
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一定期内生命长短的定律人身保险用语equal decrement of life
一揽子临改革办法interim reform package
只有一方当事人在场所作的仲裁裁决ex parte award
一般效期overall time limit
一般效期overall limitation period
不准出口取消合约subject to approval of export license
不准出口得取消合约subject to approval of export license
不受效限制的权利imprescriptible right
不同保险non-concurrent insurance
不许违反的peremptory period
不适用效规定inapplicability of the stature of limitation
运费与卸货同支付concurrent with discharge
世界zebra time
美国东部标准eastern time
严重缺货的市价famine price
中央标准Central Standard Time
中止效的行为act of interruption
ad interim
pro re nota
ad hoc
与短期资金money at call and short notice
仓库transit godown
仓库transit depot
代理人acting agent
代表ad hoc representative
仲裁ad hoc arbitration
仲裁为某案ad hoc arbitration
仲裁裁决interim award
任务ad hoc assignment
保险费provisional premium
修理temporary repairs
出口temporary export
分保facultative insurance
分保facultative reinsurance
分保合同facultative treaty
分类委员会interim nomenclature committee
利息interim interest
协助temporary assistance
协助人员temporary assistance
协定modus vivendi
协定interim agreement
协议temporary provisional agreement
及非常费用unforeseen and extraordinary expenses
发票preliminary invoice
发票provisional invoice
合同provisional contract
商人day-to-day trader
堆存货物shed cargo
契约provisional contract
安排makeshift arrangement
审计casual audit
casual laborer
工工资庠hire labor rate
开支interim expenses
开支interim charges
性质one-time nature
执照证券provisional charter
投资指对有价证券的投资marketable securities
投资指对有价证券的投资liquid investments
投资指对有价证券的投资temporary investments
投资temporary investments
措施provisional measures
诉讼进行中法院裁定的措施interim measures
支出extraordinary expenditures
收入extraordinary revenue
收据temporary receipt
收据interim receipt
旅客列车临客passenger extra
暂定价格provisional price
条款provisional treaty
条约provisional treaty
注销通知provisional notice of cancellation
津贴provisional allowance
简要记录provisional summary record
结清债务provisional settlements
股份或股票分割temporary share of stock fraction
股票发行scrip issue
股票持有者scrip holder
远洋轮船员雇用契约running agreement
船级证书interim certificate of class
补助费temporary subsidy
许可证provisional licence
许可进口admission temporaire
船舶证书provisional certificate
证件provisional certificate
证明书interim certificate
账户provisional account
货棚transit shed
购买impulse buy
贷款temporary loans
费用non-recurring expenses
费用non-recurring charge
费用non-recurrent cost
起岸报bill of sight
海关起货报单bill of sight
输入许可temporary admission
过境证ATA carnets
进口证ATA Carnet
适航证书interim seaworthiness certificate
透支occasional overdraft
降价temporary reduction
雇工extra hand
预算temporary budget
预算provisional budget
为零额股份发出的临凭证scrip certificates issued for fractional shares
于提货应予承兑the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only
于提货应予承兑the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only
于见票应即予承兑the buyers shall duly accept the documentary drafts drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the drafts
于见票应即予承兑the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at...days sight upon first presentation and make due payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance of the draft
交易所于交易间外所定的价钱street prices
交货time of delivery
交货delivery time
交货间表delivery schedule
交货与付款的同履行concurrence between delivery and payment
人工小labour hour method
人工小labor hour method
人工小用于制造费用的分摊labor hour rate
仅在注销保险单退费canceling returns only
付款交还抵押单的押汇票documents against payment bill
付款交还抵押单的押汇票document against payment bill
付款间有限制的承兑acceptance qualified as to time
以发生损失的间为根据的赔款loss occurring basis
以我地间为准subject reaches us 17/6 our time
以抵消方式要求偿还效已完成的债权recourse to barred claims by set-off
以暂股票付红利scrip dividend
以美元值表示expressed in current United States Dollars
作息间表time schedule
供及参考for ready reference
保证债权人提出立刻履行guarantee on first demand
保证卸货状态condition guaranteed at discharge
信用紧缩tight money period
允许装卸lay days
八小工作制eight-hour system of labour
公司的临股票monkey money
关于效的法规rules of limitation
关于准许货物暂入境的暂时入境证国际关税公约1961 年International Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods Brussels, 1961
1974 年纽约关于国际货物买卖效期限的公约 <->Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods (1974, 1974. 6)
兼售衣料的装店merchant tailor
再订购reorder point
决不细展peremptory period
just in time
准备setup time
到货付运费carriage charges to paid
到达价格day of arrival price
到达arrival time
加班over time
十进位计decimal time-reporting method
交付pay down
交货prompt delivery,immediate delivery
付款prompt cash
付款的折扣prompt cash discounts
出售prompt sale
参加的保证合同immediate participation guarantee contract
或注销定货单immediate or cancel order
送达immediate delivery
卸货明显损坏apparent damage on discharge
原定到期original expiration date
的援助seasonable aid
发价有效duration of offer
发薪扣交所得税pay as you earn
发薪扣交所得税pay as you cam
取得prescriptive right
取得acquisitive prescription
效限制的索赔claim barred by reason of limitation
效限制的赔偿要求barred claim
可抵用reversible time
可抵用的装卸货reversible laydays
装卸货可用time allowed to
可随破产的公司collapsible corporation
货品seasonable goods
合同规定的间限制contractual limits of time
合理提示票据的reasonable time
en attendant
保险concurrent insurance
equivalent period
检核simultaneous verification
检证simultaneous verification
和平期体制peace time system
和平期经济peace time economy
商业commercial age
效丧失诉权discharge of the right of action by lapse of time
效完成不能行使的权利right barred by reason of limitation
在工作间外工作work overtime
外币换算中的交易间制time of transaction basis of foreign currency translation
外币换算中的结汇间制time of settlement basis of foreign currency translation
外销幼弱infant marketing
大会临委员会俗称"小型联大"Interim Committee of the General Assembly
失去效的债务barred obligation
失去效的债务barred debt
失去效的债权barred claim
失去效的权利barred right
如在卸货港口需转运if goods are to be transshipped at port of discharge
安排setup time
完全生产throughput time
完工throughput time
完成效期satisfy the prescriptive period
审理案件被告应能答辩的原则principle of audiatur et altera pars
成本hour cost
24 小通知付款callable in 24 hours
working hours
产值output per man
研究time study
工作数折旧depreciation working hour
工作间折旧法working-hours method of depreciation
工作间日报单job time report
工作间日报单daily time report
工作量最大peak workload period
已失time barred
市场暂平静market lull
市场、生意、事务、交通等最繁忙的rush hour
布雷顿森林Bretton Woods Era
体制peace time system
经济peace time economy
闲置的设备standby equipment
年联合国国际卖货效会议United Nations Conference on Prescription Limitation in the International Sale of Goods New York, May June, 1947 1947
记录chronological record
账本journal (同 day book)
账簿chronological books
延展付款extension of time for payment
延迟若干delay of about
开证者包括开证银行破产的优先受偿priority on insolvency of the issuer
pro tempore
en attendant
价格prevailing price
当地标准local standard time
装卸all hours
总工作net cycle time
恢复效已完成的债权revival of a barred claim
恢复效已完成的权利revive a barred right
悠闲leisure time
公债war bond
特别税extra war tax
war tax
经济war time economy
经济war economy
违禁品contraband of war
截止cut-off time
截至... 为止up to the time of
扩张period of expansion
投资成本回收payback period
交易所押金短少的价格exhaust price
担保装船的驳运风险including all risks of crafts and boats while loading
拍卖不出价的秘密协议knock out agreement
拍卖敲锤成交制度knock-down system
定单time order
价兑换conversion at the current price
价计算in current price
按当价格at current price
按机器小分摊间接制造成本法machine hour method
按现成本计算at current costs
按现费率计算at current costs
按进出口间计付工资法portal-to-portal pay
授给在一定期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利share option
推销员工报告salesman's time report
提示票据的合理reasonable time
援引自己的效期满的债权作为对原告诉权的辩护set off a barred claim in defense of an action
敝处our time
无另外载明not otherwise specified
无舱位取消合约subject to shipping space available
值美元current United States dollars
尚循环fashion cycle
time limits and limitations
效中断interruption of prescription
效中止cease to run (of limitation period)
效及限制time limit and limitation
效完成后退回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
效已告完成prescription which has taken effect
效已完成的权利right for which the limitation period has expired
效所得权利prescriptive right
效期limitation period
效期prescriptive period
效期period of prescription (limitation)
效期length of the limitation period
效期中断suspension of the prescriptive period
效期中止suspension of the prescriptive period
效期满后承认债务acknowledgement after expiration of the limitation period
效期的延长extension of the limitation period
效期的计算running of the limitation period
效期的起算点starting-point of the limitation
效期间的开始commencement of the limitation period
效期限period of limitation
效法statute of limitations
效规则limitation rules
效调整收益率time adjusted rate of return
新货article in great demand
期性time horizon
疫证书foul bill
距不定扩散指数variable-span diffusion indices
time on demurrage
time bar
髦商标fashionable trade mark
pro tempore
丧失工作能力temporary disability
付款temporary payment
价格interim price
价格interim price
保险单provisional policy
借款temporary loans
免税进口temporary free importation
共营joint venture
出口temporary export
合伙temporary association
批准进口temporary admission
收入transitory income
收入temporary income
无法满足的订货BO;B.O. back order
无货可供no stock at present
海关法provisional customs law
组合temporary association
解雇制lay-off system
解雇率Lay-off Rate
许可簿册ATA carnets
贸易temporary trade
进口temporary import
逆差temporary deficit
月终清算差额balance paid at the end of the month
发生的损失sporadic losses
限的计划time-bound program
有关装船的条件conditions as to the time of shipment
有关装船的条件conditions as to time of shipment
有法定间限制的息票statute barred coupon
未售有效要约发价offer subject to being unsold
未过保险unexpired insurance
机器间率machine hour rate
机器小machine hour method
权利的消灭prescription of rights
杰出髦衣服outstanding fashionable garments
查账audit period
消费请求权dated consumption claims
标准人工standard labor time
标准人工小standard labor hour
标准工normal hours
标准机器standard machine time
根据效的抗辩plea based on prescription
格林威治平Greenwich mean time
格林威治平均Greenwich mean time
检验的货物重量weight at time of survey
再保险facultative reinsurance
每两年per biennium
每小工资收入hourly earnings
每小平均工资hourly earnings, average
每观需要的代理人the agent of necessity
比利卢森堡经济同盟Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union
比利法郎Belgian Franc
比利货币区Belgian Monetary Area
比利货币单位= 1/5法郎Belga
法定statutory limitation
法定legal speed limit
法定legal limits of time
海关临事务customs house overtime
海关临免税进口对再出口货物temporary admission
消灭extinctive prescription
消灭效已完成的债obligation barred by prescription
消灭效的一般期间general period of extinctive prescription
清偿效已完成的债权fulfillment of barred claims
滞销货或过unsaleable or obsolete stock
市价current market price
资本价值present capital value
理货人待记录standby time record
生产期短暂short production runs
生产人工数法productive labor hours method
生产前准备make-ready time
生产小成本比较表comparative statement of cost per productive hour
生产小每月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly cost per productive hour
生产工人数法productivity labor hours method
用号询apply at No.
石油Petroleum Times
租买合同上租买人不付款卖方取回货物的协定办法recourse agreement
索赔time of validity of claim
索赔the time of validity of a claim
索赔time limit for submission of claim
索赔的间限制time limits for submission of claims
紧急期摊折emergency amortization
紧缩period of contractions
紧缩period of contraction
纯粹间偏好学说pure time preference
经常按订购place regular orders
缺货的高价famine price
美元current dollar value
协定provisional agreement
航程往返round-trip voyage time
航程往返round trip time
X 船抵达 Y 港口付款pay on the arrival of ship X in port Y
船舶临证书provisional certificate
船舶免费使用港口设施的free time of vessels
船舶在港口和自港开航at and from
营业office hours
营业business hours
营业间过后after hours
营运中停泊operative lay-time
虚耗lost time
行使效已完成债权enforcement of claims barred by limitation
行情看涨买进的股票long stock
装卸time sheet
装卸货lay days
装卸费免计free time of cargo
装船付运费freight paid on shipment
装船的货物状态condition final at shipment
装货付款cash on shipment
装载和储存切勿靠近蒸汽管或其他热源this package must not be loaded or stowed near steam pipes or other sources of heat
装运time of shipment
装配setting times
规定的specified time-limits
规定的prescription term
time card
工资time wages
工资率time wage rate
报告表time reports
报酬time payment
订货付款cash with order
订货付款cash in order
订货与交货的间隔lead time
订货周期order cycle time
佣船time chart
评定贷款条件in assessing terms
诉权的limitation of claims
诉讼time limits for submission of claims
诉讼limitation of legal proceedings
诉讼limitation of actions
货到净值net arrived value
货物免费占用港口设施保管的free time of cargo
货物到埠运费卸载付给freight to be paid after discharge at destination
货物安抵出口地点有效subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment
货物送达所取之样本outturn sample
货物送运所取的样本outturn sample
贬值period of depreciation
赔偿付款地点claim, if any, payable at
赔偿责任的效和地效temporal and geographical limits of liability
赔偿责任的间及地区限制temporal and geographical limit of liability
起诉的规定specified time for suit
跌价抛出的股票short stock
车船装卸免收延期费free time
商品obsolete merchandise
工资overtime pay
的船只obsolete vessel
电报、电话等late fee
还本付息债务discount bond
押金import deposit
进行季节调整所用的与移动平均数相比法ratio-to-moving-average method of seasonal adjustment
连续24小晴天工作日weather working days of 24 consecutive hours
邮政递交到达曰post time
英国《金融报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
英国《金融报》工业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
英国《金融报》股票价格指数Financial Tinies Stock Indices
锅炉临修理费temporary repairs cost for boiler
专送prompt delivery,immediate delivery
买卖证券的投资公司open-end investment company mutual fund company
交货delivery on call
可买的债券tap bond (stock)
可偿还的债券option bond
合营法sometimes pool procedure
告知keep... posted (informed, advised)
需要的受托人referee in case of need
需要的委托人referee in case of need
非营业性停泊nonoperative lay time
非营运nonoperation time
预定出发离港estimated time of departure
预定启航estimated time of departure
预定抵达expected time of arrival
预定标准predetermined standard time
高利率tight money period
高抬raise the current price
高抬raise the current prices
黄金golden age
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