
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
中等平均致死median lethal time
住房temporary housing
决定interim decision
避难所temporary shelter Simple facilities for asylum or provisional lodgings to individuals or groups in emergencies (在紧急情况下,收容或作为临时住房提供给个人或团体的简单的设施。)
休闲leisure time Time free from work or other duties; spare time (工作或者其它任务外的自由时间或空闲时间。)
半数致死lethal dose-50 time
发现discovery time
呼吸瞬跃变上升transient climacteric rise in respiration
固定的收费间表fixed schedule of charges
工作working hours The time devoted to gainful employment or job-related activities, usually calculated as hours per day or per week (有酬工作或与工作有关活动的时间,通常是按每天或每周小时数来计算。)
已知间间隔given interval of time
曝气系统extended aeration system
抗击火灾的间标准elapsed time standards
日照duration of sunshine Period of the day during which the sun is shining (一天内阳光能够照耀的时间。)
事通讯newsletter A printed periodical bulletin circulated to members of a group (分发给一组成员的定期印制的新闻简报。)
prescription Acquisition of a personal right to use a way, water, light and air by reason of continuous usage. Prescription is a peremptory and perpetual bar to every species of action, real or personal, when creditor has been silent for a certain time without urging his claim (获得使用道路、水、光和空气的个人权利。时效对于每种行为来说都是必须的和持续有效的。当时效的债权人保持沉默而不去要求他的权利时,时效就有可能失效。)
效法定限制prescription statutory limitation
time 1. The dimension of the physical universe which, at a given place, orders the sequence of events. 2. A designated instant in this sequence, as the time of day. Also known as epoch (1. 物理宇宙的,在某个地点,命令的事件序列的层面。 2. 在此序列指定的瞬间,作为一天的时间。也称为时代。)
间分配time allocation The act of assigning various hours of one's day, week or year to particular activities, especially those falling within the categories of work and leisure (在指派一个人的一天,一周或一年中不同时间的行为,特别是那些在工作和休闲类活动。)
间预算time budget Determining or planning for allotment of time in hours, days, weeks, etc. (以小时、天、周等为单位确定或规划时间。)
最活跃most active period
每小降水数据hourly precipitation data
火势继续燃烧extra burning period
热致死thermal death time
营地;临帐篷camp 1. A place where tents, cabins, or other temporary structures are erected for the use of military troops, for training soldiers, etc. 2. Tents, cabins, etc., used as temporary lodgings by a group of travellers, holiday-makers, Scouts, Gypsies, etc. (1. 给军事部队使用,如训练士兵等,可以搭建帐篷、棚屋或是其它临时结构。 2. 帐篷,小屋等,被旅行者、度假者、侦察兵和吉普赛人等用作临时住处。)
设备利用发生的火灾equipment use fire
的机器设备antiquated plant Old installation that do not respond to new rules for the prevention of environmental pollution and whose redevelopment requires investments for adopting technologies related to the protection of waterways, waste management, noise reduction and emission control (不能符合新版环境污染保护规定的老旧设施,而其再开发需要投资相关水道保护、废弃物管理、噪音减量及排放控制的技术。)
闲暇间的利用use of leisure time Making use of free time to carry out recreational activities (利用空闲时间来进行娱乐活动。)
非高峰间工作off-peak working
非高峰间旅行off-peak travelling Relating to travelling outside rush-hours to avoid overcrowding in public means of transport (高峰时间外的旅游,以避免公共交通的拥挤。)
非高峰间通勤off-peak commuting Traveling back and forth regularly over some distance, outside of the hours of maximum traffic frequency (交通高峰时间之外的定期地来回行驶。)