
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
中信标指数信息服务有限公司S & P/CITIC (指数管理公司)
乙类通股class B common stock
优先通股preferred ordinary share
优先股和通股both preference and ordinary shares
优化型通寿险enhanced ordinary life policy
估计发入与实际岁入合并表一通基金与特种岁入基金combined statement of revenue estimated and actual general and special revenue funds
信任遍缺失pervasive mistrust
净收益与实发通股本比率ratio of net income to outstanding common stock
可卖还通股putable common stock
因债务转资本而发行的通股股数number of ordinary shares issued as a result of conversion of debt to capital
国际货币基金组织通信贷份额IMF normal credit tranches
在外通股加权平均数weighted average number of ordinary shares issued to the public
垫付通基金款项充作预算支出advance to general fund to finance budgetary expenditure
比率Sharp ratio (又称"回报-标准差比率 (reward-to-variability ratio)",是由诺贝尔奖获得者、美国著名金融学家威廉•夏普 (William F. Sharpe)开发的一种测算收益率和市场波动性之间关系的指标)
多元化通股资金diversified common stock fund
多栏式通日记账multicolumn general journal
已认购通股common on stock subscribed
1985-2002年在林斯顿大学经济系任教,曾担任经济学系主任Ben Shalom Bernanke
应收通股认购股款subscriptions receivable, common
应收通股认购股款subscription receivable, common
当期通股平均市场价格average market price of ordinary shares in the current period
当期回购的通股股数number of ordinary shares repurchased in the current period
当期新发行的通股股数number of shares newly issued in the current period
控股子公闵优先及通股本holdings of subsidiary's preferred and common stock
推动建立均衡、惠、共赢的多边贸易体制promote the establishment of a balanced and win-win for the multilateral trading system
Pula (Botswana)
通业务费用general operating costs
通业务费用general operating expenses
通互换generic swap
通会计学general accounting
通保单exchange policy
通保险条款general conditions
通信托ordinary trust
通信托general trust
通信托基金general trust fund
通信用证general letter of credit
通借款ordinary loan
通债券ordinary bond
通债券common bond
通公务支出与经费预算合并比较表一普通与特种岁入基金combined statement of general governmental expenditures compared with authorizations-general and special revenue funds
通公司债ordinary corporate bonds
通分录journal entry
通分录簿ordinal journal
通划线支票general crossed check
通利息折旧法general-interest depreciation method
通固定资产组帐户general fixed assets group of accounts
通基金存款general fund deposit
通存款general deposit
通存款户regular bank account
通寿险ordinary life insurance
通寿险保单ordinary life policy
通帐务科general accounts section
通年金值amount of an ordinary annuity
通年金的现值present value of an ordinary annuity
通年金的终值amount of an ordinary annuity
通往来open credit
通总帐统制帐户general ledger controlling a/c
通成员ordinary member
通所得ordinary income
通承兑承诺,普通认付不带保留条件的承兑general acceptance
通掉期plain vanilla swap
通提款权ordinary drawing rights
通提款权general drawing rights
通支票open check (cheque)
通日记帐ordinal journal
通日记帐general journal
通日记帐分录general journal entry
通期权plain vanilla option
通权证plain vanilla warrant
通横线支票general crossed check
通流动基金general current funds
通消费价格指数ordinary consumer price index
通现金簿general cash book
通用款general fund
通留置权general lien
通盈余general surplus
通盈余准备general reserve
通管理费用general administration expense
通簿籍general records
通终身保险ordinary life policy
通缺口common gap
通股community stock
通股common stock (ordinary share)
通股东权益common stockholders equity
通股东权益报酬率rate of return on common stockholders equity
通股价值最大化maximization of value of common stock
通股利ordinary dividend
通股对风险加权资产之比ratio of common equity to risk-weighted assets
通股折价discount on common stock
通股折价帐discount on common stock account
通股收益率yield on common stock
通股本ordinary share capital
通股本ordinary capital
通股权收益率return on common equity
通股权益报酬率rate of return on common stock equity
通股每股净收益net income per share of common stock
通股每股收益earnings per common share
通股每股现金流量cash flow per common share
通股每股账面价值book value per share of common stock
通股票common stock (ordinary share)
通股股东权益收益率return on common stockholder's equity
通股股利common stock dividend
通股股息dividend on common stock
通股股票价格指数common stock index
通股设定价值stated value of common stock
通股账面价值book value of common stock
通责任之债券general obligation bond
通账户common account
通货币债券common money bond
通资产general asset
通资金信托general fund trust
通遗赠general legacy
通长期债券general long-term debt
通长期负债类帐户general long-term debt group of accounts
通间接人工工资general indirect labor
通险ordinary insurance
通项目general item
遍回升broad-based recovery
有否决权通股voting share of common stock
中盘股 400指数S & P MidCap 400 Index
全球 200指数S & P Global 1200 Index
全球 100 指数S & P Global 100 Index
公允价值排名S & P fair value ranking
创业板指数S & P GEM Index
/国际金融公司指数S & P/IFCI (由国际金融公司编纂的可投资的新兴市场股票指数)
/多伦多证交所指数S & P/TSX Index
/多伦多证交所60指数S & P/TSX 60 Index
/多伦多证交所600指数参与+C1786 单位S & P/TSX 60 Index participation unit
小型 600 指数S & P Smallcap 600 Index
投资政策委员会S & P Investment Policy Committee
500指数基金S & P 500 Index fund
推荐资产配置S & P recommended asset allocation
普通股排名S & P common stock ranking
每股收益评估S & P EPS estimate
澳交所100指数S & P SAX 100 Index
现象S & P phenomenon
相对强弱排名S & P relative strength rank
评级S & P rating
高盛商品指数S & P GSCI
标准尔公司Standard & Poor's Corporation (美国著名的统计服务和评级公司,创始于1860 年)
标准尔合格境内机构投资者系列指数Standard & Poor's QDII Indices
标准尔存托凭证Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts
标准尔100指数Standard & Poor's 100 Index
标准尔指数Standard & Poor's Index
标准尔普通股指数Standard & Poor's Common Stock Index
标准尔500种股份指数S & P 500 Index
标准尔500综合股价指数Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index
标准尔股价指数Standard & Poor's Stock Price Index
标准尔500股指S & P 500 (美国股票市场的主要股票指数之一,是一种按成分股的市值(即公司发行股票的数量乘以股票的市场价格而得)进行加权计算的指数)
标准尔股票指数Standard & Poor's Stock Index
标准尔500股票指数Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index (美国标准普尔公司编制和发布的、反映美国股票市场行情变动的股票价格加权平均指数)
标准尔评级Standard & Poor's rating
标准尔评级公司Standard & Poor's (简称"标普公司",是著名的美国信用评级机构,该公司对借款人信用的评价受到资本市场的广泛关注,并可影响债券的价格和借贷成本)
标准尔/香港交易所中型股25指数S & P/HKEx MidCap 25
标准尔/香港交易所创业板指数S & P/HKEx GEM
标准尔/香港交易所大型股指数S & P/HKEx LargeCap
标准尔/香港交易所小型股50指数S & P/HKEx SmallCap 50
标准尔/香港交易所综合指数S & P/HKEx Composite
标准和尔公司S&P (简称"标普公司",美国著名的信用评级机构)
次级通股计划junior common stock plan
通股账面价值book value per common
约当通股common stock equivalents
美国标准尔500指数American S&P 500
美国证券库斯号码CUSIP number
老挝新基New Kip (Laos)
联合成本及通分类帐combined cost and general ledger
认缴通股款subscription to common capital stock
认缴通股股款subscription to common capital stock
阿默莱斯金融Ameriprise Financial (一家专门为客户提供财务规划、金融产品和服务的金融公司,其前身是成立于1894年的美国运通金融公司,2005年9月改为现名,总部设在明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯,服务地区主要在美国,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第409位)
雷维斯•瑞斯顿Lewis Preston (美国人,1991年9月至1995年5月期间担任世界银行第八任行长)
莫桑比克托证券交易所Maputo Stock Exchange