
Terms for subject Desert science containing 最低 | all forms | in specified order only
最低annual minimum
最低需要量Minimum daily requirement
最低低潮位minimum low tidal stage
最低低潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum low tidal stage
最低储备minimum reserve
最低容许收益率minimum acceptable rate of return
最低径流量minimum streamflow
最低成本路径least-cost path
最低气温minimum air temperature
最低气温日期date of minimum air temperature
最低气温注解码remark code of minimum air temperature
最低水位minimum water level
最低水位minimum stage
最低水位日期date of minimum stage
最低水位注解码remark code of date of minimum stage
最低水流subsistence flows
最低水温minimum water temperature
最低水温日期date of minimum water temperature
最低水温注解码remark code of minimum water temperature
最低温度lowest temperature
最低温度表minimum thermometer
最低生活水平subsistence level
最低结果minimum event
最低草温grass minimum temperature
最低草温表grass minimum thermometer
最低高潮位minimum high tidal stage
最低高潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum high tidal stage
最高最低温度表maximum and minimum thermometer
最高低潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum low tidal stage
月平均最低温度mean monthly minimum temperature
河流最低侵蚀面base level of stream