
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing 时间 | all forms | in specified order only
一批燃烧时间同批工业导火索燃烧时间测定数值中最大值与最小值之差batch burning time difference
一组雷管的平均起爆时间一般稍微偏离标称的起爆时间。这种平均值对公称值的偏移则是第一个影响定时精确的因素。在平均值附近的起爆时间分布是第二个因素The mean or average firing time for any group of detonators typically is slightly offset from the nominal firing time. This shift of the mean from the nominal is the first timing accuracy factor. The distribution of the firing times around the mean firing time is the second factor
主起爆线延时时间trunk line delay
交通拥挤往往耽误很长时间Heavy traffic often causes long delays
人射时间time of incident
传导时间反应时间与感应时间之差propagation time
传播时间曲线travel-time curve
信号警示时间alarm time
停留时间retension time
充电时间charging-up time
脉冲兴起时间脉冲前缘以某一特定小分值升至最高值的某一特定大分值所需的时间间隔rise time
冲程时间stroke-time diagram
震波到达时间advent time
震波到达时间arrival time
加载速度时间框架velocity loading time frame
动态破坏时间煤样在单向压缩条件下,从极限载荷到完全破坏所经历的时间,以符号 DT 表示dynamic failure duration
炸药爆炸的压力时间作用过程pressure-time history
压力-时间信号pressure versus time signal
压力-时间曲线pressure versus time curve
压力-时间记录曲线recorded curve of pressure-time
压力方框-时间曲线pressure squared-time curve
发火滞后时间炸药发火时,若温度较低,发火将滞后一定的时间。发火滞后时间 t〈s〉与温度 T 〈K〉有关。温度高,发火滞后时间短;温度低,发火时间增长ignition delay period
叠加时间剖面stacking time profile
各炮孔引爆之间的延时间delay interval between blasthole initiations
合成应力爆破模型在长时间内具有具体描述爆破过程的潜力、但目前只应用在研究中In the long term, a hybrid stress blasting model has the potential to provide a practical description of the blasting process but is currently limited to research applications
周边炮孔排延时时间delay for perimeter tows
咼精确零时间highly accurate zero time
时间的长河里,人生犹如燃烧的蜡烛或短途旅行A person's life is often compared to a burning candle or a trip in the stream of time
塑性变形时间关系图yield-time diagram
实际旅行时间real traveltime
导火索燃烧时间规定长度的导火索从点燃开始至燃烧完毕的时间burning time of safety fuse
就某些类型的爆破而言、考虑药包的几何形状和安放位置、有时称之为空间分布、也有重要意义For some types of blasting, it is also significant to consider the geometric shape and positioning of the explosive charges, sometimes called spatial distribution
峰值负荷时间peak load time
时间delay interval
时间隔起爆次数delay interval firing times
时间隔限制limitation on delay intervals
延时时间delay timing strategies
延时时间delay timing
延时时间延时元件或延时装药自燃烧开始至燃烧完毕的时间, 或自向雷管输人激发冲能始至爆炸止的时间delay time
延时时间延时爆破中相邻延滞期之间的名义时间间隔,也可以是一次爆破中的连续引爆之间的名义时间间隔delay interval
延时、时间延迟time delay
延时时间测定延时电雷管通人规定的电流后,对其延时时间的测定determination физ. of delay time
延时时间的精度和准确度timing accuracy and precision
延时时间间隔interval of delay period
延时时间间隔time intervals
引爆时间在起爆电雷管时,从桥丝断裂至雷管爆炸之间的时间induction time
当药包在岩体中爆炸时、炸药在高压力下瞬间转化为高温气体When an explosive charge is detonated in rock, the charge is converted instantly to a hot gas at intense pressure
循环时间periodica. time
成组瞬间延时爆破multiple-short-delay blasting
抛掷时间move-out time
按规定时间点火correct timed ignition
振动持续时间duration of vibration
振动持续时间vibration duration
振动持续时间是爆破设计、距离和地质学这三者的函数The vibration duration is a junction of blast design,distance and geology
接触活时间birth Time for Contact
控制边界爆破中最佳延时时间从地面振动或大半管系数〈high half cast〉因素来讲,最经济的延时时间。最大的半管系数可以通过瞬时点火达到最小的地面振动可以通过几乎连续的点火实现optimal delay time in controlled contour blasting
放炮时间shooting time
时间一位移曲线time-displacement curve
时间加权平均工作阻力time-weighted mean load density
时间垂直梯度time lapse
时间效应力的作用时间长短对岩土变形和强度的影响time effect
时间-深度曲线time-depth chart
时间-深度曲线time-depth curve
时间相关效应time-dependent effect
时间-蠕变曲线time-creep curve
时间-距离曲线time-path curve
时间-距离曲线time-distance graph
暴露时间人体暴露于在性质上视为连续的机械振动〈或重复性冲击运动〉的实际或名义持续时间〈按规定的标准计算方法得出〉exposure time
标称起爆时间nominal firing time
桥丝断裂时间lag time
毫秒延时时间millisecond delay timing
毫秒延时序列多排孔间隔爆破millisecond delay sequence rotation firing
气泡脉动时间bubble period
波传播时间wave travel time
波至时间advent time
滞后时间在起爆电雷管时,从通电开始至桥丝断裂〈电路切断〉之间的时间。参见 delay timelag time
激发时间在起爆电雷管时,从通电开始至电引火头发火的时间excitation time
激发反应时间从电引火头发火至雷管爆炸之间的时间reaction time
炮孔排间延时时间delay between production rows
炮孔起爆时间间隔time interval between borehole detonations
炮孔间延迟爆破定时inter-hole delay timing
点火时间lightning-up time
点火时间initial detonation
燃烧时间time of burning
燃烧时间time of combustion
燃烧时间combustion interval
爆发时间或作用时间在起爆雷管时,从通电开始至雷管爆炸之间的时间firing time
爆发时间或作用时间在起爆雷管时,从通电开始至雷管爆炸之间的时间initiation time
爆发时间或作用时间在起爆雷管时,从通电开始至雷管爆炸之间的时间bursting time
爆破时间shooting time
爆破时间detonation timing scatter
爆破时间管理issues around time of the blast
爆破强度-持续时间曲线blasting intensity-duration curve
爆破时延时爆破的次数和类型表明爆轰过程本身持续时间的长短The number and type of delays in the blast tell us how long the detonation process itself will last
特征时间延迟characteristic time delay
监测炮孔的压力一时间变化monitoring of pressure-time history in monitoring boreholes
立柱下沉时间关系曲线yield-time diagram
等待时间waiting times
编程时间延迟顺序program med time delay sequence
能量释放时间time of energy release
至少从19世纪初开始、炸药制造商业已例行测量到炸药起爆速度所用时间为百万分之一秒Since at least the 1900s, explosives manufacturers have routinely measured time to one millionth of a second for determining the detonation rate of explosives
药包埋深不仅是决定空气压力强度的主要因素、而且对脉冲频率及持续时间也有影响The depth of burial of the charges is not only a primary factor in determining the intensity of the air pressures, but it also has an effect on the frequency and duration of the pulses
衰减时间某种脉冲从其最大值衰减到某特定值所需的时间间隔decay time
装药时间charging-up time
装药重量和时间charge weight and timing
规定时间pre-set time
计划的爆破时间planned blasting time
负荷时间曲线load-time curve
资金的时间价值资金经合理运用一段时间后,因赢利而增加的价值time value of money
起爆时间initiation time
起爆时间firing time
起爆时间扩散initiation scattering
起爆时间扩散priming scattering
起爆时间扩散initiating scattering
起爆时间扩散ignition scattering
起爆时间离散priming scattering
起爆时间离散initiating scattering
起爆时间离散initiation scattering
起爆时间范围firing time range
起爆时间间隔priming interval
起爆时间间隔不同延时之间的延时间隔,以 t 表示time intervals of firing
起爆时间间隔initiating interval
起爆时间间隔initiation interval
起爆阵面的过渡时间transit time of the burning front
运行时间travel time
速度与时间之比的边界条件velocity versus time boundary condition
时间延时long period delays
时间振动重复性冲击暴露作用于人体且持续 lh 以上的连续振动〈重复性冲击〉long-duration vibration repetitive hock exposure
时间而增加的形变time-delayed deformation
零延时间zero delay interval
雷管延迟时间detonation delay time
静置时间炸药装人炮孔与其起爆之间的时间间隔sleep time
非均匀延时间non-uniform delay intervals
非零延时间non-zero delay interval
非高峰时间non-peak time
预定时间pre-set time
预定延时间隔时间predetermined delay interval
预裂孔排间延时时间pre-split row timing