
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上市通股public common stock
与标公司的差异difference from S&P
中型股标指数存托凭证MidCap SPDR
二级通股secondary common stock
人民币通股A stock
人民币通股A share
通合伙人的身份投资investing as common partner
优先股转为通股的资本capital from conversion of preferred stock to common stock
全部通股指数all ordinaries index
公司通股权equity of a company
净收益对流通通股比率ratio of net income to outstanding common stock
通股common stock equivalent
分散化通股基金diversified common stock fund
分类通股classified common stock
双重通股dual-class common stock
可回售通股puttable common stock
可赎回的通股callable common stock
后取通股deferred ordinary share
向买方出售的通股common stock sold to buyer
向第三方出售的通股common stock sold to third party
基准Sharpe benchmark
大盘股风险调整收益指数Sharpe risk-adjusted return ratio on Large Stocks
指数Sharpe index
比率表示基金的业绩,指通过调整证券组合风险后的回报Sharpe ratio
风险调整收益Sharpe risk adjusted return
风险调整收益率Sharpe risk adjusted return ratio
多样化通股基金diversified common stock fund
多样化通股投资公司diversified common stock company
奥蒂拉诺式期权Altiplano option
安特卫证券交易所比利时Antwerp Stock Exchange
对子公司优先股及通股控股holding of subsidiary preferred and common stock
当量通股equivalent common stock
悉尼所有通股指数Sydney All Ordinaries Share Index
拍卖程序的遍性popularity of auction procedures
按夏指数by Sharpe ratio
华永道会计师事务所Price Waterhouse Coopers
恩证券交易所印度Pune Stock Exchange
惠制政策generalized system/scheme of preferences
通专业经纪商regular specialist
通交易vanilla transaction
通企业common enterprise
通信托common law trust
通信用担保债券general obligation bond
通信用证general L/C
通信贷general credit
通债券plain vanilla bond
通债券债务general bonded debt
通债券偿债基金general bonded debt fund
通债券基金general bond fund
通债务证券general obligation securities
通公债利息interest on the general government debt
通划线支票general crossed cheque
通利润率general rate of profit
通合伙企业ordinary partnership
通合伙关系general partnership
通因素common factor
通固定利率plain vanilla fixed rate
通型债券vanilla bond
通增资general capital increase
通执行期权normal exercise option
通投票法ordinary voting
通投资风格指数generic-investment-style indices
通抵押puisne mortgage
通抵押general mortgage
通担保general collateral
通损益ordinary gain and loss
通支票open check/cheque
通收人ordinary revenue
通收人general revenue
通有限税收担保债券limited tax general obligation bond
通期货plain vanilla
通期货掉期plain vanilla swap
通条款generic term
通条款general conditions
通欧元债券Euro straight bond
通法信托common law trust
通法商业信托common law business trust
通法表决common-law voting
通清算general winding-up
通清算股本common liquidating equity
通现金报价general cash offer
通管理信托general management trust
通结算参与者general clearing participant
通缺口common gap (区域缺口)
通缺口area gap
通股junior stock
通股capital stock
通股common stock (CS)
通股与债券互换debt exchangeable for common stock
通股净收益net gain for common stock
通股净收益net for common stock
通股回报率rate of return on common stock
通股基金common stock fund
通股市场common stock market
通股息common dividend
通股持有者common stock holder
通股指数common stock index
通股收益yield on common stock
通股收益return on common equity
通股期权计划common shares option scheme
通股本common equity
通股本回报return on common equity
通股本清算价值common equity liquidating value
通股权益common stock equity
通股每股盈利earnings per share of common share
通股每股账面价值book value of per common stock
通股票community stock
通股票担保账户/抵押股份账户general stock collateral account
通股票持有人ordinary shareholder
通股种类type of common stock
通股类型type of common stock
通股股东stockholders in common stocks
通股股东权益common stockholders' equity
通股股权common equity
通认沽期权vanilla put option
通认购期权vanilla call option
通责任专门评估债券general obligation special assessment bonds
通责任证券general obligation securities
通账户regular account
通账户ordinary account
通贴水ordinary discount
通贷款normal credit trenches
通资产ordinary asset
通资本股common capital stock
通跳空common gap
通金融衍生工具plain vanilla
遍增加across-the-board increase
遍担忧widespread fears
遍浮动general floating
替代标准尔500指数as alternative to S&P 500
未发行的通股unissued common stock
杠杆收购与公司通贷款对比LBO versus ordinary corporate loan
中型股400指数S&P Midcap 400 index
信用评级S&P rating
信用评级S&P credit rating
债务基本评级Standard and Poor's underlying rating
全球1200指数S&P global 1200 index
全球100指数S&P global 100 index
创业板指数S&P P GME Index
存托凭证Spider, Standard & Poofs depository receipt
存托凭证Spider (SPDR)
500指数基金S&P 500 index fund
500指数次级票据SPINs (Standard & Poor's 500 Index Subordinated Notes 的缩写)
推荐资产配置S&P recommended asset allocation
普通股排名S&P common stock ranking
每股收益估价S&P EPS estimate
标准信用评级公司Standard and Poor'sS&P
标准尔 CNX 轻巧指数印度S&P CNX Nifty Index India
标准尔信用评级Standard and Poor's rating
标准尔公司Standard & Poor's
标准尔公司Standard and Poor's corporation
标准尔公司记录Standard and Poor's corporation record
标准尔500加权平均指数Standard and Poor's 500 equal weight index
标准尔存托凭证Standard and Poor's Depository Receipt (SPDR)
标准尔存托凭证Standard&Poor's Depositary Receipts
标准尔小型股600指数S&P small cap 600 index
标准尔指数Standard and Poor's index
标准尔500指数S&P 500 index
标准尔普通股股票价格指数Standard & Poor's common stock index
标准尔现象S&P phenomenon (只要某只证券被纳人标准普尔指数中,很多投资管理人便会把该证券也纳人自己投资组合中,使该证券成交量增加,价格上涨)
标准尔相对实力排名S&P relative strength ranking
标准尔500种股票指数Standard and Poor's 500 index
标准尔500综合股价指数S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index
标准尔500综合股票指数Standard & Poor's 500 composite-stock index
OEX 标准尔100股票指数OEX Standard & Poof's 100 Stock Index
标准通股standard common stock
次级通股junior common stock
次级通股deferred ordinary share
欧洲辛迪加通股指数Eurosyndicate general share index
每股通股净收益net income per common share
流通的通股common shares outstanding
澳大利亚全部通股票指数Australia All Ordinaries Index
相当于通股common stock equivalent
私人通股private common stock
穆迪通股手册Moody's handbook of common stocks
等值通股equivalent common stock
等同通股common stock equivalent
A通股Class A common stock
约克一安特衡规则York-Antwerp Rules
纽约股票交易所通股价格指数New York Stock Exchange common stock index
股利增强的通股dividend enhanced common stock (DECS)
股息增强通股dividend enhanced common stock
股本收益和通收人之间的区别distinction between capital gains and ordinary income
股标准尔指数基金iShares S&P Index Funds i
订购的通股common stock subscribed
认购通股subscription for common stock
贴息通股discount on common stock
共同基金行业平均指数Lipper mutual fund industry average
指数Lipper indexes
金融时报工业通股指数Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index
长期通股预测证券long-term equity anticipation securities
预先认缴通股股款subscription to common capital in advance
香港所有通股指数Hong Kong Stock Exchange All Ordinaries Index