
Terms for subject Business containing 更正 | all forms | in specified order only
更正no correction
净收益更正net income correction
凭证更正revision of documents
划线更正correction by drawing a straight line
前年度折旧更正correction of prior year's depreciation
前年度收益更正correction of prior year's earnings
发报人更正correction from sender
如有错误有权更正error excepted
对下列各项更正correction to follow
差错更正凭单adjustment voucher to effect correction of errors
所得税款更正reassessment of income tax
更正make over
更正分录correcting entry
更正报关adjustment entry
更正corrector method
更正记账凭证correction voucher
更正通知advice of correction
更正错误correction of error
更正correction item
申请更正asking for correction
税收更正reassessment of taxes
红字更正correction by using red ink
误差更正error correction
误差更正error correcting
误差更正correction of errors
误差已更正error corrected
随后更正subject to correction
随后更正correction to follow
需要更正correction required