
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
新世Upper Pleistocene
新世〔统]Lower Pleistocene
新世Middle Pleistocene
交错新过程alternating renewal process
保养、修理和maintenance, repairs and replacements
修理、评估、维护和repair, evaluation, maintenance, and rehabilitation
full renovation
全新世或近代新世Holocene or Recent Pleistocene
噪声规范曲线noise criterion curves, alternate
土地登记change land registration
土地登记alterant land registration
地籍调查conversional cadastral survey
新资源renewable resources
国际日期变线calendar line
有关图纸改的先期通知advance drawing change notice
土地使用权变change of land-use right
土地利用变调查survey of land utilization variations
土地权利变 change of land right
地籍renewal of the cadastre
地籍图renewal of cadastral map
新的与可新的能源new and renewable sources of energy
新资源技术信息系统renewable resources technical information system
正登记recertification of initial registration
迭烃类alternate hydrocarbons
沸洛里-惠斯稀溶液理论的热力学常数thermodynamic constant of Flory-Huggins dilute solution theory
英联邦地区性可新能源信息系统Commonwealth Regional Renewable Energy Resources Information Systems
计划程序改批示program change directive
运行、维修和operation, maintenance, and replacement
马尔可夫新模型Markov Renewal Model