
Terms for subject Management containing | all forms
一周总工work week
上下班记clocking-in card
上机set up time
下班closing time
不完全imperfect time
不服务out of Service time
不用秒表的间研究法predetermined time study
业余out of Service time
个人工作间单individual job time ticket
个人私事放宽personal time allowance
供应品floating supply
修理running repair
办法temporal method
地址address in case of need
替换人员temporary replacement
职工temporary employee
补救维修remedial maintenance
证书temporary certificate
雇员emergency man
为什么,何事,何地,何,谁,怎样why, what, where, when, who, how
乐观间值optimistic time estimate
乐观估计optimistic estimate time
事件event time
任务分配报告man bases
分配任务报吿manhour distribution task report
人一评价法manhour evaluation
人工间法men hour method
人工小manhour bases
人工小worker-hour rate
休息rest period
休息放宽rest allowance
估计工作estimate activity time
余裕的slack time
作业hours of service
作业time of operation
作业time of goods operation
作业间票job slip
作业间紧缩activity duration compression
次序chronological order
倒算backward pass
停工stoppage time
停工idle time
储存损失loss through standing
允许工作间超过计划时间的百分率allow percentage over operation time for scheduled time
全部计overall timing method
公共汽车刻表bus schedule
关店closing time
决定性zero hour
生产制punctual production system
准备set up time
准备间的限度preparation time allowance
share time
网络time sharing network
分部间分配法departmental hour method
分部间率departmental hour rate
初步间标准preliminary time standards
办公office hours
效率time motion efficiency
动作与间研究motion and time study
动作及间分析法motion time analysis
劳动hours of labour
千瓦小number of kilowatt hours
单项间估计法single-time estimate
制度rail-time system
管理情报的神话myth of real time management information
原始zero hour
反行为科学的countering behavioural science fads
反行为科学的countering behavioral science fads
划拨制度simultaneous allocation system
审议concurrent consideration
管理management through synchronization
同步间表synchronized time schedule
名义工作nominal hours
向工人推行动作与间研究selling time and motion study to the workers
周转车辆,船舶turn-round rate
周转time of turn-round
间T所剩项次的残余价值salvage-value at time T for left items
基本间研究elementary time study
基本动作basic motion times
基本生产basic time of production
增加工作increase of working hours
效的债券stale debt
效的债券stale data
如何打发filling the time gap
完工time of finishing work
实际actual hour
实际time taken
实际劳动actual hour
奖金制hourly premium system
定额hour target
能力hourly capacity
尖峰peak time
working hour
hour of labor
利用率rate of utilization of work hour
clock card
motion and time study
定额norm of working hour
定额hour norm
差异time variance
数据time data
标准法man-hour basis
men hour method
man-hour method
测定time keeping
研究部门time study department
记录record of work
工作time worked
工作time of operation
工作hours of labour
工作task time
工作activity time
工作间分配表distribution time sheet
工作间卡job time ticket
工作间的变化variability of activity times
工作间研究job time study
工作间计算法time study
工作变化event time
工作小task hour
工作循环net cycle time
工作最忙peak workload period
工作标准standard time of work
工作预期activity expect time
工厂factory hour
工活记time job recorder
差别标准间制differential standard hour system
平均average time
平均经过mean elapsed time
delay time
开始time started
弹性工flexible working hours
弹性工flexible hours
总工作开机时间加停机时间net cycle time
总机动total float time
总浮动total slack
恒常故障率constant failure rate period
悲观间值pessimistic time estimate
定员war establishment
生产委员会war production board
编制war establishment
报酬准许员工加班的时间compensatory time
完成工作completing task on time
计算的薪金或工资salaries or wages on time basis
损耗空载loss time
控制报告control period
操作间研究operations time study
操作间研究operation time study
方法间数据methods time data
方法间数据method time data
方法间标准methods time standard
方法间标准method time standard
方法-间测定methods time measurement
方法间测定method time measurement
旧计old timers
差说time difference theory
序一览表list of chronological order
序结构sequential organization
time bar
程准则schedule criteria
time span
间不变time invariant
间事件分析time-event analysis
间互换测验time reverse test
间偏向参数time -bias parameter
间分割time division
间分配成本time allocated cost
间分配赋有量time-distributed endowments
间区分time division
间单time ticket
间单位unit of time
间单位time units
间及信用管理员time and credit clerk
间和空间time and space
间图表time chart
间延误time delays
间性资料time data
间标度网络计划time scaled network plan
间测量单位time measurement unit
间的管理managing of time
间研究time study
间研究员time study people
间研究宽限time study allowances
间研究用表time study watch
间研究的原理time study principle
间研究的步骤steps in time study
间研究观察单time study observation sheet
间管制time keeping
间编码time encoding
间表time table
间轨迹time path
间量测法method time measurement
间间隔floor to floor time
间限度time dimension
time horizon
控制数字provisional control figure
最早工作完成early activity finish time
最晚工作late activity time
最短间估计optimistic time estimate
最繁忙期运输絮统的负担peak period demand on the transportation system
最迟作业完成latest finish time
最迟宽容latest allowable time
最适当间值most likely time estimate
最长间估计pessimistic time estimate
最长作业间探索longest-operation-time heuristic
限的目标time-limited objective
有效最晚完成effective late finish time
未使用unemployed time
机动float time or slack
机器machine time
机器间率machine-hour rate
机器小标准machine-hours standards
机器小比率法machine hour rate method
机器小machine-hour rate
机器运转machine time
机械加工machining time
松弛time for relaxation
松弛slack time
标准critical moment
标准standard time
标准间容量standard time allowance
标准间资料elemental standard time data
标准准备standard preparation hours
标准工作standard working hours
正常normal time
正常作业normal hours
正常化normal time
正常工作normal working time
正常工作normal working hour
每一周程的总total time per cycle
每件的time per piece
每周工weekly hours
每小印数impression per hour
没有备运zero leadtime
流行一的体育项目fad sport
浪费间记录spot checks on lost time
浮动float time or slack
do time
可达标准currently attainable standard
生产间研究production time study
生产间表production time schedule
生产节拍间计算tact timing
生产过程间组织organization of production process in time
百分之百的间奖励计划one hundred percent time-premium plan
直接计straight daywork
saving method
峰值比instantaneous peak ratio
码头临工的挑选shape up
空闲unemployed time
窝工idle hours
time zone
累积预占工cumulative expected time
线上即系统on-line system
维修engineering time
综合间研究synthetic time study
缩短开工curtailment of operation
老计old timers
作业timing-consuming activity
联机实处理on-line real-time processing
自由机动free float time (free slack)
船舶回航turnaround time
船舶留港turn-round time
节省间的time -saving
营业shop hours
行程journey time
行车scheduled time
装卸机械停工台machine hours in idleness
装卸货间平均计算average layday
规划间地平线the time horizon of planning
解禁open time
和计分系统timing and scoring
timing register
奖励制time wage and premium system
差别timing difference
机构timing mechanism
机构time keeping structure
雇员hourly employee
计算机machine time
计算机分computer time sharing
计算机计分摊作业computer time sharing
订货ordering opportunity
time keeping
上班clock in
下班clock out
clock card
time keeper
time clerk
time clock
设备间利用率rate of utilization of the working time of equipment
财务政策的间性timing of financing policy
资本投资的timing of investments
资源分配和多项工程序安排resources allocation and multi-project scheduling
资源分配和多项工程序安排resource allocation and multi-project scheduling
赶工crush time
或临时班奖金overtime or odd-shift bonuses
超过标准间的宽限百分率percentage allowance over standard time
辅助生产auxiliary time of production
的情报obsolete information
进出间卡in-and-out time card
进度间表progress schedule
连续 24小工作日working days of 24 consecutive hours
连续测continuous timing
连续计continuous timing method
适地right time and right place
部分间工作者part-time workers
部别departmental hour rate
采购time to purchase
重复记repetitive method
闲置间与利用时间百分比percent idle time and percent utilization
闲置人idle man-hours
time zero
最长的各项连续性工作total of longest consecutive jobs
非全工作part-time work
预估time estimate
预估expected time
预估需要required time estimates
预定scheduled time
预定动作predetermined motion times
预定动作间标准法predetermined time standards
预期间的成本cost of scheduled time
预检engineering time
领前lead time
马表测stop watch timing
高峰交通peak hour traffic
高峰小交通peak hour flow
高峰小交通量peak hour volume
高峰小因素peak hour factor
高峰小车流peak hour flow