
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
供销要价线offer curve
光滑线smooth curve
出价线offer curve
可用年限线probable-life curve
买卖的契约线contract curve
对称线symmetrical curve
就案件的是非直作出判决decide on upon the merits (of the claim)
常态线normal curve
常态概率线normal probability curve
常态次数线normal frequency curve
平均抽验质量线average outgoing quality curves
及凹陷bending and denting
J 形线J-shaped curve
拖后线legging curve
按案情是非直判决determine the case upon its merit
无差别线indifference curve
行情折下降irregularly lower
折下降irregularly lower
次数线frequency curve
次数线的交叉overlapping of frequency curve
生产能力线production possibility curve
等值线或等成本线isocost curve
菲利普线phillips curve
营运特性线operating-characteristic curve
线Angular Curve
距限线zone curve
高斯线Gaussian curve
霉毒素托收险aflatoxin risks