
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
三重魅力triple witching hour (每月第三个星期五最后交易的那个小时; 每季度三权到期时)
上午交易morning session
上市的time to market
下跌买人/逢低买人buy a dip
不及交割风险untimely delivery risk
不及付款风险untimely payment risk
不同意回购债券间安排declining call schedule
不记名临收据bearer scrip
不记名临证券bearer scrip
业务繁忙peak hour
两重魔力double witching hour
买卖协议provisional sale & purchase agreement
产权文件temporary documents of title
优惠利率temporary preferential rate
估值provisional assessment
估算interim estimate
保证书interim warrant
信贷swing line loan
债券/股票interim stock
停牌special trading suspension
停牌产生的效果effect of suspension
内部人temporary insiders
决议股东大会,董事会extraordinary resolution
凭证provisional certificate
凭证physical scrip
协议bridge agreement
发货单provisional invoice
合同interim deed
吊销执照造成的结果effect of suspension
和未发生项目extraordinary and nonrecurring items
回收provisional taking over
回购extraordinary call
回购诱发价格provisional call trigger price
垫款bridging advance
性债券temporary bond
性的转让契约deed of surrender
性贷款stopgap loan
执照provisional licence
证券业务执照provisional charter
拆借at call
招回extraordinary call
拨款授权书vote on account warrant
拨款额provision on account
损害赔偿provisional damage
接管人interim receiver
提前回购特性provisional call feature
撤单take a powder
清盘人interim liquidator
清算人provisional liquidator
清算人interim liquidator
登记tentative book
监管provisional supervision
监管人provisional supervisor
确定数额provisional lock-in position
筹资办法interim financing
破产管理人provisional administrator
结算单provisional clearing statement
股东大会extraordinary shareholders meeting
股东大会extraordinary general meeting
股份分配函provisional allotment letter
股凭证stock scrip
股利scrip dividend
股息计划scrip dividend scheme
股票分割temporary stock fraction
股票认购scrip subscription
背书facultative endorsement
计划jury rigged (股市上)
证券interim certificate
证券interim bond
证券凭证scrip certificate
证明provisional certificate
调剂资金temporarily reallocated fund
财务报表interim financial statement
账户suspend account
账户temporary account
账户interim bank account
贷款morning loan
贷款bridging advance
资金provisional funds
转账provisional transfer
输人许可temporary admission
过渡性票据bridging over bill
配股通知书provisional letter of allotment
银行bridge bank
锁定数额provisional lock-in position
限制provisional limit
限额provisional limit
临界价格interim price
为了零售股份发出的临凭证scrip certificate issued for fractional shares
买人的市场价格buying market price
买卖股票间标记trading signal
交易timing of trades
交易间表transaction timetable
交易所营业stock exchange hour
交易指令配对前间段pre-order matching period
交易计划中的间范围time horizon in trade planning
交易计划即生效real-time validation of trading plan
产权临契约title binder
付费间安排fee schedule
企业一旦破产的偿债顺序问题seniority in event of insolvency or bankruptcy
休市间表market closure schedule
伦敦金融报指数London Financial Time Index
低市盈率的情况with low PE ratio
促使及、公平、真实、准确、完整、透明和有效地进行信息披露boost the timely, fair, truthful, accurate, complete, transparent and effective information disclosure
信息披露不及overdue information disclosure
信贷账户机不利timing of crediting accounts as disadvantage
债券发行先行付息discount payment
债券可随回购的规定call provision on bonds
停止订购的价格stop price
全球24小交易global and round-the-clock trading
关键material time
关键at eleventh hours
内在的交易built-in lag time
冲销elimination period
净即成交量是分析成交量的最基本方法,期货用语net tick volume
期权time sharing option
分形间序列fractal time series (用于研究股票的随机性与确定性)
分配间安排distribution schedule
创业initial stage
创业财富initial wealth
到期maturity bands
到期time of maturity
到期当日交易最后时间expiration time
到期计基准maturity basis
over time bonus
华尔街Wall Street Journal
危机time of crisis
real time
交割immediate delivery
交易报告real-time trade reporting
付款at once payment
价格real-time price
回收权immediate repatriation
存款账户instant saving account
市场信息instant market information
总额结算real time gross settlement
成交量tick value
成批处理real time batch processing
成本real time cost
控制权immediate control
支付immediate processing
支付的费用upfront charges
支付结算real time gross settlement
支付结算系统real time gross settlement RTGS system
数据传送real time data transfer
清算instant settlement
清算immediate settlement
结算instant settlement
计算real time calculation
记账immediate credit
贷款on the spot loan
还款repayable on demand
付款pay promptly
信息timely information
披露timely disclosure
通知duly notified
双权到期相关资产的期货和期权同时到期double witching hour
双重魔力double witching day
发出通知的time of notification
发行间表offer timetable
发行随可换成现款股票的投资公司mutual investment company
可随赎回的抵押open mortgage
、同市、同种证券交易获利kind arbitrage
启动zero hour
周转turn-round rate
回收payback time
在开盘、收盘at the bell
在披露日暂停交易一小one hour trading suspension on the disclosure day
在无触发事件的执行权力exercise of right without triggering event
在铃响at the bell
处于衰退期的公司declining company
处置折余价值written-down value on disposal
复利计息间间隔conversion interval
外在outside lag
multi-time section
失去效的债务barred debt/obligation
电子货币存取access time
委托time-specific order (投资人要求在交易日的一个特定时间执行的委托单)
撤销指令off at a specific time order
有效指令order good until a specified time
交割与结算real time delivery versus payment (DvP)
交易报告real-time trade reporting
交易监管real-time trading supervision
信息real time information
信息传送real-time data transmission
创新机制real-time creation mechanism
定价real-time pricing
情绪反应一种投资情绪主导的非理性行为,单凭一时情绪冲动作出投资或撤资的决定knee-jerk reaction
报价显示real time quotation display
报价费real-time price quote fee
数据传送real time data transfer
监控real-time supervision
结算real time settlement
统计real-time statistics
行情屏幕显示器stock screening tool
行情快速搜索工具quick search stock screening tool
行情特点stock screening feature
账目结算real time settlement
账目结算real-time account settlement
中型250指数FTSE Nid 250 index
全股指数FTSE All Share Index
小型股指数FTSE SmaU Cap Index
/恒生亚洲分类指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asian sector Indexes (FTSE 是 Financial Time Stock Exchange 的缩写,意为金融时报股指,又译富时股指)
30指数FTSE 30 Share Index
100指数FTSE 100 Share Index
欧洲300指数FT Eurotop 300
欧洲顶级300指数FTSE Eurotop 300 Index
24 小内赎回callable in 24 hours
区间hourly range
市价下跌买方的不合理索赔market claim
市场机成本market timing cost
市场机把握者market timer
市场机的把握market timing
市场机选择market timing
市场自动按操作装置market timer
市场见顶进行的交易deal written at the top of the market
常规交易regular trading hours
平稳间系列stationary time series
交易extended-hours trading
延期资金到账间表deferred availability schedule
延长的交易extended operating hours
延长股票市场交易extension of trading hours of stock market
延长营业extended operating hours
开市分配open allocation session
开市前pre-opening session
开市前竞价pre-market opening session
开市前议价pre-opening session
开盘持有hold at the opening
开立认购名单的time of the opening of the subscription list
当日委托time of the day order
当日定指令time of the day order
stand by surcharge
恒生/富亚洲大企业指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
恢复效已结束的债权revive a barred right
恰好right time
我方为避免合约出现争议,以报价人所在地时间为有效期限的根据our time
执管人缺席的代理执管人administrator durante absentia
执行效已完成债权enforcement of claims barred by limitation
执行价格间间隔exercise price interval
执行截止exercise cut-off time
执行扣押令支付的保证金replevin bond
投资的间期限time frame for investing
投资的间滞后investment lag
投资金融wildcat banking era
报废的价值scrap value
披露的间限制time limit for disclosure
拍卖共谋协议knock-out agreement
拍卖共谋而低价购人knock out
拍卖击锤knock off
拍卖最低售价upset price
持有证券等到涨价出售long of the security
持续间定价continuous time pricing
持续间随机过程continuous time stochastic processes
付款pay on time
价出售sell current price
价发行issue at current price
价计算at current cost
段计息discrete compounding
间调整回报率time adjusted rate of return
间调整收益率time adjusted rate of return
间调整的回收期time-adjusted payback period
间调整的情况计算投资额time adjusted investment
间顺序配售placing and top-up
按临贷款方式on the spot loan
按当价格计算at current price
按当市场价计算at current market price
按需随发行国库券tap stock
授予vesting period
授予间表股票期权激励机制设计方案中包括的授予的时间安排vesting schedule
掌握市场time the market
接受临配售acceptances of provisional allotments
收人和最大股本的效权prescribed right to income and maximum equity
收市价格平稳close steady
收市后的交叉off-hours crossing sessions
收盘下跌end lower
收盘价位较低close lower
收盘价位较高close higher
收盘价位高低不等close mixed
收盘价格上涨close high
收盘最低价close low
收盘最高价close high
收盘有跌有涨close mixed
收盘的修改协议amending agreement at closing
收盘股价平稳close unchanged
收盘前工作间安排scheduling of pre-closing tasks
收盘后交易after hours
政府证券随发行tap issue
证券交易new time
新加坡海峡报指数Singapore Strait Time Index
新华富中国25指数期权FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Options
新华富中国25指数期货FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Futures
新股发行无偿发放给股东的股票gratis stock
无暂股票ex scrip
刻数列moment series
刻矩阵moment matrix
区限制time zone barrier
差准备金规定lagged reserve requirement
差利息论time preference theory of interest
差风险legging risk
效成本timing cost
效期prescription period
效权prescriptive right
机不同timing difference
机的确定timing decision
机选择和发包/招标timing and tender offer
机选择和风险最小化timing and minimizing risk
机问题timing problem
段分析period analysis
点预测point forecast
间不符time discrepancy
间优先条例rule of time precedence
间优选time preference
间分散性通过增加投资的时间来降低投资风险time diversification
间分段成交量time segmented volume
间利差模式time spread models
间合约time contract
间戳记time stamp
间期限time horizon
间期限limitation period
间权重回报time weight return
间权重回报率time weighted rate of return
间权重收益/回报time weighted return
间范围从投资日起到投资终止的期间time horizon
间衰减期权合同到期日接近时,期权价格递减的特征time decay
间选择权time option
间限制time restrictions
髦股fashion shares
中止投票权temporary suspension of voting rights
中止部分业务partial suspension
休业lay off
停牌状态报告temporary suspension status report
准许书toleration letter
吊销注册suspend a registration
性债券temporary bond
性加征3个百分点temporary loading of 3 percentage point
性收人transitory income
承保hold covered
投资temporary investment
拖延temporary delay
搁置上市发行shelf listings
款项arbitrary amount
的债务stopgap borrowing
知情人temporary insiders
结算的账户tentative closing of account
融资temporary financing
许可证temporary licence
资产temporary assets
最优停理论optimal stopping theory
最少回复报价minimum response time
有条件的临投资收人qualified temporary investment income
期权间价值time value of option
期权的间成本time cost of options
未售有效报价offer subject to being unsold
未按交付fail to deliver
未按付款delay in payment
间后有效指令good after time order
根据要求可随偿还repayable on demand
款券同交付delivery versus delivery
正常交易regular trading hours
正常交易间之外的交易out of hours trading
正式发行前的临债券bond anticipation note
正是right time
比利期货期权交易所比利时Belgian Futures and Options Exchange
比利20种股价指数Belgium, Stock index
汇款即交收payment vs payment
海峡报指数Straits Times index
海峡报指数Straits Times Index
海峡报指数期货Straits Times Index Futures
特定的间限制specified time limit
现金间线cash flow time line
电子交易electronic trading hours
盘中临停牌special trading suspension during business hours
破产认可的债务debt-provable in bankruptcy
神奇间区域技术分析Fibonacci Time Zones
神奇间目标Fibonacci time targets
票据清算clearing hours
离到期日time to expiry
离散间随机过程discrete time stochastic processes
约定未来agreed future time
纳税间选择tax timing option
纽约New York Times
结算间间隔settlement interval
绝望股市desperate times
网上交易electronic trading hours
网上网下同认购simultaneous online and off-line subscription
联邦干预通常就在中午之前,联邦储备系统进人市场进行操作Federal intervention hour
股东同拥有原则contemporaneous ownership rule
股价跌到最低点买人bottom fishing
i股新华富A50中国指数基金iShares FTSE/Xinhua A50 China Tracker
股票过成本stock obsolescence cost
自动实投资交易所该交易所通过计算机处理大宗证券交易Automated Real-time Investments Exchange Ltd.
苏黎士股票交易所乙 S.T. Zone Standard Time 标准区Zurich Stock Exchange
菲波纳奇间目标Fibonacci time targets
营业trading hours
营业截止cut off time
衍生产品的复兴derivative renaissance
衍生工具的振兴derivative renaissance
补偿与临贷款compensatory and contingency financing facility
要价过高失去出手overstand one's market
解救市场吸纳的股份rescue shares
解散估价breakup valuation
订单配对order matching period
证券交易所营业stock exchange time
诉讼效法规美国《证券法》规定,大多数证券纠纷在3年之后失去国内诉讼法律效力statute of limitations
调整adjustment lag
账龄间表aging schedule
货币托拉斯monetary trust time
距到期日time to expiry
距离到期日time to maturity
区操作世界各地证券交易所之间的操作cross time zone operations
multi-time section
转型conversion period
转型turnaround time
off season
交易late trading
交易late day trade
行业out of favor industry
连续价发行证券tap issue
再次发行股seasoned new issue
发行seasoned issue
调节timely adjustment
适当in due course
针图表分析counter clockwise chart analysis
重要material time
野猫金融wildcat banking era
金融Financial Times
金融伦敦Financial Times 缩写 FT, London
金融报中型250指数FTSE Nid 250 index
金融报全股指数FTSE All Share Index
金融报小型股指数FTSE SmaU Cap Index
金融报工业普通股指数Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index
金融报工业股票指数Financial Times Industrial Share Index
金融报100指数FTSE 100 Share Index
金融报30指数FTSE 30 Share Index
金融报指数Financial Times Index
金融报100指数基金iFTSE100 (英国的第一支 ETFs 在伦敦证券交易所上市,由iShares 发行)
金融报欧洲300指数FT Eurotop 300
金融报欧洲顶级300指数FTSE Eurotop 300 Index
金融报30种股票指数thirty share index
金融报精算师股票指数Financial Times-Actuaries Share Index
金融报精算指数Financial Times Actuaries Indexes
金融报统计师股票指数Financial Times-Actuaries Share Index
金融报股市指数Financial Time Stock Exchange
金融报股票指数Financial Times Stock Indices
金融报证券交易所指数Financial Times Stock Exchange Index
闲置工idle hours
指令time limit order
供应的国库券tap bond
出售证券的体制tap stock system
取用的方式tap basis
可收回的贷款at call
可用贷款immediate credit
支付的on call
收回的借款money on call
能买到的on tap
观察股市行情者tape reader
集合竞价pre-market opening session
震荡间序列ad oscillating time series
非即信息delayed data
非常期货币emergency currency
预填日期用以到偿还债务的支票memorandum cheque
预期间表expected timetable
领工资交税pay as you earnPAYE
风险降低的期货价格futures price as risk reduction
首次上市管理层股东initial management shareholder
香港联合交易所的交易trading hours of SEHK
高峰peak hour
高市盈率情况with high PE ratio
魔幻交易中受投资人关注的时段witching hour
鼎盛palm days
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