
Terms for subject Automobiles containing | all forms
一周休息weekly rest period
一次试验持续trial stretch
三菱智能型气门正和升程电子控制装置Mitsubishi innovative valve timing and lift electronic control
上升增长rise time
上升build-up time
上坡持续time of climb
车辆上线on-line time
上车发生的事故boarding accident
下坡工作运行downhill operation
车辆下线off-production-line time
车辆下线off-line time
下车发生的事故alighting accident
下车自动开锁auto unlock on exit
下车alighting time
电压下降fall time
车辆不动停车immobilization time
不同发生火花staggered of spark
不工作out-of-service time
不正确的点火incorrect timing
不适非正点火untimely ignition
不随间变化的time invariant
世界调整universal time coordinated
测试仪字符两小放电率TWO-HR RATE
中央计器模块center timer module
中矣定模块当钥匙留在点火开关内时,为安全带未扣紧、车门半开和前灯开着等谐音警告提供定时central timing module
发动机中负荷混合气加浓装置intermediate load additive revision
short time
客厢乘客occasional user
公共运输乘客occasional passengerrider
使用轮胎侧壁上的标志,如T205/75R15 84M,首字母T 表示此种轮胎只能短期使用,故仅作备胎temporary use
使用备胎temporary spare
使用的备用轮胎temporary spare tyre
道路信号标志temporary signal
应急修理temporary repair
停车场short-time parking
应急的修理jury repairing
客厢座位occasional seat
客厢座椅temporary seat
执照许可证temporary license
便temporary bridge
不定期检査casual inspection
用备胎aT,,type spare tireM
脱离工艺temporary disengage process
路标temporary marker
驾驶证provisional license
主制动main braking time
日•富士公司主动式气门正控制系统active valve control system
主要principal time
乘员取坐姿座椅面至肘部的高度sitting elbow height
乘员取坐姿的眼高视线高度sitting eye height
乘员取坐姿的膝高sitting knee height
摩托车乘坐两人最高速度top speed with two persons
乘客就座臀部宽度hip width of sitting passenger
传感器传感动作sensing time
车轮等传递转矩的打滑torque creep
估计完工estimated time of completion
交通流量低峰slack hour
低浓度混合气修正转换low switch time
作业basic cycle time
作业持续length of operation
作业持续length of mission
作动执行duration of actuation
作动actuating time
蓄电池作用soaking time
作用acting time
作用间控制系统各系统作用时间的调整方法duration control system
倒车停止供油fuel cutoff in reverse
倒车碰到其他前行车rear-end collision
倒车碰撞rear-end collision
候乘wait time
候乘waiting time
自卸车倾卸dumping time
做功运转,工作期间period of operation
停工dwell time
车辆停放time parked
停歇dwell time
停歇breaking time
停歇顿,止standing time
停歇止,顿lost time
停歇idle hours
停歇broken time
汽车停止使用out-of-service time
公共汽车停留station stop time
停留持续length of the halt
停站dwell time
汽车停车parking time
收停车费的停车parking period
公共汽车停车stopped time
停车停留,静置stop period
公共汽车停车standing time
汽车停车park time
停车站,放延续parking duration
汽车停车间极限parking time limit
停车收费计parking meter
停车计park time disc
停车记parking disc
交通停车超over park
停车间隔interval stop
允许的正常normal allowed time
充填持续changing duration
充气inflation time
充电持续charging time
克千每瓦此为国标术语gram per Hp.hour
油耗率克每千瓦此为国标术语grams per horsepower-hour
排放控制克限值/千瓦limits in g/kWh
分位修理fractile repair time
分级效处理step ageing
分级效处理interrupted ageing treatment
初始压力time to first pressure
初次故障前工作first failure mode
利用全球卫星定位系统更新AUTO GPS UPDATE
公共交通到达time of arrival
公共交通到达arrival time
悬架/车辆动力学制动扭矩杆中心torque-arm center in braking
汽车动力学制动的回转转向效应swerving effect during braking
开始施加制动的车速stopping speed
制动的转动效应rotational effect during braking
制动的转向盘转steering pull during braking
制动的载荷brake load
制动车轮的垂直振brake hop
制动轮胎噪声brake squeal
制动重量转移braking weight transfer
制动停车从开始制动到完全停止的时间stopping time
制动间指数stop time index
制动停车brake stopping time
制动压力建立brake pressure built-up time
制动反应braking react time
制动反应从驾驶人发现障碍物开始,到制动器起作用为止的时间driving time until brake force works
制动反应将脚从加速踏板移至制动踏板的最短时间brake reaction time
制动响应brake response time
车轮制动抱死的滑移fun-lock skidding
制动施加延续,持续brake application time
制动机械反应brake lag time
制动滞后距离brake lag
发动机制动瓦brake horsepower-hour
制动衬片开始作用的压力threshold pressure for application of brake linings
制动衬片开始放松的压力release pressure of brake linings
制造month, day and hour of manufacture
计算机刷新间隔refresh time interval
time of chartering
化学老化chemical ageing
化学老化chemical aging
千斤顶完全旋出最大高度extended height of jack
千斤顶旋入最低高度closed height of jack
千米/kilo meter/hour
千米/ kilometer per hour
千米/ kilometers per hour
千米/kilometers per hour
千米每kilo meter per hour
千米每kilometers per hour
自动变速器升档定upshift timing
升每L/hliters per hour
半延熔断器熔丝semi-delayed action fuse
单件工production time per piece
车赛单圈用lap time
车赛单圈用记录lap record time
单程single-trip time
转播占用hold time
作业joint operation
作用的力coacting force
喷射simultaneous injection
完成几项作业multiple operation
改变另一只前照灯光束方向的装置dip-and-switch control
悬架更换四个弹簧replacement springs
simultaneous ignition
同步保持synchronization hold-in time
燃油喷射后喷射post-injection period
后热定after heat timer
后视镜定mirror timer
从柴油机喷油泵柱塞下方看向右转动供油量增加right lead
吨/T/H= tons per hour
吨千米每小TKPH=tonne kilometer per hour
吨英里每tonne mile per hour
吨英里每ton mile per hour
吨英里每小tonne mile per hour
吨英里每小ton mile per hour
soaking time
继电器吸动动作,牵引up time
继电器吸动动作,牵引pull-up time
喷油器吸动工作pickup time
继电器吸起pickup time
在单位间内in unit time
在受力状态下under stress
车辆在寒冷气候下起动和加热所耗cold-weather downtime
在恶劣繁重,大负荷条件下长间使用工作continuous heavy-duty service
在换入高一级档的车速geared-up speed
车辆在最低消耗工作least-cost operation
在线实处理on-line real time processing
在适当in due time
驾驶人坐姿眼高sitting eye level
转向器处在中间位置的调整overcenter adjustment
处理执行handling time
复位重调reset time
外因不能工作external loss time
外因不能工作external disabled time
多相间信号能改变信号间隔时间的交通信号灯multiphase timing signal
燃油喷射大负荷喷油量增加修正compensation for increasing in quantity during high load
天然光利用serviced period
失效间工作operating between failures
自动变速器失速扭矩torque at stall speed
计算机存取access time
柴油机1 小h功率one-hour rated power
功率能力hourly capacity
1 小定额one-hour rating
燃油耗量fuel-consumption per hour
公共运输运量hourly volume
摩托车带两名乘员的最高车速maximum speed with two persons
带增压的定进气系统timed induction with super charge system
发动机带正齿轮的大修包masterkit + timing gears
带非连续可变气门升程的双凸轮轴可变气门正discrete variable valve lift, includes dual cam phasing
汽车传动系统四轮驱动permanent four-wheel drive
气门开启通过断面clear opening
开启断开opening time
开启断开阶段opening period
气门开启重叠overlap duration
竞赛开始起跑starting time
开始制动的速度initial stopping speed
开始响应initial response time
开始爆燃的点火提前角angle at the beginning of knock window
异动variation date
弹簧到正常最大承载位置的汽车总质包括簧载和非簧载重量spring capacity at ground
车轮/悬架弹跳的车轮变位wheel deflection, bump to rebound travel
归档time of flight
当天最快fastest time of the day
竞赛当天最快所用fastest time of the day
怠速延时启动压缩机extended compressor at idle
怠速的排气臭味idle odor
怠速空转,停歇,空闲idle time
参数识别缩写怠速总运转total idle run time
12, 3, 4, 5参数识别缩写怠速点12, 3, 4, 5发动机百分比扭矩engine percent torque at Idle, point
怠速点火正ignition -iming at idle
怠速点火正idle timing
怠速运转的燃料消耗banking loss
发动机怠速运转idle hours
怠速限idle timer
急加速快速换档出现的轮胎拖拉声chirp rubber tires
汽车急加速出现的轮胎拖迹burn rubber
总制动total braking time
总持续total period
控制器恢复返回recovery time
恢复前time to recovery
驾驶人感觉反应间 1 秒one second for reaction time
截止expiration date
手枪式点火正pistol-type stroboscopic lamp
凸轮升程不变的持续dwelling period
挂车hookup time
appointed time
指示灯定控制indicator lamp timer
指示马力indicated horse-power-hour
间手动调节manual timing
间的自动编程automatic timing
按图谱确定点火正ignition-timing from map
按行车刻表的交通scheduled service
电子学捕捉pull-in time
损坏前的工作总hours to failure
换乘transfer time
换档正shift timing
自动变速器换档正shifting timing
放松释放,复原release time
机油放油draining time
蓄电池放电持续discharging duration
蓄电池放电持续discharge time
蓄电池放电持续discharging time
故障前平均间隔平均初次出故障mean time to failures
故障前平均间隔平均初次出故障mean time to failure
参数识别缩写故障指示灯点亮后运行的minutes run by the engine while MIL activated
故障查找排除trouble-shooting time
故障间隔平均平均故障间隔mean time between failures
最佳转矩的最稀混合气大空燃比leanest A/F ratio for best torque
最佳喷油正best injection timing
点火系统最佳点火正时间optimum spark timing
最佳竞赛best time of the race
最佳训练best time of the practice
最佳转矩最大空燃比leanest A/F ratio for best torque
最佳转矩的最稀混合气leanest mixture for best torque
最劣喷射worst injection timing
最大功率的发动机转速engine speed at maximum outputpower
最大功率的最稀混合气weakest mixture for maximum power
公共汽车最大客运负荷busy hour
绿灯最大延长running period
最大转的发动机转速engine speed at maximum torque
最大转矩的发动机转速maximum torque engine speed
发动机最大转矩的最小点火提前角minimum spark advance for best torque
最大转矩的最小点火提前角minimum advance for best torque
最大转矩的最小点火提前角minimum spark advance for best torque
最大转矩的最稀混合气leanest mixture for best torque
竞赛最好成绩best time
最小功率的最稀混合气weakest mixture for minimum power
驾驶人最少休息minimum rest period
竞赛最快fastest time
竞赛最快圈fastest lap time
最短best time
发动机最稀混合气的转矩leanest fuel torque
发动机最高转速的转矩top-end torque
发动机最高转速的转矩top-end engine torque
发动机最高转速的输出功率top-end output
发动机最高转速输出功率top-end power
有效valid time
有效修理修理实施active repair time
有效制动active braking time
制动系统有效制动持续duration of braking effect
有效工作active working time
有限限定的开发limited development time
服务小条例Hours-of-Service Regulations
末检出故障undetected fault time
末班车final vehicle hour
参数识别缩写本次起动后运行time since engine start
制动系统机构滞后mechanism hysteresis time
机械式可调正装置mechanical variable timing
机油更换间隔oil drain interval
发动机机油的单位间质量消耗量单位是g/hlub-oil consumption
核查check-out time
格林威治Greenwich Mean Time
模拟式analog clock
气压不足轮胎噪声tire squeal
二冲程发动机/转子发动机气口开闭port timing
气口开闭刻调节port timing
点火系统气缸特定点火正cylinder-specific ignition timing
气门上升凸轮表面压力lifting pressure
气门升程和正控制系统valve lift and timing control system
气门定正时见GB/T 1883.1-2005 中 10.1.10valve timing
气门定valve-timing angle
气门定角度valve-timing in degrees
气门定记号标记valve-timing mark
气门开启valve opening period
气门开启valve opening time
气门开启valve-lifting period
气门正控制valve timing control
可变气门正油压开关valve-timing oil pressure switch
气门正电子控制valve timing electronic control
气门正电磁阀valve timing solenoid
气门正齿轮valve-timing gear
气门正齿轮组valve-timing gears
氙气频闪正xenon timing lamp
四冲程发动机活塞阀正控制机构piston-valve timing
四冲程发动机活塞阀正控制机构piston-valve gear
四冲程发动机活塞阀正控制机构piston-valve control
流出effusion time
汽车路试timing hut
timing point
记录装置timing-and-recording equipment
浓混合气氧传感器信号rich oxygen sensor signal
浓混合气氧传感器信号rich O₂S signal
浓-稀混合比由稀到浓修正时间lean-rich time
浓转稀混合比由浓到稀修正过程所需时间rich-lean time
清除故障码后运行time after DTC cleared
控定开关thermo time switch
电器温度/间阀temperature/time valve
零件/热处理温度随间变化温度与时间的关系曲线thermal history
温度高的耐老化性heat stability
温控加热间开关thermo time switch
温控间开关temperature/time switch
温控间阀temperature/time valve
测试仪字符爆燃气缸点火延迟角度KNK RTD CYL
猝发循环burst cycle time
猝发重复burst repetition time
猝发间隔burst between time
生产production period
生产月日month, day and hour of manufacture
生产被迫停止production downtime
生产量hourly capacity
钟控制切断或断路time cut-out
用度表示的发动机正engine timing in degrees
二冲程发动机/转子发动机用角度表示的气口开闭port timing in degrees
由静止起步行驶1/4英里所耗standing start 1/4 mile
电子间和防盗报警控制模块electronic time & anti-theft alarm control module
电子点火electronic timing
交通信号电子倒计显示器electric hourglass
柴油机电子可变正electronic variable timer
电子定常用于控制定时维护提示灯电路electronic cell timer
电子定electronic cell timer
电子定常用于控制定时维护提示灯电路E-cell timer
电子控制定和报警装置electronic time and alarm control system
电子正electronic timing
电子正控制electronic timing control
电子点火正electronic spark timing
电子点火正electronic ignition timing
电子程序点火正electronic programmed spark timing
电子计算机控制点火正computer controlled timing
电热塞定glow-plug timer
柴油机电热塞定glow controller
点火系统电磁拾波正magnetic timing
电磁控制式气门正系统electromagnetic valve timing control
真空延vacuum retard delay valve
真空控制正vacuum-controlled timing
真空控制点火正提前vacuum ignition timing
真空控制点火正vacuum ignition advance
燃烧室着火爆发压力ignition pressure
稀混合气最大功率mixture maximum power-lean
稀混合气的最大功率weak mixture maximum power
电气稳定setting time
资源管理器isochronous resource manager
等候停车,停工wait period
等候大修的awaiting-overhaul time
等效当量equivalent time
二冲程发动机簧片diaphragm timing
二冲程发动机簧片正membrane timing
索赔valid claim period
紧急运行间区间emergency operation interval
累积不可用accumulated down time
累计accumulated time
交通繁忙高峰busy period
脉冲变动载荷的强度strength at pulsating load
脉冲上升常指脉冲从 10%上升到90%所需要的时间pulse rise time
脉冲下降常指脉冲从 90%下降到10%所需要的时间pulse fall time
脚从踏板上滑下离合器有砰的声音slam in the clutch
公交营业车running time
持续stroke duration
行政原因的停歇administrative time
行程来回一趟trip time
发动机行程持续duration of stroke
行走travelling time
行车与前车拉开距离draw away
行车班次刻表time table
公共交通行车刻表规定的车速schedule speed
公共交通行车刻表上的正点到达时间scheduled time of arrival
公共交通行车刻表上的正点到达时间scheduled arrival time
公共交通行车刻表上的线路行车时间schedule line time
公共交通行车刻表上的线路行车时间scheduled line time
公共交通行车刻表效率有效系数schedule efficiency
车辆行车run timerunning time
悬架/车辆动力学行驶扭矩杆中心torque-arm center in driving
行驶最小离地间隙minimum running ground clearance
自动变速器行驶锁止locked in drive
车辆行驶运行travel time
行驶运行,工作,动作running period
调头turn round time
调度空驶deadhead time for dispatch
调度表规定的停歇scheduled downtime
调整setting-up time
调整点火正setting the ignition timing
调节开始响应regulatory response time (initial response time)
调节定位setting time
调节控制,作用control duration
负荷作用持续load time
负荷控制喷油延retarded injection timing with load
负载持续duration of loading
货物运输agreed time schedule of freight delivery
货物运输agreed duration of freight transport
踏板变换交替pedal changing time
退出起动摇把的撞击声knock of crank
送检修行驶的英里数mileage at repair
推销好产品selling up
针回转turning anticlockwise
针方向anticlockwise direction
针方向旋转left rotation
针转矩left-hand moment
通电current "on" time
通电current flow period
通过一圈的lap time
汽车通过一定距离passing time
速度每speed per hour
配气气门valve timing
四行程发动机配气气门指气门开或闭的相应曲轴角度port timing
配气正控制占空比valve timing duty
配气正机构valve-timing gear
锁定建立locked set-up-time
防抱制动系统和主动式四轮转向装置同釆用的综合控制方式ABS+active 4WS
降档正自动变速器为避免急剧降档导致冲击而设计的阀门downshift timing valve
停车limited parking
停车时间limited parking time
调速器/喷油泵限制转速的供油量delivery at governed speed
喷油泵静态基本喷油正static timing
点火系统静态怠速点火正static timing
点火系统静态基本点火正调整static spark setting
非生产不工作,空转,无载,无效unproductive time
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