工资法minimum wage laws
最低工资法minimum wage law
最低工资额wages floor
银行存户的 最低平均余额minimum average balance
最低平均成本lowest average cost
最低库存minimum inventory
最低库存法minimum store method
最低库存量the minimization quantity stores
最低应缴股本额开业股本minimum subscription
最低征税收入minimum taxable income
最低总成本lowest total overall cost
最低成本与估算明细表least cost and estimating schedule
最低成本估算与日程安排系统least-cost estimating and scheduling system
最低成本估计minimum cost estimating
最低成本使用期minimum cost life
最低成本分析minimum cost analysis
最低成本分析least cost analysis
最低成本法则minimum cost rule
最低成本的组合least cost combination
最低成本规划minimum cost programming
最低成本路线least cost route
最低技术要求minimum technological requirement
最低拍卖价限upset price
最低拍卖限价an upset price
最低收人补助negative income tax
最低收入分析minimum returns analysis
最低收益率minimum rate return
最低效用原则principle of least utility
最低最大存货控制min-max inventory control
最低最大采购min-max procurement
最低最高存货制a minimum-maximum inventory
最低有吸引收益minimum attractive return
最低期望报酬率minimum attractive rate of return
最低水平操作点operation at point of lowest average
物价等的最低the rock-bottom
最低minimum equilibrium
最低现金金额minimum cash balance
最低生产bare subsistence
最低生产成本lowest production cost
最低生活工资living wage
最低生活标准minimum standard of living
最低生活费minimum of subsistence
最低的价格bedrock price
最低的价格bedrock (rock-bottom)
最低突击费用minimum cost crash
最低级专业人员entry-level professional
最低纲领minimum programme
最低纲领minimum program
最低经营周转存货minimum operating inventory
最低联合价格minimum association price
最低能源要求minimum energy requirement
最低自留留成retention minimum
最低规划时限the minimum planning horizon
最低计货量minimum ordering quantity
最低计费金额minimum fee chargeable
最低订货量threshold point ordering
最低认捐额minimum subscription
最低认股额minimum subscription
最低费用minimum charge (per B/L)
最低资产minimum assets
最低资源成本the minimal resource cost
最低资源成本minimal resource cost
最低运费freeze rate
最低运费提单the minimum bill of lading
西欧共同市场的进口家禽规定的最低进口价the sluice-gate price
最低销售价minimum sales price
最低限价制度floor price system
最低限度at the least
最低限度zero norm
最低限度minimum margin
最低限度准备minimum reserve
最低限度准备法minimum reserve method
最低限度协议threshold agreement
最低限度原则minimum principle
最低限度工资minimum wage
最低限度年金付款minimum number of annuity payment
最低限度的生活费bare subsistence
最低限额the nil norm
最低限额zero norm
最低需要minimum requirements
最低预期回报率cut-off rate of return
最低预期资本回收率hurdle rate
最低额运费freight in full
最低黄金准备金比例minimum ratio of gold reserve
最低黄金准备额minimum ratio of gold reserve (比例)
最高最低税率maximum and minimum tariff (system, 制)
有利的最低生产minimum viable production
最低递盘者the second lowest bidder
欧共体市场对家禽规定的最低进口价sluice-gate price
每年最低提成款minimum annual royalty
每年最低数量annual minimum number
汇兑最低限度inferior limit of exchange
汇率的最低the floor exchange rate
法定最低公积金legal minimum reserve
法定官方最低利率official minimum rate
法定最低资本额minimal capital required by law
法定的最低黄金储备official stipulation on their minimum gold reserves
独占性竞争未能做到最低平均成本monopolistic competition failure to attain lowest average cost
现金最低余额minimum cash balance
生产要素的最低成本least factor-costs for producing
生产要素的最低成本least factor costs
生存和繁荣必要的最低利润minimum profit needed for the survival and prosperity
生活最低minimum of subsistence
积累最低minimum accumulation level
税收优惠的最低minimum tax on tax preferences
维持最低限度生活的工资subsistence wage
维持生活的最低工资subsistence wages
行情下降至最低the bottom falling
补偿性最低应存款compensating balances
规定的最低specified minimum
规定的最低the specified minimum
请就下列各项开报包含我方3%佣金在内的旧金山到岸最低Please quote your lowest prices CIF San Francisco for each of the items below, inclusive of our 3% commission (成本、保险费加运费)
请报最低Please quote the keen est prices
请报你方最低价并注明装船日期及可供数量Please let us know your low quotation with the date of shipment and quantity available
调整调高最低生活费cost-of-living adjustment
资金最低标准minimum funding standard
达到最低touch the bottom
达到最低touch bottom
运输成本最低the minimization of transportation cost
这是最低This is the rock-bottom price
这是我们的最低价,不能再减了This is our lowest price, we are unable to reduce it any more
这是我公司的最低This is our rock bottom price
这是我方最低价格。协议能否达成取决于你方This is our rock-bottom price. Whether the agreement can be reached or not rests with you
预定的最低收益报酬minimum reserved rate of return
预定的最低收益率minimum reserved rate of return
高需求与最低生产成本的原理principle of high demand & the lowest production cost