
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一体化integrated census
两次査之间的年份inter-census year
美国临时岀口通许可证general license
人 口demographic census
人口查日census day
人口查调査表census questionnaire
人口census of population
人口査日census day
人口査的家庭census family
人口全面general census
价格遍低prices ruled low
价格遍高prices ruled high
优先通股票the preferred ordinary share
作为通剩余报酬的出租rent as generalized surplus return
全国人口national census
全面general census
关税通优惠制general preferential duties system
农业agriculture census
农业人口an agriculture census
净收益与实发通股比率ratio of net income to outstanding common stocks
各行各业盛衰盈亏的分配census of distribution
制造业census of manafacturing industries
国内通票据inland note
在美展出或贸易展销会进口货物通许可证general license
基金通账户Funds General Account
美国多边出口控制统筹委员会通许可证general license G-COCOM
美国安全通许可证general license safeguards
家庭family census
对于新到的一批货,我们需要遍优惠制产地证明一份For the new consignment we need a GSP Certificate of Origin
对子公司优先股和通股的控制holding of subsidiary's preferred and common stock
已认购通股common stock subscribed
美国标准线规布朗一夏线规Brown and Sharpe Wire Gauge
布朗一夏线规Brown and Sharpe Gauge
美国布朗一夏线规Brown and Sharp wire gauge
年度annual general inspection
应收通股认股款subscriptions receivable common
延期付息通股票deferred ordinary (share)
快速quick census
快速quick census
我们注意到目前有一种向内地市场销售的遍倾向We notice a general trend to sell to inland market
美国技术数据有限出口通许可证general license GTDA
效度的遍原则validity generalization
货币名,老挝新基New Kip
通利息no common interest
美国无需有效许可证运货到目的地通许可证general license G-DEST
及及协定税则general and conventional tariff
及版本omnibus book
pul (阿富汗辅币)
尔门式火车卧车pullman car (或客车)
尔门式火车卧车pullman (或客车)
odd-job worker
惠制generalized system of preference
林索Plimsoll (Samuel, 1824-1898, 英国政治家及船运改革者)
general census
查表census list
查资料data census
the reconnaissance survey
general investigation
reconnaissance survey
査表census schedule
査表census questionnaire
査规则census regulation
査问卷census questionnaire
苏:16. 38076 公斤,波兰:16. 3296公斤pood
罗曼先生是该合资公司总经理Mr. Plotman is the managing director of the joint company
特别背书general special endorsement
通上等商品good ordinary brand
通与标准项目common and standard item
通交易regular way
通产品article of average quality
通价格an ordinary rate
通价格原费率ordinary rate
通会计人员a general accountant
通信函private letter
通公积金general reserve
通关税general tariff
通关税general duties
通分类账an ordinal journal
通划线general crossing (of a check)
通利润率ordinary rate of profit
通劳动the unskilled labour
通劳埃德条件usual Lloyd's condition
通印章common seal
通参加条款general participation clause
通发票a plain invoice
通合伙the society in participation
通合伙人应按他们的投资的比例来分享纯利余额The general partners should share the balance of the net profits in the proportion of their investment
通合股公司ordinary partnership
通品usual quality
通品ordinary quality
通商业交易arm's length deal
通商品ordinary goods
美国通商店convenience store
通定货仓库general order warehouse
通家庭average family
通年金the regular annuity
通年金ordinary life annuity
通年金ordinary annuity
通年金总值amount of an ordinary annuity
通总账统制账户general ledger controlling a/c
通成员rank and file employees
通成本分配split a common cost
通拨款recurring appropriation
通提单clean bill of lading
通提款权general drawing right
通支票an uncrossed cheque
通收入general revenue
通x-效率理论general x-efficiency theory
通日记账an ordinal journal
通日记账a proper journal
通日记账general journal (簿)
通格图纸ordinary graph paper
支票通横线general crossing (of a check)
通水平ordinary level
通法general law
通法common law
通法信贷common law trust
通法院判例法common-law courts made law
通消费税general excise
通生产过剩universal overproduction
通用general use
通电ordinary telegram
通电报ordinary cable
通的租赁至少包含两个方面,即承租人和出租人An ordinary lease consists of at least two parties i.e. lessee and lessor
通破损ordinary breakage
通票据promissory note
通税率normal tariff
通税率general tariff rate
通竞卖法ordinary auction
通等级general schedule
通终身寿险保单ordinary life policy
通股ordinary share (票)
通股common share (stock)
通股common capital stock
通股东an active partner
通股东ordinary partner (合伙人)
通股东common stockholder
通股利common dividends
通股本equity share capital
通股本capital stock-common
通股每股收益earning per share of common stock
通股票common share
通股票ordinary share
通股股本common equity
通股股票ordinary share
通讨价还价arm's length bargaining
美国通许可证general license GCT
美国通许可证general license
通负担特赋债券general obligation special assessment bonds
通财common goods
通货物the slow goods
通货物common goods
通货物general freight
通货物ordinary goods
通货物站general freight station
通货物运价general cargo rate
通货船conventional ship (vessel)
通贷款a simple loan
通贷款simple loan
通资金拨款账户general fund appropriation accounts
通资金收入账户general fund receipt accounts
通资金账户general fund accounts
通运输业者common carrier
通进口商品general imports
通长期债务本息账类general long-term debt and interest group of accounts
通间接劳动general indirect labour
通间接工资general indirect labour
通项general term
通项目ordinary items
通预算ordinary budget
通预算外资源conventional extra-budgetary resourses
遍优惠关税制度generalized system of preferential tariff treatment
遍优惠关税计划general preference scheme
遍优惠制general system of preference
遍优惠制原产地证general system of preference certificate of origin
遍优惠计划general scheme of preference
遍信托基金general trust fund
遍关税优惠general tariff preference
遍医疗保险计划universal health insurance scheme
S.N. C.法国、卢森堡的遍合伙公司Societe en Nom Collectiff
遍性原则principles of universality
遍性原则principle of universality
遍性原理principle of universality
遍性、非歧视性、非互惠性待遇general adj., non-discriminatory, non-reciprocal preferential treatment
遍接受性general acceptability
遍的资金缺乏a general scarcity of money
遍规律universal rule
遍贫穷mass poverty
遍适用universal relevance
有投票权的通股voting share of common stock
美国证券标准尔指数Standard and Poor's Index
次等通股dividends ordinary shares
次等通股deferred ordinary shares
没有一项遍性规则是没有例外的Not a rule of generality is without exception
美国海员通许可证general license CREW
熟练劳动与通劳动skilled labour and unskilled labour
美国特定商品退换通许可证general license GLR
现在原料价格遍偏低Prices of raw materials rule low at the moment
生产the census of production
通车运送by freight
目前市场价格遍偏高Prices which are ruling in the market are high now
美国礼品包裹运输通许可证general license GIFT
约克一安特卫共同海损理赔规则York-Antwerp Rules
约克一安特卫共同海损规则York-Antwerp Rules
约克安特卫共同海损理算规则York Antwerp Rules
约克•安特卫规则York-Antwerp Rules (海上保险)
经济Economic Census
美国给合作政府代理人的运输通许可证general license GCG
绝对遍禁止absolute and universal prohibition
美国政府雇员和机构运输通许可证general license
美国自由世界通许可证general license-free world
美国船舶储存通许可证general license ship stores
菲利斯曲线Phillip's curve
菲利斯曲线philips curve
美国行李通许可证general license BAGGAGE
美国转运通许可证general license
违反及原则lack of universality
邓禄•科夫勒克希普管缆股份有限公司Dunlop Coflexip Umbilicals, Ltd.
《金融时报》工商业通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融时报》的工业通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
美国限定价值运输通许可证general license
lepton (希腊辅币)
非互惠非歧视性遍互惠制generalized non-reciprocal, non-discriminatory system of preferences
美国非海上储备通许可证general license
美国飞机临时停留通许可证general license GATS
美国飞机储存通许可证general license plane stores