
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一极独大的unipolar moment
一般物价水平调整值会计general price-level-adjusted current value accounting
不合宜新股发行unseasoned new issue
不稳定的rocky period
俱进advance with time
业务临中断险contingent business interruption insurance
保单provisional policy
修理费temporary repair cost
债务欠款temporary debt
债务interim bonds
公告holding announcement
及非常费用unforseen and extraordinary expenses
存款账户temporary deposit account
居民帐户non-residential account
帐户interim accounts
帐户suspense account
年金contingent annuity
开支unforeseeable expense
开支unforeseeable expenses
性危机机制temporary crisis mechanism
性帐户temporary account
性帐户temporary accounts
性帐户income statement accounts
性帐户nominal accounts
性货币互换额度emergency currency swap lines
投资temporary investment
拨款votes on account
损益non-recurring gains and losses
支出non-recurrent expenditure
支出额外费用extraordinary expenditure
收人non-recurrent receipts
收入extraordinary receipts
收入non-revenue receipts
收入casual revenue
机构拨款provisional institutional allotment
流动性担保计划temporary liquidity guarantee program
流动拨款provisional working allotment
清盘人provisional liquidator
经费extraordinary expense
结算表provisional clearing statement
贷款temporary accommodation
贷款bridging loan
费用nonrecurring charge
费用no-recurring expenses
费用casual expenses
赤字interim deficit
项目non-recurring items
预算extraordinary budget
交易trading session
交易trading hours
交易间制time of transaction basis
交易间段time bracket
伦敦富 100指数London FTSE 10 index
停工间的会计处理accounting for idle time
停工间补充率指制造费用idle time supplementary rate
停机之工作out-cycle work
停止营业上升价格closing high
停止营业降价closing low
偿付债权人必须接受的货币legal tender
全球化eras of globalization
关键material time
准备lead time
准确把握代主题accurately grasp the theme of the times
分数股临凭证scrip certificate issued for fractional share
分析应收款欠帐之aging the receivable
制造费用人工小labour hours basis for overhead application
制造费用分配的人工小labour hour basis for overhead application
制造费用分配的机器小machine hours basis for overhead application
制造费用率的机器小machine hours basis for manufacturing overhead rates
十进计每小时分秒以十进位法decimal time-reporting method
危机times of crisis
支付pay down
结算speedy clearance
原来origin period
调整政策make timely adjustment to policies
反向间价差套利reverse calendar spread
发行临凭证scrip issue
取得进款和交纳税款的间间隔time lag between the receipt of income and the payment of tax
可动用临公积盈余available temporary surplus
可随收回金额amount subject to call
各部率法department hour rate method
后冷战代世界秩序post-Cold War order
后危机代的世界post-crisis world
后危机代的经济刺激措施post-crisis economic stimulus package
回应response time
国际货币基金组织临信用融通安排IMF temporary credit facility
垫付款项充作临及额外费用advance to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expense
处理order processing latency
外币折算态法temporary method of currency translation
外币换算的交易间制time of transaction basis of foreign currency translation
效的债务outlawed debt
存立duration of existence
存货过成本stock obsolescence costs
安排set up time
委托time-of-the-day order
信息timely information
支付结算系统Real Time Gross Settlement system (香港金管局 (HKMA) 使用的结算系统)
数码数据服务real time digital data service
计算real time calculation
资讯real time information
中型企业250指数FTSE Mid 250 Index
全球股票指数系列FTSE Global Equity Index Series
小盘股指数FTSE Small Cap Index
250 指数FTSE 250 Index
Estars 指数FTSE Estars Index
350 指数FTSE 350 Share Index
100指数期货FTSE 100 Futures
指数系列FTSE Indices
指数集团FTSE Group (指数管理公司)
日本指数FTSE Japan Index
欧洲指数系列FTSE European Indices
欧洲顶尖 300指数FTSE Eurotop 300 Index
欧洲顶尖 100指数FTSE Eurotop 100 Index
环球亚太日本除外指数FTSE All-World Asia Pacific ex Japan Index
环球指数FTSE All-World Index
精算 350 种股票指数FTSE Actuaries 350 Index
综合股票指数FTSE All-Share Index
100 股票指数FTSE 100 Share Index
100股票指数Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Share Index
AIM 英国 50指数FTSE AIM UK 50 Index
英国系列指数FTSE UK Series Indices
跨国企业指数FTSE Multinational Index
金砖四国50指数FTSE BRIC 50 Index
雏鸟指数FTSE Fledging Index
对盘前pre-order matching period
工资率rate per hour
条款hour clause
单成本time sheet cost
分摊制造费用labour hour method
工作摊销标准productive hours
工作数折旧depreciation-working hour
工作间折旧法depreciation-working hours method
已获得的计利息比率time interest earned ratio
市场market timing
闲置之设备standby equipment
年度临帐户interim year accounts
帐簿chronological books
报价delayed quotes
延期回赎redemption period extended
延迟交易expanded trading hours
开信用证time of opening of L/C
开动之作业in-cycle work
开市前分配pre-open allocation session
开市前议价pre-market opening session
开盘买进buy on opening
开盘买进buy on open
开盘卖出sell on open
开盘opening range
市场current market value
必要的周转time of turnover necessary
恒生/ 富亚洲大企业指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asiatop Index
恒生/富亚洲分类指数FTSE/Hang Seng Asian sector Indexes
恒生/富指数系列FTSE/Hang Seng Indexes
成本分析的间模型分析法time-pattern analysis method of cost analysis
借款war loan
基金war fund
财政wartime finance
报告report timing
拍卖以低于贷主所定最低价为贷主买回拍卖品buy in
持续交易continuous trading session
按工分摊费率用于制造费用的分摊labour hour rate
掉期swap time
提供临的保护伞provide a temporary umbrella
支付time of payment
收市股价各有升跌close mixed
收市竞价交易closing auction session
收盘上涨closing high
收盘下跌closing low
收盘买进buy on close
改革的间框架time frame of reforms
敏感sensitive time
新加坡海峡报指数Singapore Straits Times Index
新华富中国 25指数期货及期权合约FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index futures and options contracts
新华富中国25指数FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index
新华富指数FTSE/Xinhua Index (由新华财经有限公司和伦敦交易所金融时报有限公司合资创办的一种指数,于2001年7月26日正式对外实时发布)
新华富 A50指数FTSE/Xinhua China A50 Index
新华富指数有限公司FTSE/Xinhua Index Ltd. (指数管理公司)
无效工成羋idle time cost
market price (market value)
current price
current dollars
current price (ruling price)
current cost
刻不停地变化步伐restless pace of change
区局限time zone barriers
效调整回收期time-adjusted payback period
效调整投资额time-adjusted investment
效调整报酬率time-adjusted rate of return
会计上的期观念periodicity concept (of accounting)
机确定timing decision
段交易量time segmented volume
段概念time period concept
间不变性投资组合保护策略time-invariant portfolio protection strategy
间与价格自由决定委托time and price discretionary order
间价值time value (又称"外涵价值 (extrinSic value)"外在价值",指期权合约的购买者为购买期权而支付的权利金超过期权内在价值的那部分价值)
间价差套利time spread (即"水平期权套利 (horizontal spread)")
间价差策略time spread strategy
间优先time priority
间值time premium
间加权收益率time-weighted return (评估投资组合复合增长率的方法。由于这个方法消除了新资金流人造成的误导作用,可用作比较投资经理的回报)
间加权收益率time-weighted rate of return (评估投资组合复合增长率的方法。由于这个方法消除了新资金流人造成的误导作用,可用作比较投资经理的回报)
间套利arbitrage in time
间差timing difference
间差距time gap
间序列分析time series analysis (即"横向分析 (horizontal analysis)")
间数列或动态数列time series
间耗损time decay
间选择权timing option
间递耗值theta (期权的风险指标之一)
in the short run
停止部分业务partial suspension of business
吊销牌照suspension of licence
存款temporary deposit
存款sundry creditors temporary deposits
存款户sundry creditors
性冲击transitory shocks
款项temporary receipt
特种合伙帐户joint venture account
的帐户live account
贷款cash cr. (credit)
逆差赤字temporary deficit
暂停blocking period
最短回复开价minimum response time
间限制的承兑acceptance qualified as to time
有关relevant time
有法定间限制的息票statute time-barred coupon
期权的间价值time value of option
未过保险insurance premium unexpired
未过保险费unexpired insurance
机器小分批制造费用的标准,按机器小时分摊成本法machine hour method
标准工standard labor hour
标准机standard machine hour
检查review time
通融temporary accommodation
欧元区Eurozone era
比利富通银行Fortis Bank S.A/N.V
比利期货和期权交易所Belgian Futures and Options Exchange
<比〉比利联合金融集团KBC Group (比利时第二大金融集团,成立于1998年,主要业务在中欧及东欧新兴国家,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第71位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第323位)
泛欧自动实总清算高速转账系统Trans-European Automated Real Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System
泡沫bubble era
流通time of circulation
消灭效已完成的债务obligation barred by prescription
价值market value
现行,当前current value
现行current market value
生产人工数法指制造费用的分配productive labor hours method
由经济扩张驱动的新new era driven by expanding economies
费用financial contingency
直接人工间法direct labor hours method
离职费用回收separation recovery
税法的间效力time validity of tax law
空闲间工资idle time pay
第十二个五年计划Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period
经历_段增长较慢的have a period of slower growth
经济高速增长period of strong global growth
结汇间制time of settlement basis
结算settlement interval
间簿lost time book
股价不动回报standstill return
营业opening hours
营业banking hours
装船电汇付款pay by T/T at time of shipment
见票后一定期承付票据bill after sight
成本hour cost
报吿表time reports
簿time book
认付交还抵押单的押汇票document acceptance bill
货币政策time lag of monetary policy
货币政策lags of monetary policy effect
货币的间价值time value of currency
货币的间价值概念time value of money concept
超低利率era of ultra-low interest rates
超越一得失move beyond short-term considerations
输人买卖盘order input period
产品成本obsolete stock cost
存货obsolete stock
调整timely adjustment
针价量图counter clockwise (技术分析中使用的一种显示一段时间内价格与成交量的图形)
通力合作,共度tide over the difficulties through concerted efforts
交易late trading
遭到临财政困难tide over difficulty
部门级临机构拨款departmental provisional institutional allotment
部门级临流动拨款departmental provisional working allotment
《金融报》Financial Times
《金融报》工业股票指数Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index
《金融报》30指数FT 30 Index
《金融报》指数Financial Times index
《金融报》政府股票指数Financial Times Government Securities Index
《金融报》欧洲顶尖300指数FT Eurotop 300 Index
《金融报》-精算世界北欧指数FT Actuaries World Nordic Index
《金融报》-精算世界股票指数FTA World Share Index
《金融报》-精算指数系列Financial Times Actuaries Indices
《金融报》-精算综合股票指数FTA All-Share Index
《金融报》精算股票指数Financial Times Actuaries Share Indexes
《金融报》-股票交易所国际有限公司FTSE International Limited (简称"富时国际有限公司",1995年由伦敦股票交易所 (LSE)和《金融时报》共同发起设立)
《金融报》股票指数Financial Times Shares Indexes
《金融报》-证交所200种欧洲股票指数Financial Times Stock Exchange Eurotrack 200 Index
《金融报》-证交所100种欧洲股票指数Financial Times Stock Exchange Eurotrack 100 Index
金融不确定times of financial uncertainty
银根紧缩tight money times
银行营业bank business hours
闲置仍需之成本standby cost
委托time order
委托time limit order
可以收回的借款at call (money at call)
可能破产的公司collapsible corporation
在营业窗口提供的纸币issue on tap
支款current account
随着间的推移而上升rise over time
非常紧急,繁忙times of stress
风险-间关系risk-time relationship
高增长、低通胀的years of high growth and low inflation