
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
传真机效应、免费软件的升级规则、还有分布式能的力量、都是正在兴起的网络经济的一部分The Fax Effect, the rule of freeware upgrade, and the power of distributed intelligence are all part of an emerging network economics
加强能磁盘设备enhanced IDE
千兆位以太网需要第三代适配器、具有板上装有完成能的、专为主机提供卸载功能的精简指令集处理器Gigabit Ethernet requires third-generation adapters featuring onboard reduced instruction set computing processors that perform intelligent, host-specific off-load functions
之举莫过于使用一个移动硬盘对日常数据进行备份It is sensible that backup the data with a removable disk
力财产intellectual property right
力资本intellect capital
能机器人knowledge robot
能系统knowledge-base system
能资本intellectual capital
能输人/输出intelligent Input/Output
能输人/输出设备Intelligent Input/Output
美国美管理顾问公司Mercer Management Consulting
财产是力的产物、其追逐者需要的是清醒的头脑、准确的推理、敏捷的反应和必要的耐心Property is an intellectual production. The game requires coolness, right reasoning, promptness, and patience in the players
这些技术一般使用专家系统或具有人工能的成分Those technologies typically employ an expert system or have an artificial intelligence component
商企业knowledge-intensive enterprise