
Terms for subject Basketball containing | all forms
三十秒计thirty-second operator
上半first half
上半时间time of the first half
上半比分score of the first half
下半second half
下半latter half
下半时间time of the second half
下半比分score of the second half
以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩milk the time away
以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下dribble out the time
停止比赛stop the time
比赛过程中停止比赛的time of stoppage
停止计hold the clock
停止计期间stopped clock period
停止计算hold the clock
停赛time of stoppage
100秒的暂停full timeout
暂停full timeout
关键刻神投手clutch shooter
half period
双方均无球权的犯规loose ball foul
双脚同落地two-foot stop
两裁判判犯规simultaneous foul call
两个裁判员鸣笛判犯规simultaneous foul call
垃圾指终场前大局已定garbage time
实际比赛actual playing time
延长比赛extension of the playing time
投篮跃起的假动作pump fib
投篮限钟shot clock
抢篮板球抢位挡人screen out on the board
拖延间战术time-consuming tactics
拖延间战术delaying tactics
拖延间等待终场freeze the ball
拖延间等待终场freezing the ball
间通则timing regulations
间限制time restriction
暂停或换人time-out watch
暂停计time-out clock
暂停计time-out watch
比赛playing time
比赛间结束termination of the playing time
比赛计开始start the clock
比赛计game clock
比赛计钟信号game-clock signal
比赛进行time in
进攻方以运球或传球方式消耗eat up the clock
进攻方以运球或传球方式消耗milk the time away
进攻方以运球或传球方式消耗dribble out the time
滞空hang time
运动员投篮时在空中的滞空hang time
登记暂停charge the time-out
间打法stalling offense
间的进攻stalled offence
24 秒计twenty-four-second operator
24 <-> 秒计twenty-four seconds operator
终场的投篮buzzer shot
终场gun time
规定比赛间结束expiration of regulation playing
表不动时间stopped clock period
重新开始time in
钟运行期间clock-running phase
跳投球出手前两次抖动球double pump
跳球向后远拍球deep back tap
跳球往后拨传back tap
进攻的步法offensive footwork
违反投篮限的违例shot clock violation
违反投篮限规定shot-clock violation
set a time limit
面向切向场角的投篮diagonal shot