
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
上市交的股票transaction of listed stocks
与证券交有关relate to securities trading
与贸有关的投资措施协定Agreements on Trade-Related Investment Measures
世界贸组织the World Trade Organization (WTO)
东南非贸和开发银行PTA 银行 Charter of the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank
中国加入世界贸组织China's entry into the WTO
习惯trade practice
习惯custom of transaction
信息information transaction
内幕insider information of the trading
权利right to dealing
相对人trading counterpart
秩序order of trade
行为activities in trading
行为trade behaviors
记录trade practices
记录customs of transaction
风险准备金trading risk reserve
产权交property right exchange
享有公平交的权利have the right to fair dealing
从事内幕交involved in any insider trading
从最容发生问题的岗位和环节入手start with work positions and links where problems often occur
以外币认购和交subscription or trading of stocks in a foreign currency
优惠贸安排preferential trade arrangement
依法设立的证券交stock exchange as legally established
全国对外贸foreign trade of the entire country
公司债券上市交的公司company whose bonds have been listed for trading
公平交权利right to fair dealing
公平的集中交fair centralized trading
公开的集中交方式means of public and centralized transaction
关于国际纺织品贸安排arrangement regarding international trade in textile
关于实施 1994 年关税与贸总协定第6条的协定反倾销协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
关于实施1994年关税与贸总协定第7条的协定海关估价协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
关联交affiliated transaction
内幕交行为insider trading
农产品进出口贸import and export trade of agricultural products
减少贸摩擦minimize trade friction
利用职务违反交规则violate the trading rule by taking advantage of one's post
加工贸转型升级transform and upgrade the processing trade
半官方的经济和贸机构semi-official economic and trade mission
单笔交single transaction
参与集中交engage in the centralized trading (of securities)
可疑交dubious transaction
国家对外贸工作人员personnel serving in the state's foreign trade authority
国营贸管理state-operated trading
国际服务贸international trade in services
国际服务贸市场准入目录market access catalogue of international trade in services
国际纺织品贸协议的延长议定书Protocol Extending the Arrangement of 20 December 1973 Regarding International Trade in Textiles
国际贸促进组织international trade promotion organization
境外交overseas transaction
大额交business transactions involving large sums of money
官方经济和贸机构official economic and trade mission
辨识easy to identify
辨识easily identifiable
对外经济贸foreign economic relations and trade
对外经济贸foreign trade
对外经济贸主管部门department under the State Council which is in charge of foreign economic relations and trade
对外贸业务foreign trade
对外贸主管部门department in charge of foreign trade
对外贸公共信息服务体系system of public information service for foreign trade
对外贸合同foreign trade contract
对外贸总额total foreign trade volume
对外贸救济措施measures of foreign trade remedies
对外贸the Foreign Trade Law
对外贸秩序foreign trade order
对外贸管理工作部门department responsible for foreign trade administration
对外贸经营活动foreign trade activity
对外贸经营活动当事人party engaged in foreign trade activities
对外贸经营者foreign trade dealer
对外贸经营许可foreign trade operation permit
属于禁止的国际服务贸international trade in services subject to prohibition
1994 年关税与贸总协定General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade 1994
开展对外贸develop foreign trade
异常交abnormal trading
强制交行为coercive trade behavior
房地产交transaction of real estate
打破贸壁垒overcome trade barriers
扰乱证券、期货交市场disrupt the securities or future trading market
技术交technological transaction
技术性贸壁垒协定Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade
技术贸trade in technologie
抵制交boycott of transaction
提出交申报propose transaction declaration
提出交申报declare orders
提取交风险准备金withdraw a trading risk reserve
操纵证券交价格manipulate the trading prices
制毒化学品chemical materials that can easily be transformed into narcotic drugs
回收利用easy to be recycled
地开垦reclaim land in other region
感染的人群susceptible population
损品fragile articles
燃性物品inflammable materials
燃易爆危险品inflammable and explosive dangerous goods
燃易爆设备inflammable or explosive equipment
腐烂变质食品perishable food
期货交futures trading volumes
来之不not come by easily
濒危野生动植物种国际贸Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
独立交原则principle of arm's-length transaction
申请公司债券上市交file an application for the listing of the corporate bonds
禁止参与股票交prohibit from engaging in securities trading
禁止的交行为prohibited activity in trading
积极参与多边贸规则制定和自由贸易区建设take an active part in the formulation of multilateral trade rules and the establishment of free trade zones
签订证券交委托协议conclude an entrustment agreement on securities trading
规则simplified rules
终止其公司债券上市交terminate the listing of corporate bond of the company
经济贸条约、协定economic and trade treaty or agreement
经证券交所审核同意subjected to the examination and approval of the Stock Exchange
联合抵制交boycotting of transaction
股票交securities trading
股票交代码stock code
自由贸政策policy of free trade
证券交价格trade price of securities
证券交内幕信息的知情人insiders who have access to insider information of securities trading
证券交场所stock exchange
证券交委托协议entrustment agreement on securities trading
证券交当事人party involved in securities transaction
证券交所章程constitution of a stock exchange
证券发行和交issuance and transaction of securities
证券集中交concentrated securities trading
关系trade ties
trade partner
机构trade mission
秩序trade order
逆差a trade deficit
边民互市贸trade among border residents
运用国际贸规则comply with international trade norms
进出口贸总额China's import and export volume totaled
进行交conduct transactions
违反交规则violate the trading rules
违规交rule-breaking trading
适用简程序application of summary procedure
适用简程序的案件case in which summary procedure is applied
重大异常交情况major abnormal trading
附件 1C:与贸有关的知识产权协定Annex 1C: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
附件 IB:服务贸总协定Annex 1B: General Agreement on Trade in Services
附件 1A:货物贸多边协定Annex 1A: Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
附件 3:贸政策审议机制Annex 3: Trade Policy Review Mechanism
集中交concentrated trading
集中交市场centralized trade market
非法开设证券交场所stock exchange as illegally established
非法持有制毒化学品illegal possession of chemical material that can easily be transformed into narcotic drugs
马拉喀什建立世界贸组织协定Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization