
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
仿artificial intelligence
国民力测验national intelligence test
工厂能化intellectualization of factory
开发力资源tap intellectual resources
我们的市场分析预测能防盗门的市场很活跃,因此我们成功的概率也比较大Our market analysis has predicted an active market for the intelligent anti-theft locks. I'm sure we stand a fair chance to win
才能或力口试verbal aptitude or intelligence tests
政策sound policy
human capacity
mental faculties
mental capacity
力不足mental subnormality
力作品work of mind
力作品intellectual works
力创作mental creation
力密集型高技术产品intelligence-intensive high-tech products
力工作者intellectual worker
力开发development of intellectual resources
力开发公司intelligence office
力开发投资investment in the development of talent
力投资investment in brains
力提高intellectual growth
力测验mental test
力测验test for mentality
力测验intelligence tests
力缺陷defective in intelligence
力资格mental competence
intelligent quotient
商测验cognitive abilities test
囊团brainstorming trust
囊团talent bank
囊团think tank (factory)
囊团think group
囊团privy council
囊班子think factory
intellectual differences
mental faculties
mental aptitude
能专家knowledge professional
能业Intelligent Enterprise
能企业intelligent enterprise
能企业intelligence enterprise
能化生产系统intellectualized production system
能工业brain industry
能工程学knowledge engineering
能年龄mental age
能机intelligent machine
能测验mental aptitude test
能电传打字机intelligent teletype writer
能组织knowledge organization
能计算机系统intelligent computer system
能集成制造系统intelligent integrated manufacturing system
机器人力问题problem of machine minding
生物能机biological intelligent machine
社会力投资social intelligence investment
群众暴会议group brainstorming session
群体能结构intellectual group structure
多谋的人man of resources