
Terms for subject Technology containing 普通标准 | all forms
岩层普通水准标石rock ordinary benchmark
普通水准标石ordinary benchmark
普通验收标准general acceptance criterion
普通验收标准general acceptability criterion
标准普通金属开槽锯床standard plain metal-slitting
标准普通铣刀standard plain milling cutter
标准轻中型普通车床standard light and medium duty engine lathe
标准轻型和中型普通车床standard light and medium duty engine lathe
标准重型普通车床standard heavy duty engine lathe
混凝土普通水准标石concrete ordinary benchmark
英国普通水泥标准British Portland cement Standard
螺旋钢管普通水准标石ordinary spiral steel tube benchmark
钢管普通水准标石ordinary steel tube benchmark