
Terms for subject Swimming containing | all forms
一趟lap time
一趟耗lap time
不计without being timed
不计without being timed
蝶泳两手同出水动作double overhand
两臂同划水double overarm
交接的出发takeoff of relay
人工计hand timer
人工计human timekeeper
人工计hand timekeeper
候补计alternate timekeeper
候补计additional timekeeper
入水身体过平land too flat upon entry
全力计all-out time trial
出发的蹬腿takeoff kick
划水计time pull
打拖腿trail flutter action
收手收腿recover the arms and legs simultaneously
在俯卧触池touch in prone position
在回臂的同收腿recover the arms and legs simultaneously
打腿计time kicking
停时进游stop-and-go swimming
间适应temporal adaptation
最后距离last length
电子计触板electronic timing pad
测验time trial
游泳swimming of duration
表归零clear watches
pacer clock
pace clock
head timekeeper
head timer
chief timekeeper
间歇amount of rest