
Terms for subject Chess containing 时钟 | all forms
全局时间length of a game
同时攻击simultaneous attack
思考时间time for reflection
时机不对的侧翼进攻ill-timed flank attack
时间不利disadvantage in time
时间优势gain in time
时间优势advantage in time
时间困难time trouble
时间恐慌panic of time
时间控制time control
时间紧迫time trouble
时间落后loss of time
时限time control
时限time limited
时限compulsory time for play
暂时优势temporal advantage
第四步时白方用后和王象将死黑方scholar's mate
时机waiting time
缺乏时间lack of time
赢得时间win of time
走第二步时白方就被黑方将死fool's mate
超时判负lose on time
超时负lose by time
超过时限overstep the time limit
超过时限surpassing the time limit
超过时限surpass the time limit
超过时限overstepping the time limit
迫使对方花费时间算计force..... to spend time calculating
限时制度regulation of compulsory time
限时比赛compulsory time for play
限时比赛时限compulsory time for play