
Terms containing 明细 的 | all forms | in specified order only
commer.你方有必要详细说明自己的要求It is necessary for you to go into details of your requirements
commer.列明详细情况的保险单specification policy
tech.发明的详细说明detailed description of the invention
agric.可详细说明的definable (definabilis)
econ.在我方文件中说明了新产品的全部详细的技术规格All the technical details on the new product are given in our document
tech.应用的详细说明specification for applications
econ.我们给契约附加一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
econ.我方在6月15日的信内对这些关键问题作了详细的说明In our letter of June 15, We made a detailed explanation on the key questions
busin.按照附上的明细单as per specifications attached
econ.提出了一份说明书,详细地叙述该产品的特色A statement was presented for detailed description of the peculiar features of the product
gen.关于…的更详细的说明a more extensive account of
fin.永续盘存的明细记录.detailed perpetual inventory records
econ.没有证明缺点的证据,我们无法详细调査Without evidence in support of the defect we can't make a minute investigation
commer.由于你方未指明必要的细节We're not able to offer on account of your omission to indicate the necessary particulars
shipb.试验的详细说明书detailed test specification
commer.详细列明情况的保险单specification policy
securit.详细列明的拨款itemized appropriation
space详细的设计说明书detailed design specification
commer.详细说明意外事故的情况give a detailed account of an accident
el., tools说明书上对冲击钻微机自动控制系统的硬件构成及软件设计进行了详细的解释The instruction pamphlet gives a detailed description of the hardware configuration and software design of the microcomputer-based automatic control system for the impact drill
expl.迄今的经验表明、在距矿场20公里的范围内、需要知道900米高空温度和风速的详细情况Experience to data has shown that at distances of up to 20 km from mine sites,it is desirable to know details of temperature and wind velocity at levels up to 900 meters
proj.manag.这一项目的目标是详细说明这一新产品的潜在市场The goal of this project is to define the potential market for the new product