
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing | all forms
两手同再抓杠recatch both grips
两手同脱手leave the grips simultaneously
间先后排序chronological order
双脚同着网hit the trampoline with both feet at the same time
针全旋left circle
针全旋counterclockwise circle
针全旋counter-clockwise circle
换手平移travel hop sideward
换握grip change with hop
后摆提臀同推手弹起hip flick swing
成套动作间上的安排temporal order of combination
支撑停顿stop in a support
支撑前摆同臂屈伸dip swing to the front
"间老人"技巧运动中的一种3人动作Father Time
由马端至环外全旋同转体90°上rear vault ¹⁄₄ turn mount
表演间太短under time
time judge
超过间限制exceed the time limit
针全旋clockwise spin
针全旋right circle
针全旋clockwise circle