
Terms for subject Ice hockey containing | all forms
上场ice time
争球钩球hook away
人数缺少得分shorthand goal
信号和计装置signal and timing devices
停止计time stopped
over time
overtime period
赛时的丢球overtime loss
参加本场比赛的minutes in play
双方同发生的处罚coincidental penalty
受罚suspension period
受罚serve time
处罚penalty minutes
多打少的失球powerplay goals against
多打少的进球powerplay goals for
多打少以分秒计time of powerplay in minutes and seconds
少打多的射中shorthanded goals
少打多分:秒time of shorthand in minutes and seconds
平均每场受罚PIM in average
多打少的优势temporary extra man advantage
罚出场temporary suspension
本队得分在场上的次数positive participations
正常比赛70分钟regulation time
电子计electric clock
空门射中empty net goal
突然死亡加sudden death overtime
penalty time
裁判员计手势timing signal