
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
不稳定的短基金volatile short-term fund
为等候进入戏院而时停留的面积hold-out area
任务task suspension
供电load throw off
供电load rejection
动态驻组合区dynamical transient pool area
动态驻组合区dynamic transient pool area
住的房间occupiable room
国家行一级和二级标准national interim primary and secondary standard
国家行初级饮用水基本规程条例National Interim Primary Water Regulations
国家一级饮用水行法令National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations
基建记账construction suspense account
外汇管理行条例provisional regulations for exchange control
实际驻存储区physical transient area
对外经济开发区环境管理行规定Provisional Regulations on Environmental Administration in Open Areas
工程works suspension
应急设建筑物emergency temporary construction
延迟或时存储delay or temporary storage
建设用地计划管理行办法Temporary Statute of Plan Administrating Land-use for Construction
执照时吊销或扣押licence suspended
报告环境污染与破坏事故的行办法Provisional Regulations for Reporting Accidents of Environmental Pollution and Damage
持续的时停工prolonged suspension
携带物存室heck room
携带物存室cloak room
放射性时平衡radioactive transient equilibrium
数据时存储区temporary area
不能利用储量usable-in future reserves
不能利用储量transient unusable reserves
on account
付款temporary payment (项)
付款suspense debt
付款on-account payment
付款interim payment
付款账户suspense payment account
付款项suspense debit
interim estimate
住人口transient population
住性旅馆transient hotel
保收据binding receipt
借款day-to-day money
停交易trading suspended
停工作状态pause mode
停按钮pause button
停支付suspend payment
停服务out of service
停状态pause status
停状态halted state
停的交通standing traffic
停营业temporary cessation of business
停输入/输出pause input/output
停钻井suspending a well
停驾驶执照suspension of driver's license
temporary storage area
养水池holding tank
准建筑物tolerated structure
存储区working area
存剩余磁化强度temporary magnetization
存区working storage section
存器temporary register
存器working storage
存器working memory
存器temporary storage
存器temporary memory
存工作控制stacked job control
存带分类tape scratch sort
存款temporary deposit
存段working storage section
存节working storage section
存阵列temporary storage array
tentative (的)
定厂址tentative site
定发票pro forma invoice
定坝址tentative site
定契约ad referendum contract
定总金额provision sum
定成本provisional cost
定指标preliminary specification
定按金initial margin
定按金indicated deposit
定换地provisional replotting
定数据tentation data
定方法provisional method
定权provisional weight
定港址tentative site
定的发货单pro forma invoice
定股利interim dividend
定船位tentative booking
定船名ambiguous name of ship
定资源conditional resource
定金额provisional sum
定金额支付payment against provision
定项目provisional item
居地段accommodation area
transient state
态反馈transient feedback
态发电机transient generator
态响应transitional response
态响应transition response
态X射线源transient X-ray source
态性故障transient-cause forced outage
态振动transient vibration
态效应transient effect
态法transient method
态波动transient swing
态温度transient state temperature
态特性transient behaviour
态特性transient behavior
态稳定储备余量transient stability margin
态稳定储备系数transient stability margin
态误差transient error
态转差系数momentary speed droop
态转速变化momentary speed variation
态过程曲线recovery curve
态运动transient motion
收款temporary credit
收款suspense receipt
收款suspense credit
收款advance received
收款账户suspense receipt account
收款账户advance received account
时估价provisional evaluation
时估价provisional estimate
时估价:暂时估计interim estimate
时估算provisional evaluation
时估算provisional estimate
时估算interim estimate
时估计provisional evaluation
时估计provisional estimate
时侵占temporary encroachment (堆放施工材料)
时停工命令order to suspend
时停工情况下的支付payment in event of suspension
时停工的费用cost of suspension
时停用文件scratch file
时停钻的井shut-down well
时储temporary storage
时储temporary storage
时关闭temporary close
时冷凝temporary condensation
时凋萎temporary wilting
时分解transitory decomposition
时分配temporary assignment
时区temporary area
时单元temporary location
时压力transit pressure
时压力transit pressing
时压力transit press
时压载temporary ballast
时变化transitory variation
时变稠transient thickening
时合伙temporary partnership
时含水层temporary water-bearing layer
时吸收水temporally absorbed water
时因素short-term factor
时固定fir fixed
时图像显示temporary pictorial display
时地下水面temporary ground water-table
时均衡temporary equilibrium
时基准面temporary base level
时堆积区transient accumulation area
时堵塞temporary plugging
时堵塞temporary plug
时存储temporary storage
时存储intermediate memory
时存款sundry credit
时定形temporary set
时工作区transit working area
时干枯temporary wilting
时干涸temporary extinction
时平衡transient equilibrium
时库容temporary storage
时应力temporary stress
时应变temporary strain
时影响temporary influence
时性停车处reservoir parking spaces
时性充填temporary filling
时性听力缺损temporary hearing defect
时性旅馆transient hotel
时性止水temporary water sealing
时性洪流temporary torrent
时性流水temporary water flow
时性流水temporary current
时性浮游生物temporary plankton
时性渗漏temporary leakage
时性补给temporary recharge
时性衬砌emergency lining support
时性阈移temporary threshold shift
时批准interim authorization
成框架或桁架时拼装fir fixed
时接地swinging earth
时措施interim measure
时搬迁temporary relocation
时数据集temporary data set
时条款temporary provisions
时毒物temporary poison
时水位temporary water table
时泉temporary spring
时消融区transient ablation area
时液化temporary liquefaction
时渠temporary canal
时滞水perched temporary ground water
时演替顶极temporary climax
时熄火temporarily extinguished
时燃料temporary fuel
时状态momentary state
时状态transition condition
时状态interim status
时现象transient phenomenon
时生境temporary habitat
时生物transient biont
时电流extra current
时的变化temporal variation
时的变化provisional variation
时硬度carbonate hardness
时硬度transient hardness
时磁体temporary magnet
时磁体soft magnet
时磁化temporary magnetization
时磁性temporary magnetism
时禁猎区temporary hunting prohibited area
时程序库temporary library
时稠化transient thickening
时稳定temporary stability
时稳定平衡metastable equilibrium
时紧固temporary tightening
时组合法interim combination technique
时结合temporary joint
时缺货temporarily out of stock
时膨胀temporary expansion
时自动记录器transient self-recorder
时自动记录器transient recorder
时荷载temporary loading
时荷载temporary load
时表形显示temporary tabular display
时装置stopgap unit
时装置品temporary fixture
时解雇lay off
时解雇率lay off rate
时调整temporary adjustment
时贷款cash credit
时趋同temporary convergence
时适应temporary adaptation
时逻辑转出logical roll-out
时逻辑转出logic roll-out
时铺设temporary laying
时错误temporary error
时阀temporary valve
时阈移temporary threshold shift
时限速temporary speed restriction
时雪线temporary snow-line
时雪线temporary firn-limit
时顶极群落temporary climax
时项transient term
时预支temporary advance
时黏合temporary adhesion
tack welding
tack weld
现X射线源transient X-ray source
生境temporary habitat
用中继线intercept trunk
用数据tentation data
用方法temporary method
用程序transient programme
用程序transient program
用罩冠temporary crown
用联轴节dummy coupling
用跑道temporary runway
留人口transient population
留点holding point
硬水temporary hard water
硬水temporary hard water
缓勘探transient stop exploration
行一星期容许摄取量provisional weekly tolerance intake
行准则tentative criterion
行初级饮用水规程interim primary drinking water regulations
行办法makeshift method
行办法interim procedure
行协定modus vivendi
行合约conditional contract
行基本规则interim primary regulation
行处理指南interim treatment guide
行技术规程tentative technical specification
行技术规范tentative technical specification
行措施interim means
行方法tentative method
行方法temporary method
行最大允许含量temporary tolerance
行条例tentative provisions
行条款conditional clause
行标准interim criterion
行每日容许摄入量temporary acceptable daily intake
行法规interim primary regulation
行状态suspended state
行程序tentative routine
行程序tentative programme
行程序tentative program
行规定tentative provisions
行规定tentative specification
行规定interim provisions
行规格tentative specification
行规程tentative specification
行规范tentative code
行规范interim specification
行食品最大允许含量temporary food tolerance
记借项suspense debit
记待结转账户clearing account
记时间memory time
记欠款temporary advance and sundry debtor
记账suspense account (户)
记贷项suspense credit
记资本账户temporary proprietorship account
记预支temporary advance
设住宅temporary dwelling
设工程temporary work
设工程temporary works
设工程材料损耗temporary material expenses
设工程用材料temporary material
设工程费temporary works penses
设建筑物temporary building
设性围墙temporary enclosure
设数据tentative data
设数据tentation data
设构筑物temporary construction
焊机的载率duty cycle
焊机的载率utilization factor
焊机的载率arcing time factor
进丧失工作能力temporary disability
working fastening
隐与再现status change
驻存储区transient storage area
驻存储区transient area
驻目录transient directory
驻程序库transient library
月球现现象transient lunar phenomenon
服务查询service-seeking pause
查找服务service-seeking pause
柱塞运动停机构plunger stop
正文时延迟temporary text delay
民用机场管理行规定Provisional Rules on Administration of Civil Airports
沉积停期sedimentary diastem
燃油税行条例the Interim Regulations on the Fuel Oil Tax
瞬态分析器态分析仪transient analyzer
余辉屏low-persistence screen
保持方式short-hold mode
停车live parking
情境障碍transient situational disturbance
水洗brief wash
temporary current
浸洗brief dip-wash
溶剂fugitive flux
ephemeral fever
现象short-lived phenomenon
的春夏两季气候climate during brief spring and summer
的湖evanescent lake
示踪物short-lived tracer
缓冲short-term buffering
脉冲short-term pulse
荷载short-term loading
荷载short-term load
连续荷载short-continued load
连续静载short-continued static load
静载short-term static load
矿产资源监督管理行办法Temporary Statute of Supervision and Management of mineral resources
碱性时硬度alkaline temporary hardness
租房shack up
程序时固定programme temporary fix
程序时固定program temporary fix
窝洞封剂cavity temporary sealant
管理程序驻区supervisor transient area
美国环境保护局国家一级饮用水行标准National Interim Primary Drinking Water Standards of USEPA
自动控制态分析automatic control transient analysis
自然态稳定极限natural transient stability limit
节约能源隔离行条例Provisional Regulations on Administration of Energy Saving
视党留图像after image
视觉persistence of vision
货物存费charges for goods keeping temporarily
车辆standing of vehicle
运送混凝土小车用设脚手架cart way
项目project suspension
wind lull
风景名胜区管理行条例Temporary Regulations of Management for Famous Historic Sites and Scenic Spots
高速存存储器scratch-pad storage
高速存存储器scratch-pad memory