
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
不同期对比time-to-time comparison
代表acting representative
任命temporary appointment
任用temporary appointment
任职地点temporary duty station
会议人员temporary conference staff
会议人员temporary meeting staff
假期casual leave
共用服务人员缩写为TAPtemporary assistance pool
办公人员协助temporary clerical assistance
办法bridge method
劳动合同缩写为CLCcasual labour contract
合同人员COASE staff
合同人员temporary contract staff costs
合同人员费用COASE staff
合同人员费用temporary contract staff costs
固定分保obligatory-facultative reinsurance
固定期限合同缩写为TFT合同TFT contract
固定期限合同缩写为TFT合同temporary fixed-term contract
casual labour
帐户temporary account
报告ad hoc report
报告interim report
措施interim measure
措施holding operation
援助temporary assistance
支助temporary assistance
晋升temporary promotion
秘书处性工作协助temporary secretarial assistance
秘书工作协助temporary secretarial assistance
管理委托书management letter
管理委托书interim management letter
调整interim adjustment
调整程序interim adjustment procedure
调整程序interim adjustment process
产品替换take over time
会费交纳contributory service
作业间日报表daily job time report
允许的最晚完成latest allowable completion time
具体、可衡量、可实现、可操作、合specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound
具体、可衡量、可实现、可操作、合specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely
准确及just in time
到达interarrival time
动作间表motion timetable
商业数据处理real time EDI
供资timely funding
可执行措施的间表timetable of deliverables
可执行措施的间表deliverables timetable
搜寻法simultaneous search method
回籍假期累计travel credit for home leave
固定间增量fixed time increment
季续型间函数continuous time function
安排多项工程的资源分配resource allocation of multi-project scheduling
评价real-time evaluation
评价real time evaluation
记录time recording
干预容许延误interfering slack time
平均作业average operating time
平均等待average waiting time
平均运转average operating time
延误slack time
弹性工作flexible work schedule
弹性工作flexible working hours
强制中断mandatory break period
间表general schedule
恒定服务constant service time
意外债务临负债contingent obligation
意外债务临负债contingent liability
截止closing date
所用间分析time-spent analysis
指数服务间分布exponential service-time distribution
探亲旅行累计travel credit for home leave
旅行travel time
间估计不确定性duration uncertainty
间倾向性time orientation
间分摊time sharing
间前进间隔time interval of advancement
间序列预测模型time series forecasting models
间成本time cost
间表time schedule
time frame
最乐观最短the most optimistic shortest time
最低成本least cost scheduling
最保守最长the most pessimistic longest time
最可能the most likely time
最早完成early finish time
最早开始the earliest starting time
最早开始early start time
最早结束the earliest finishing time
最晚完成late finish time
最晚工作完成late activity finish time
最晚开始late start time
最短剩余工优先原则shortest remaining operation
最短工优先原则shortest operation priority
最短当前工优先原则shortest imminent operation
最迟允许the latest allowable time
服务完成service completion time
服务延续service duration time
期望expected time
期望服务expected service time
机器准备间的宽限allowance for the preparation time of the machine
模拟间段segment of simulated time
滑动工作sliding hours
滚动间表rolling calendar
独立间余量independent float
确定限的委员会time-bound committee
示意性间表indicative schedule
离职享有全额付款full cover on separation
符合计划目标完成latest allowable time
系统中顾客期望滞留期望顾客排队时间expected customer time in the system queue
缓冲slack time
缩短工作间计划缩写为CWScompressed work schedule
缩短工作间计划缩写为CWScompressed working schedule
职等晋升所需time-in-grade requirements
联合临指导方针joint interim guidelines UNDP
自由间全量free float
自由容许延误free slack
奖励工资制reward system on a time rate basis
工资hourly rate
订货价格price at the time of order
设定限的执行计划time-bound implementation plan
工作津贴service differential
连续continuous clock
通勤commuting time
采购timing of procurement
项目间线project timeline
项目project timeline
项目的开始进行start time of a project
预定单元间标准predetermined elementary time standards
预计完成expected performance time
预计最早the earliest expected time
领薪pay period
领薪payroll period