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在机械钟表传入中国之前,漏壶是我国使用最普遍的一种计器。二十五、眼镜Before the mechanical clock was imported into China, the clepsydra was the most widely used time-measuring device (Glasses)
如果你以投资的心态购买,只有两个品牌不会受到潮流左右,长间过后也不会贬值,那就是百达翡丽和劳力士If you buy with an investor's mindset, only two brands are immune to fashion and depreciation in the long term: Patek Philippe and Rolex
转动表冠设置Turn the crown to set the time
这个问题直到十八世纪发明了航海精密计钟才得以解决The problem was not solved completely until the invention of the marine chronometer in the eighteenth century
防水表壳,自动上发条的机芯,表盘日历窗,格林尼治双区腕表以及潜水腕表都是劳力士的发明The waterproof case, the self- winding movement, the date window in the dial, the GMT two-time-zone watch and the diving watch are all Rolex inventions