
Terms for subject Economy containing 易于 | all forms | in specified order only
以上所述适用于已成的交易All the foregoing applies to business already closed
偏重于对外贸易的经济增长trade-based growth
当一国的出口量大于进口量时,我们就说这个国家出现了贸易顺差When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favourable balance of trade
我愿意接受你方关于记账交易的要求We are pleased to accept your request for open account terms
我方建议交易会于下月举行We suggest that the fair should be held next month
易于liable to (accident, claim, 发生意外事故、引起索赔)
易于转让easy to transfer
易于转运easy to transfer
此价是一般大众易于接受的The price is within easy reach of the general public
由于我们双方共同努力,大宗交易已经达成Owing to our mutual efforts, enormous transactions have been concluded
由于贵方产品完全适合我方市场,我们下季度的交易将达到相当大的金额Because your products are entirely suitable for our market, our next season's business will run into a considerable sum
这项交易的成功,是由于我们共同努力的结果The success of this business is referable to our cooperative efforts
鉴于你方首次进行交易,我方决定满足你方要求,降价2%As this is our first dealing with you, we have decided to comply with your requirements to lower the price by 2%
鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方拟同意给你们九折优惠价In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount