
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
不记名证certificate to bearer
不记名证书登记册register of certificates to bearer
业权证proof of title
middle light color
中期证interim certificate
临时证temporary certificate
为付款开具证certify the payment
事实证proof by facts
产权归属说abstract of title
付款证certificate for payment
付款证evidence of payment
仿真证了算法的有效性Simulation demonstrates the merits of the algorithm
但在经济学家翻阅历史时、非常确的一点是、今年夏季爆发的市场动荡将不会是最后一次But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last
体检证medical certificate
信汇证confirmation of mail transfer
债权证proof of debt
假如您的项目没有规格说书、 您该怎么办?What do you do if your project doesn't have a spec?
公开说书初稿red herring
公开说书定稿Final Prospectus
具体证材料supporting particulars
具体证材料supporting details
出资证capital contribution certificate
分项的说description of items
出口商制造证certificate of manufacture
占有证certificate of occupancy
原产地证evidence of origin
原始数据必须按照确规定的程序处理Raw data must be managed by defined procedures
参与证certificate of participation
发行说offering circular
口头声oral statement
合同说remarks on a contract
合格证certificate of compliance
合约完成证certificate of compliance
因此对于有线连接、此事件将指计算机和集线器之间连接的更改Consequently, for wired connections, this event indicates change in the connection between the computer and a hub
在-份措辞含糊的公告中、雷普索尔重申了其出售 YPF 部分股权的意愿、并表可能采用公开出售股份的方式In a vaguely worded announcement, Repsol reiterated its desire to sell part of its YPF stake, possibly through a public share offering
在连接筛选器层次结构中、常规项目不能是确分区项目的父级In a join filter hierarchy, a regular article cannot be the parent of a well-partitioned article
'性标签语言declarative markup language
如果天上网、你的电脑可能面临遭到致命病毒破坏的危险Were you to go online tomorrow, your computer might run the risk of being attacked by a deadly virus
它使用鲜的对比、更高速度的屏幕刷新、在你快速移动光标时不会丢失光标也称潜水provides sharp contrast, speedier screen refresh and doesn't lose your cursor when you move it fast also knowing as submarining
安全方针声safety policy statement
对于中间交易或实物交易、受益方根据说中的定义是免税的外国人For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as de fined in the instructions
工作范围说work scope description
工作要求说statement of job qualifications
工地照lighting of the site
工程说description of a project
工程说description of project
应付账款细账account payable ledger
应加以说的文件accountable document
应收账款细账account receivable ledger
应课差饷租值证certificate of rateable value
管理open management
当你的样品送达后、将给你邮寄电子邮件以确认。如果没有电邮、请准备一个作为确认送达的有你地址的信片You will be notified via email when your sample arrives; if you do not use email, please enclose a self-addressed postcard for receipt notification
当然、聪的读者会注意到、这种云计算趋势有一个明显的缺点Of course, clever readers will have noticed that this trend toward cloud computing has an obvious flaw
性能标准说performance specification
总体说general description
所有单位信托的申请都必须在附有内容说书的申请表格上进行All applications for unit trusts must be made on the application form accompanying the prospectus
批准证certificate of approval
投标保证声bid securing declaration
拒绝债权证rejection of proof
款项specific sum
税项specified tax
接受声declaration of acceptance
文件规格说file specification
文件路径说file specification
施工方法说method statement
无力偿还债务声declaration of insolvency
无股票证书制度uncertificated system
无能力偿付债项声declaration of inability to pay debts
尼苏达矿业和制造公司3MMinnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
年五月我要到新加坡的一家联合公司当技术顾问Next May, I'm due to go to Singapore as a technical adviser to an associated company there
显涨价sharp price increase
显的缺陷obvious defect
显缺陷patent defects
显降价sharp price reduction
智之举莫过于使用一个移动硬盘对日常数据进行备份It is sensible that backup the data with a removable disk
示协议express agreement
示弃权书express waiver
示承诺express undertaking
示条款expressed terms of contract
细账detailed accounts
细账目detailed account
显示细数据drill down
月份细表monthly detailed schedule
有一个透平面的扫描仪flatbed scanner
有息债务证interest-bearing debt certificate
权益证certificate of interest
材料证certificate of materials
条目的说description of items
的价格labeled price
标准声standard disclaimer
核数师证auditor's certificate
每月声monthly statement
汇票的拒付证protest of bills
注册证certificate of registration
威小说的语言艺术linguistic art of Hemingway's novels
清偿证certificate of satisfaction
特殊说special directions
留置权弃权说waive of lien
登记证registered certificate
票据拒付证protest of bill
第二、中国人民银行年将推出何种贷款配额?Second, what sort of loan quota -will the PBOC roll out for next year?
签印证letter of indication
签署的声signed declaration
索赔的证substantiation of claims
索赔证substantiation of claim
经证的报表certified statement
经银行证可兑现的支票certified cheque
结关证clear certificate
结果表:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率Results show that this system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency
维修证maintenance cerificate
缴付利得税证certificate of payment of profits tax
范围说scope statement
货币prescribed currency
supporting letter
报告certified report
货物合格性的文件document establishing the goods' eligibility
该事实可以解释当财政部改变其原始数据之后、 估测出的实际利率显下降This fact could explain the large jump down in the inferred real interest rate when the Treasury changed the raw bond data it uses
如何检索有关文件、文件夹和驱动器的信息、例如创建时间和大小Shows how to retrieve in formation such as creation times and size, about files, folders and drives
调整说statement of adjustment
豁免证exemption certificate
豁免遗产税证certificate of exemption from estate duty
负债证certificate of indebtedness
责任证accountability verification
货品说综合表summary sheets of goods
货物说description of goods
资产负债状况说statement of affairs
资信证certificate of credit standing
资质说statement of qualification
过户证transfer certificate
这一项目的目标是详细说这一新产品的潜在市场The goal of this project is to define the potential market for the new product
无收款的誓章affidavit of no receipt
递交债权证表的时间time for lodging proof
金币证gold coin certificate
银行联系证letter of comfort
项目的说description of items
项目说project description