
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
借入金unfunded debt
冲动的购买impulsive buying
性消费the transitory consumption
的满足momentary satisfaction
一个人投资于股票,除投资付款外,无额外责任When one invests in stocks, he is non-assessable, except for the payment for investment
一切迹象表明货物不能准运到There is every indication that the goods can't arrive on time
一方违约,另一方有权取消本协议The other party shall be entitled to rescind the agreement in default on one party
一生劳动the entire working life
一笔款项与序列款项的间价值time value of sums and series
证券交易用语三重魔力triple watching hour
上周我们访问你公司,受到热情招待特此表示感谢We express our thanks for being hospitably received by you when we were visiting your company last week
上年的同一corresponding period of the preceding year
上船即付pay as you enter
at intervals
发生的损失sporadic losses
不动产使用的quantity of estate
不同保险the non-current insurance
不同保险the non-concurrent insurance
不同的time streams
不失no time lost
不按交割fail (证券)
不操作nonproductive time
不早不晚的high time
不生产nonproductive time
不确定装卸indeterminate lay days
不缩短交货间,产品很难出售It will be difficult to sell this product without curtailment of the delivery time
不能产生效问题the inapplicability of the statute of limitation
为吸引游资等不限量发行而随可购买的政府债券the tap bond
与官价汇率同并存的平行汇率parallel rate of exchange
与该国大规模做交易的机尚未成熟The opportunity is not mature for us to trade extensively with that country
世界the zebra time
世界必要劳动necessary labour time on a world wide basis
业余after hours
业务最繁忙the peak hour
东部eastern time
美国东部夏令Eastern Daylight Time
美国东部标准Eastern Standard Time
两次修理之间的使用turnaround time
两次修理之间的使用interrepair time
中位数median time
中午休息dinner hour
中断idle time
付款temporary payment
代办charge d'affaires
代理人an acting agent
仲裁the ad hoc arbitration
仲裁庭由三人组成The temporary arbitration court consists of three persons
价格time rate
价格odd price
保险the facultative insurance
保险费pro visional premium
借款money on call
免税进口a temporary admission
兑换券emergency note
关税temporary duty
再保险facultative reinsurance
利息interim interests
偶然制造manufacturing contingences
办法a temporal method
协定a provisional agreement
合同provisional treaty
因素local factor
地址an address in case of need
备件单interim spare parts list
安排interim arrangement
居住证temporary residence
居民的自由兑换the non-resident convertibility
居民账户a non-residential account
美国岀口普通许可证general license
an add hand
工作odd jobs
工作小组boundary-spanning unit
工工资率hire labour rate
年金或为期一年的年金temporary annuity
应用的工具expedient tools
开支interim chaise
性不足temporary scarcity
性外汇foreign exchange for incidental use
性收入non-recurrent revenue
性账户a temporary account
性贷款bridging loan
性费用the non-recurring charge
性费用the non-recurring cost
性费用the non-recurrent expense
成本或费用nonrecurring cost
或名义上的负债contingent or nominal liabilities
报告provisional report
指数interim index
诉讼进行中法院裁定的措施interim measure
中间措施interim means
措施interim measures
措施stop gap
措施stop-gap measures
支出the non-recurrent expenditure
支出nonrecurring expenditure
支出extraordinary disbursement
收人nonrecurring gains
收人nonrecurrent revenue
收入transitional income
收入the transitory income
额外收入non-revenue receipts
收益nonrecurrent receipts
更改步骤temporary change procedure
检査extraordinary inspection
海洋适航证书interim seaworthiness certificate
on the run
或权宜的改善措施stop-gap improvement
或权宜的改善措施interim improvement
的改善措施interim improvement
研究报吿occasional study
职务temporary duty
股份或股票分割temporary share or stock fraction
股利the scrip dividend
股票持有者a scrip holder
自愿折让temporary voluntary allowance
补缺fill in
设施temporary facilities
temporary paper
证书temporary paper
账户a provisional account
货棚landing shed
贷款interim loan
贷款the temporary accommodation
贷款interim credit
extra expenditure
interim expenses
费总价provisional sum
费用或开支nonrecurring charge
费用extra charge
资产簿记temporary assets bookkeeping
资金temporary financing
资金interim financing
关贸总协定适用议定书Protocol of Provisional Application
逆差temporary deficit
通融the temporary accommodation
销售折让temporary dealer allowance
防御性特惠制temporary defensive preferential system
雇员a non-legal employee
需要temporary needs
预算an extraordinary budget
临终所作的mortis causa
会计报表在互相方便的候可提供给业主The accounting statement shall be available to the owner at mutually convenient time
会计的间观念the periodicity concept of accounting
估计交货estimated time of delivery
估计启航estimated time of departure
估计在途estimated time en route
估计开船estimated time of sailing
估计恢复作业estimated time of return to operation
估计抵港estimated time of arrival
估计离开estimated time off
估计资金的流转间及数量estimate time and amount of the flow of funds
估计起程estimated time of departure
估计返回estimated time of return
估计途中estimated time on round
倒计count down
分析应收账款欠账的aging schedule of account receivable
切削cutting time
列车推迟半小发车The train's departure was delayed by half an hour
利用improve an occasion
到…时的value as on ...
到站刻表arrival timetable
到货付运费carriage charges to pay
制造业之每周平均工作average hours worked per week in manufacturing
包括装船驳运的一切风险include all risks of crafts while loading
合同控制规定contract controlled time
合同生效间的计算从双方签订合同的那一天算起Computation of contract time begins on the day when both parties sign the contract
合法lawful hours
all in one
划拨制a simultaneous allocation system
效度concurrent validity
输出输入simultaneous input-output
通知某人under advice to (sb.)
验证simultaneous verification
同一even date
名义上的工作nominal hours
启程刻表departure time-table
启程departure time
吸收the absorption gap
听人提到…时at the mention of
间适宜的时候as time serves
在… 的时候when
在一定间内付款可享受的折扣time discount
在五年期满以后,他可以随取消本协议After the expiration of 5 years he may cancel this agreement at any time
在交易所同抛售又买入同一种证券的交易the matched sale-purchase transaction
在今后两个月的任何间内,我方应有权终止本合同We can terminate this contract at any time within the succeeding two months
在你们将此报告转交客户,请务必不要泄露调査人的名字Be sure not to disclose the name of the investigator to your clients while you are passing this report on to them
在出现危及生命和财产的紧急情况,承包商必须采取必要的救助措施The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property
在协议签字,应先付一笔300美元的定金Upon the signing of the agreement the cash down payment of $300 should be made
在合同期满,他没有义务再提供必要的技术信息At the end of the contract period he has no obligation to furnish necessary technical information again
在同一计算机上多种程序同运算concurrent processing
在实施这一条款出现的任何争议,将以仲裁作为一种解决办法Arbitration will be an approach to settle any dispute arising from the operation of this clause
在必要的检验和修理inspect and repair as necessary
在我们看来,资金困难只是暂In our judgement n., the financial handicap is only temporary
在招揽订单你方无权超越你代理的地区范围You have no right to exceed the limit of your agency district in canvassing for orders
在未来期交货合同contract for future delivery or forward delivery
在横滨卸货,这些盒子常掉入水中,因此保险人已将保险费提高到百分之…Owing to the fact that these boxes are frequently dropped into the water during the unloading in Yokohama, the insurer has raised the premium to...%
在确定此类公平价值,不应考虑企业的商业信誉价值In determining such fair value, one can't take into consideration any value for goodwill of the concern
在第二次at twice
在该船 1992 年 9月6日到达目的地,发现有一箱短少8 打Upon the arrival of the ship at the destination on September 6th, 1992 one carton was found short of 8 dozen
在谈判开始阶段我方已强调了准发货的重要性,现在不再复述We stressed in the initial stage of negotiation the importance of punctual shipment and won't repeat it
在起草协议,必须避免有利于双方中任何一方的单方面条款In drawing an agreement, one-sided clauses in favour of either party must be avoided
在起草这些合同,我们应该小心避免措词含糊的隐患We must take care in drafting these contracts to avoid the pitfalls of ambiguity
在适当的in due course
在适当的in due time
在适当的候,我们也会考虑雇用半熟练工人In due time, we shall also consider employing semi-skilled workers
地方标准zone standard time
处理duration of exposure
处理handling time
时间daylight time
多样的间估计multiple time estimate
多样的间工资计划multiple time rate plan
多样的按间计算工资制multiple time rate system
大修后使用time since overhaul
大米到货即由公证行过磅,他们只好承认重量不足Since the rice was weighed by a public surveyor upon arrival they cannot but admit the shortage
大量消费age of mass consumption
太平洋标准指美国和加拿大西部太平洋沿岸地区采用的标准时,比格林威治时间晚 8 小时Pacific Standard Time P. S. T
失去效的债权the barred claim
失去效的规定extinctive prescription
将产权出售同长期租用该产业的做法lease back
将单据直接寄给我们,并同通知他们Send the documents to us direct under advice to them
功率one-hour rating
取费率hourly rates
定额one-hour rating
工资per hour wage
工资率pay rate per hour
费率hourly rates
市场调査表现出供求的暂平衡A survey of the market reveals the temporary equilibrium of demand and supply
希望厂方在如此短的间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time
开始日流量日产量initial flow
营业开始the opening time
开始工作break-in period
开放the opening time
式样过的服装目前在市场上很难销售The market for clothes out of fashion is very difficult at present
弹性flexible time
弹性工作flexible hours
感谢你方及提供细节Thank you for offering us specifics in time
我们不得不将你们的询盘暂放一放We have to leave your enquiry in abeyance
我们不知何再补进这一商品We have no idea of when this commodity will be restocked
我们会作出一切必要安排按交货We will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time
我们会对你们的汇票及照付We will accord your draft due protection
我们会将市场变动情况随通知我们的经销商We will keep our distributors advised from time to time of the market changes
我们会随回报你方的好意We will reciprocate your courtesy at any time
我们保留在必要修订此协议的权利We reserve the right to revise the agreement if necessary
我们听说你们昨天在洽谈对付款方式发生了争执We heard that you were haggling over the mode of payment during the talk yesterday
我们对能否准装船相当担心We are rather anxious about the punctuality of the shipment
我们将在一定的间内把我方决定向你们通告,以免延误发货We shall inform you of our decision within a definite time so as not to delay the shipment
我们将奉献全部间与精力以促进贵公司的交易We shall devote our entire time and energy to the furtherance of the transaction of your company
我们将对今后某个期的服务费作适当的调整We will make appropriate adjustments in the service fee for a future period
我们工人的工作量太大,不能及完成The load is too heavy for our workers to finish in time
我们打开包,发现短衫与样品不一样When we unwrap ped the parcel, we found the blouse is not the same as the sample
我们按完成了任务We fulfilled our task in due course
我们无意在协议期满续订协议We are not interested in renewing this agreement when it expires
我们曾经历过一段期的销售回跌We experienced a period of falling sales
我们给仓库增添了 10名部分间工作制人手We supplemented the warehouse staff with 10 part-timers
我们要花三个月间来清理这些积压的定单It will take us three months to clear the backlog of orders
我们认为要求你方及完成全部订单是合理的We consider it reasonable to ask you to fill all orders in time
我们认为讨论调整价格的机已经成熟We think that the time is mature for us to discuss the subject of readjusting prices
我们请他们打听火车什么候到达We asked them to find out at what time the train was due
我们需要相当的间来完成分配的工作We shall spend quite a bit of time to perform the allocated work
我方将及在指定的地点提供必要数量的材料供建造工厂使用We shall supply necessary amount of materials for the construction of the plant in time at the designated point
我方将尽力加快装运以及满足你方要求We will do our best to expedite shipment to meet your requirements in time
我方市场上对你方的装兴趣极高Great taste has been cultivated for your fashions in our market
我方确信他们在票据呈交即行付款We are confident that they will meet the bill on presentation
我方确认你方订单上注明的交货We confirm the delivery time on your order
我方订货发运,我们会及时得到他们的通知We will duly receive their advice when they send out our goods ordered
我方账册和记录随可供你方查阅Our books and records are available to you at any time
我认为不妨让此事拖延一段间然后再作决定I deem it proper to let this matter slide for a period of time before we make our decision
中立国船舶free ship
保险费war risk insurance
信贷war credit
债务war debt
公债a liberty bond
公债美国在第一次世界大战期间发行的liberty bond
共产主义war-time communism
利得税war profit tax
征税levy in war
所得税war income tax
救济基金war fund
救济基金war chest (fund)
权力法案war power case
渔利者war profiteer
的产物指因战时需要而发展的工业、产品、证券等war baby
美国石油管理局Petroleum Administration for War
紧急拨款war emergency grant
经济the war-time economy
经济military economy
自动终止生效条款war clause
财政war finance
赔款war indemnity
过份利得税war excess profit tax
过分利得税war excess profit tax
逾期利得税excess profit duty
配给war rationing
预算military budget
截至 …时为up to the time of
in time
价折合的公司债debenture convertible at market price
价计算按现价计算in current price
出运punctuated shipment
换班keep a regular spell
标记结点milestone node
计费charter by time
间分切的项目time-slice project
间分片的项目time-slice project
间调整的报酬率the time-adjusted rate of return
间调整的报酬率time adjusted rate of return
'按间调整的报酬率time-adjusted rate of return
间调整的收益率the time-adjusted rate of return
按依运送货物on-time delivery
按工作间法折旧the depreciation by working hours method
按每小5美元的价格at the rate of five dollars an hour
按约定by appointment (和地点)
按进出门间计付工资法the portal-to-~ pay
按进出门间计付工资法portal-to-portal pay
支付到最后一人死亡为止的联合年金joint and survivor annuity
收割的损失field loss
收盘,石油股票很活跃At the finish oil shares became active
收货付款cash on receipt of merchandise
收货立即付款payable on receipt
最低小工资minimum wage
最低规划the minimum planning horizon
最佳承包商控制optimal contractor-controlled time
最初预计到港first ETA (expected time of arrival)
最早作业完成earliest finish time
最早作业开始earliest start time
最早到达earliest arrival arriving time
最早完成optimistic performance time
最早抵达earliest arrival time
最短处理shortest processing time
最迟作业开始latest start time
最迟完成pessimistic performance time
最适当的间值most many, much 的最高级 likely time estimate
最长估计pessimistic estimate time
3 月 3 日所送报盘有效间到本周末为止The offer sent on March 3 still holds good before the end of this week
on occasion
候,一些建筑物是照一次总付合同及成本加佣金合同建造的Sometimes buildings are built under lumpsum and cost-plus contracts
工程的一项变动会导致增加或缩减工程服务Sometimes a change in a project requires addition or diminution in engineering services
有关效的法规rules of limitation
有工会工资的决定determination of wages with labor unions
有效time of effect
有效the effective time
有效工productive time
有法定间限制的息票a statute barred coupon
有装船限的条件conditions as to time of shipment
有限状态的序机finite state machine
有需要in case of need
服务hours of service
期望间隔expected elapsed time
期限与time limits and limitations
未投产使用unemployed time
本地洪水持续了好几天,因此我们不能按发货The flood at this place last-ed several days, therefore, we cannot effect shipment on time
本段的下一小节中规定了交货间、地点The time and place of delivery are stipulated in the next subdivision of this paragraph
术语"工"指一个人在一小时内完成的工作量The term "man-hour "means work done by one man in one hour
标准spare time
标准间资料法elemental standard data
标准劳动standard labour time
标准工standard labour time
标准工作standard working, hours
根据上下文,合同中单数词汇有表示复数的含义In contracts, words importing the singular sometimes refer to the plural according to the context
根据下列规定条件,承包商应及履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below
根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平需向政府支付一定的税款According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level
根据合同你方应使我方客户完全满意,按按定单规定交货According to the contract you shall execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without delay
根据合同,你方应毫无保留地及给我方提供一切详情和有关资料According to the contract, you shall provide us with all particulars and relevant data without reserve in time
根据法律,该公司的房产将按扣留和征收cording to law, the premises of the company shall be duly withheld and collected
清偿因效已完成的债权the fulfillment of barred claims
清偿因效已完成的债权the fulfilment of barred claims
渔猎hunting and fishing stage
渔猎hunting or fishing stage
温哥华保兑商行通知说,有关信用证本应及修改好Vancouver confirming house's advice was that the relative L/C should have been duly amended
游牧the pastoral nomadism
游牧pastoral stage
理货报表tally daily report
生产productive time
生产间',作业时间productive time
生产间的损失lost production time
生产人工小productive labour hours method
生产准备setup time
生产准备make-ready time
生产前准备make ready time
生产节拍间的计算the tact timing
生意兴隆的the rush hour
由业主任命的人有权在任何候监督工程的完工状况The owner's nominees are entitled at any time to supervise the works as it is done
由于他们宁可暂观望,目前业务活动甚少As they prefer to wait and see, there is little business activity at present
由于你方信用证耽误,我方不能准交货,深感遗憾We regret deeply that the goods can not be delivered to you on time because of the delay of your L/C
由于外部原因造成的停工external idle time
由于工人突然罢工,生产停顿24小Owing to a sudden strike in the factory n., the production was held up for 24 hours
由于技术原因造成的停工standby unattended time
由于订货紧迫,他们将尽力缩短生产Because the order is urgent, they will try their best to curtail the time for production
申请未办完进口手续的货物存入保税仓库application for opening bonded warehouse
申请新护照须交出旧护照One has to surrender the old passport when applying for a new one
电子an electronic age
电子electronic age
电气electrical age
电视网播出network time
的办法less time-consuming way
破产可认债务debt s-provable in bankruptcy
程序计programme register
程序计program register
第二届董事们的任期将于第二届股东大会结束满期The term of office, of the second directors shall expire at the conclusion of the second general meeting of shareholders
索赔time limit for filling claims
紧急期摊提emergency amortization
累积cumulative hour
累计工作accumulated operational time
缓冲buffered time
缔约一方在任何候不得采取任何干扰执行合同的行动One party shall not at any time commit any act which will interfere with the execution of the contract
航班刻表sailing schedule
—般效期overall limitation period
hatch hour rate
船抵港向海关申报enter inward
X船抵达Y港口付款pay on the arrival of ship X in port Y
船舶免费使用港口设施free time of vessel
营业shopping hours
萧条hard times
调整季节变动后期的间数列seasonal variation adjusted time series
调整长期趋势后的间数列trend adjusted time series
谢谢6月18日来函对TB₄₄₆型电动锯的询价,但我方现已不再生产这一型号Thank you for your inquiry of June 18 for our electric saws TB₄₄₆ but we are not manufacturing this type any more
货到净价net arrived value
货到所抽样品outturn sample
货币间价值time value of money
货币及信用经济period of money and credit economy
货币的间价值the time value of money
货币经济period of money economy
货物停留dwell time of cargo
货物停留delay time of cargo
货物到达目的地的状况outturn of the shipment
货物抵达,他们发现短重共达 255 千克They noticed a shortage in weight totalling 255kg. when the goods arrived
货物运达所抽样品outturn sample
贬值period of custody and control depreciation
购置leat time
贷款间安排timing of loans
贸易双方同开信用证backed to L/C
费用率的直接工direct labour hour
退伍的奖金gratuity fund
退休前的过渡gradual transition to retirement
in due time
库存管理just-in-time inventory management
的话a timely remark
逆向间安排backward scheduling
通常对于小项目,业主要进行可行性研究,同业主也可能邀请一些专家协助Usually for a small project, the owner will carry out a feasibility study, meanwhile, the owner may invite some specialists to help
《金融报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
《金融报》全面股票价格指数Financial Time All-Share Index
《金融报》工商业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融报》的世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Price
《金融报》的工业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融报》的股票价格指数Financial Times Stock Indices
《金融报》股票价格指数Financial Times Stock Indices
take time
需要的委托人a referee in case of need
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