
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 时钟 | all forms
一维时变模型one-dimensional time-dependent model
一维时变模式one-dimensional, time-dependent model
丁氏可变瞬时单位〔过程〕线ding variable instantaneous unit hydrograph
上升时间脉冲rise time pulse
世界地球物理时段world geophysical intervals
世界标准时间Greenwich mean time
世界气象时段World Meteorological Intervals
东非时间East African Time
中央标准时间central standard time
中安全时间median survival time
中生存时间median survival time
临时作业气象系统interim operation meteorological system
临时建设用地temporary construction land
临时支承基底temporary guide base
临时的in the meantime
临时补救措施interim remedial measures
临时通信卫星委员会Interim Communication Satellite Committee
临时阈移temporary threshold shift
临界张弛时间critical relaxation time
主定时装置master timer
主要计时器master timer
交互实时信息系统interactive real-time information system
人口定时炸弹population time bomb
伦琴/小时roentgens per hour
伦琴每小时roentgen/per hour
估算平均失效时间estimated mean time to failure
估计竣工时间estimated completion time
伽马地貌瞬时单位水位过程线gamma geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrographs
位置时间计数器set time counter
便携式瞬时显示与分析系统portable instantaneous display and analysis system
光学时域反射optical time domain reflectance
光学时域反射测定法optical time-domain reflectometry
光滑瞬时波能曲线smoothed instantaneous wave energy history
光电管计数计时器photocell counter chronometer
克/小时grains per hour
全岩等时年龄whole rock isochron age
全时间等价full time equivalent
公吨/小时metric tons per hour
公里 /小时kilometers per hour
公里/小时kilometers per hour
公里/小时kilometer per hour
净塑性变形时间free yield time
准源时间函数quasi-source time function
凝析油产量桶/小时barrels condensate per hour
分时系统计算机time sharing system
分/每千瓦小时pennies per kilowatt hour
到达时差difference in the time of arrival
前向时间中心空间差分法forward time-centered space differences
剩余时间time residual
加仑 /小时gallons per hour
加倍时间使.......... 增到二倍的时间doubling time
加利福尼亚时代石油公司California Time Petroleum, Inc.
动态实时资料处理系统dynamic real-time information processing system
北京气象中心实时数据库中国Real Time Data Bank at Beijing Meteorological Center China
千伏安小时kilovolt ampere-hour
千兆瓦小时gigawatt hours
千克/小时kilogram per hour
千克每小时kilogram per hour
千卡/小时kilocalorie per hour
千卡每小时kilocalorie per hour
千卡每小时百分度kilocalorie per hour times centigrade
千卡每平方米小时kilocalorie per square metre time hour
千卡每平方米小时kilocalorie per square metre times hour
千卡每平方米小时百分度kilocalorie per square metre times hour times centigrade
千卡每米小时百分度kilocalorie per metre time hour times centigrade
千瓦小时kilowatt hours (1000 watt hours)
升/小时liter per hour
升每小时liter per hour
协调时coordinated universal time
单位时间原子核变化events per unit time
单位时间定额quantity per unit time
南美洲临时基准面Provisional South American Datum
即时溶解需氧量soluble immediate oxygen demand
原子时代以前before atomic age
反时针旋转anticlockwise rotation
变时引信variable timing fuze
变量每小时variation per hour
可变时段平均variable-interval time-averaging
可变时滞variable time delay
同时迭代再现技术simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique
吨每班小时tons per gang hour
周 /小时cycles per hour
土地利用动态监测多时态数据库temporal data base for dynamic monitoring landuse
土地占有时效取得【土】acquisitive prescription of land
土地开发的时间成本【土】time costs of land development
土地登记时效取得【土】acquisitive prescription of registered land
土壤有机质平均停留时间mean residence time of soil organic matter
在此时间内in the meantime
在……的时候in case of
地方地磁时local geomagnetic time
地方平〔均〕时local mean time
地方磁时间magnetic local time
地点、时间和目的place, time and object
地球动力学时terrestrial dynamical time
地磁极时序表geomagnetic polarity time scale
地磁极时间表geomagnetic polarity time scale
地貌气候瞬时单位水文过程线geomorphoclimatic instantaneous unit hydrograph
地貌瞬时单位水位过程线geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph
地面瞬时视域ground instantaneous field of view
垂直时距曲线〔表〕time-depth chart
垂直线性时差vertical linear moveout
多容器定时和数据同步机multi-vessel timing and data synchronizer
多时彩色标准化差示植被指数合成multi-temporal colour NDVI composition
多时彩色标准化差示植被指数合成multi-temporal color NDVI composition
多时态地理信息系统temporal geographic information system
多时态地理坐标网格temporary geographic grid
多时相植被指数multi-temporal vegetation index
大西洋夏令时间Atlantic Daylight Time
大西洋白昼时间Atlantic Daylight Saving Time
天体照相平均时astrograph mean time
天顶每时出射率流星群zenith hourly rate
太平洋夏季时间Pacific Summer Time
太平洋时间.Pacific Time
太平洋标准时间Pacific Standard Time
季节日时-Aseasonal time of day-A
定时〔延时〕继电器timing relay
定时器time-interval meter
定时器time device
定时测定time-interval measurement
实效时间dead time
实时〔数据〕处理机real-time processor
实时作业系统real-time operating system
实时图像-计算机辅助设计real time imaging-computer aided design
实时图解系统real time graphic system
实时地球物理数据记录仪realtime geophysic data recover
实时地震振幅测量系统real-time seismic-amplitude measurement system
实时声学多普勒系统Real-time Acoustic Doppler System
实时孔径雷达real-aperture radar
实时接收机true time receiver
实时数据中继系统real-time data relay
实时数据分析系统real-time analysis system
实时数据处理系统real time data handling system
实时数据采集和处理系统real-time acquisition and processing system
实时模拟多普勒处理机Real-time Analog Doppler Processor
实时水文预报运行系统forecasting operational real-time hydrological system
实时电子存取与显示〔系统〕real-time electronic access and display
实时监视分系统real-time monitor subsystem
实时系统检验real-time systems executive
实时自动控制系统real-time automatic control system
实时运行〔系统〕real-time operation
实时运行系统real-time operating system
实时遥感器数据记录仪realtime sensor data recorder
实时遥测数据real time telemetry data
实时遥测数据处理系统real time telemetry processing system
实时遥测系统real time telemetry system
实时风系real-time winds system
容许历时allowable duration
富集时间time of concentration
局部方差时序local variance time series
局部时间步长〔法〕local time-step
局部时间步长fractional time stepping
山地标准时间mountain standard time
工程历时预报模型Project Duration Forecasting Model
带时30-300万年,平均 100万年instantaneous
带时30-300万年,平均 100万年instant
干旱历时曲线drought duration curve
干旱历时曲线差drought duration curve differences
平均下落时间mean down time
平均修理间隔时间mean time to repair
平均单元停留时间mean cell residence time
平均滞留时间mean residence time
平均瞬时海平面mean instantaneous sea level
平均瞬时海水位mean instantaneous sea level
平均瞬时计数器computer of average transients
平均预报提前时间mean forecast lead time
平均预见时间mean forecast lead time
序贯时间步进法sequential time steps method
延时与积分成像遥感器time delay and integration
延长时间观测extended time observation
微米/立方英尺 • 小时压力升高单位micron cubic feet per hour
战时石油管理局petroleum administration for war
房屋建设临时用地housing construction temporary land
扩展时间导数逆风空间法spread time derivative upwind space
扫描定时器scanner timer
持水时间water retention
指示马力小时indicated horsepower-hour
振动速度/小时vibration velocity per hour
振幅时〔间〕序〔列〕amplitude time series
推定地质时代probable geological age
斯奈德斯瞬时单位〔过程〕线Snyders Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
新型变动瞬时单位水位过程线new variable instantaneous unit hydrograph
方位时差azimuth moveout
方位角时差校正azimuth moveout
日本标准时间Japanese Standard Time
时〔间〕序〔列〕库time series library
时〔间〕序列分析time series analysis
时〔间〕控〔制〕增益time control gain
时〔间〕滞〔后〕time delay
时〔间〕-面〔积〕图time-area diagram
时变〔的〕time variant
时变位域time-dependent potential fields
时变流量校正有限差分法variably-timed flux updating
时域time horizon
时域抛物型方程time-domain parabolic equation
时域有限差分法time-domain finite-difference method
时域法time domain methods
时域电磁技术time-domain electromagnetic techniques
时域电磁法time domain electromagnetic method
时域电磁测量time domain electromagnetic survey
时序存储器time series store
时序学习法sequential learning method
时序数据统计分析statistical analysis of time series data
时序素隐含式sequential prime implicant form
时延delayed time
时效水库模型prescriptive reservoir model
时段time periods
时段可识性interval identifiability
时空域内的中值指示克里格median indicator kriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域内的主分量指示克里格indicator component kriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域内的协同克里格cokriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域内的指示克里格indicator kriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域内的指示协同克里格indicator cokriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域内的排列协同克里格collocated cokriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域内的普通指示克里格ordinary indicator kriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域的传统普通协同克里格法traditional ordinary cokriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域的简单协同克里格法simple cokriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空域的简单指示克里格法simple indicator kriging in temporal-spatial domain
时空子网格尺度space-time subgrid scale
时空转换函数-噪声法space-time transfer function-noise processes
时角天体与子午线所成的角hour angle
时距导航卫星/全球定位系统navigation satellite timing and ranging/global positioning system
时距导航系统navigation system timing and ranging
时距曲线地震波travel time curves
时间〔瞬时〕相干性temporal coherence
时间〔利用〕系数time factor
时间与数据time and data
时间凝聚逼近法time condensation approximation
时间加权平均数time weighted average
时间加权平均浓度time-weighted mean concentration
时间压缩法time compression method
时间压缩近似法time compression approximation
时间压缩逼近法time compression approximation
时间各向异性累积分布函数temporal anisotropy cumulative distribution function
时间周期time periods
时间和事件time and events
时间和地球运动精密观测Time and Earth Motion Precision Observations
时间域反射time domain reflectometry
时间域反射测定法time domain reflectometry
时间域反射计time domain reflectometer
时间域反射计导热系数time-domain reflectometer thermal conductivity
时间序列分析技术time series analysis technique
时间序列生成系统time series generation system
时间-振幅转换器time-to-amplitude converter
时间数列经济计量分析软件time series processor
时间比例time proportional
时间温度显示器time-temperature indicator
时间-温度-相变图time-temperature-transformation diagram
时间-温度-相变数据time-temperature-transformation (data)
时间-温度-相变曲线〔法〕time-temperature-transformation curve
时间温度记录仪time-temperature recorder
时间码处理器time code processor
时间码读出器time code reader
时间积分法time integration method
时间、空间和物质time, space and matter
时间编码发time code generator
时间谱电阻率time spectral resistivity
时间间隔测定time-interval measurement
时面深曲线depth-duration-area curves
时面深曲线depth-area-duration curve
显式多重时间步长格式explicit-multiple-time-step scheme
晃动持续时间hunting time
暂时报废{矿}temporary abandoned
暂时无法利用土地temporary unable use land
最初关井时间initial shut-in time
最小事件内时间minimum interevent time
最小延时频率frequency of minimum delay
最小瞬时值minimum instantaneous value
〔卫星导航的〕最接近时间time of closest approach
最早到达时间earliest arriving time
最迟竣工时间latest completion time
月球瞬时现象transient lunar phenomena
有效瞬时视域effective instantaneous field of view
有限差分时域法finite-difference time-domain method
朔望潮候时差common establishment or vulgar establishment
朔望潮候时差high-water full and change
机载实时监视激光设备airborne laser equipment real-time surveillance
标准立方英尺/小时standard cubic foot per hour
标准频率和计时信号standard frequency and time signals
标码时序index time series
标频时号standard frequency and time signals
桶/小时barrels fluid per hour
模型时间序列model time series
模型时间系列model time series
模态-分割-显式时间积分格式modal-split-explicit time integration scheme
模拟-时间-数字〔转换〕analogue to time to digital
模拟-脉冲持续时间analog-to-pulse duration
次数 /小时counts per hour
欧洲平〔均〉时European mean time
正常时差〔相关〕normal move-out
正常时间增量normal move-out
每单位时间转数revolution per unit time
每单位时间转数number of turns in unit of time
每小时内per hour
每小时冲洗液桶数barrels fluid per hour
每平方英尺每度温度差每小时英热单位British thermal units per square foot per degree of temper a ture difference per hour
每日历时间桶数barrels per calendar day
比利时地质调查所Belgian Geological Survey
比利时法郎货币单位Belgian Franc
比利时热中子反应堆Belgian Thermal Reactor
比利时生物指数Belgian Biotic Index
毛细管抽吸时间capillary suction time
毫伦〔琴〕每小时milliroentgen per hour
毫伦琴/小时 • 米milliroentgen/hour meter
毫居里-小时millicurie hour
气相停留时间gas phase residence times
气象数据实时程序meteorological data real time program
水利建设临时用地irrigation works construction temporary land
水力学地貌瞬时单位水位过程线hydraulically based geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph
水力滞后时间hydraulic detention time
水文数据实时计算机处理系统美国地质调查局hydrologic data realtime computer processing system USGS
水文时间波形hydrologic time waveform
水泥候凝时间waiting on cement to set
沉淀物停留时间cell residence times
波动方程走时反演wave-equation traveltime inversion
流体时空速liquid hourly space velocity
流时-面积图time-area diagram
流明-小时lumen hour
流量历时输沙量-流量关系曲线法flow duration sediment rating curve method
浓缩时间time of concentration
海里 /小时nautical miles per hour
混合型数字模拟脉冲时间hybrid digital-analog and pulse time
渡越〔跃迁〕时间transition time
温度 t˚C 时波长 λ 单色光旋光率〔α〕tλ
温度 t˚C 时钠的 D 线旋光率〔α〕tD
溶出计时电位法stripping chronopotentiometry
滞后时间压缩delay time compression
滞时delayed time
滞水时间water retention
滞留时间分布residence time distribution
点小时降水量纵坐标母线point hourly rainfall ordinate generator
烛光时candle power hours
热中子衰变时间测井thermal-neutron decay time log
燃烧时间间隔firing time period
物理海洋实时系统physical oceanographic real-time system
特定世界时段Special World Intervals
特殊世界时段Special World Intervals
独立历时independent duration
瓦特小时watt hour (1Wh = 3600 焦耳)
瓦特小时计watt-hour meter
甚早期时间域电磁勘探系统very early time electromagnetic system
生物固体停留时间biological solids retention time
电流氧溶岀计时电位法current oxidizing stripping chrono-potentiometry
电荷共轭-宇称-时间反转定理charge conjugation-parity-time reversal theorem
电荷瞬时电磁法charged transient electromagnetic method
百瓦特小时hectowatt hour
直升飞机吊舱式多轴时间域电磁系统helicopter-towed, multi-axis time domain electromagnetic system
调制phase time modulation
相位时间调制phase-time modulation
相时调制phase-time modulation
真空床接触时间empty bed contact time
瞬时〔动作的〕偏移控制instantaneous deviation control
瞬时几何视域instantaneous geometric field of view
〔测定土壤水力传导度的〕瞬时剖面法instantaneous profile method
瞬时受旱面积比proportion of instantaneous drought-affected area
瞬时响应谱instantaneous response spectrum
瞬时延迟时间transient delay time
瞬时总有机卤化物instantaneous total organic halides
瞬时推进速度instantaneous advance speed
瞬时核辐射效应transient nuclear radiation effect
瞬时比instantaneous ratio
瞬时浮点〔增益〕instantaneous floating point
瞬时缺水量-区域缺水量instantaneous deficit-area areal deficit
瞬时脉冲sudden impulse
瞬时视域instantaneous field of view
瞬时视野instantaneous field of view
瞬时读数instantaneous read-out
瞬时质量通量instantaneous mass flux
瞬时需氧量instantaneous oxygen demand
瞬时频率漂移sudden frequency deviation
矩阵指数时间推进法matrix exponential time advancement method
短时傅里叶变换Short-Time Fourier Transform
短时接触momentary contact
短时窗傅里叶变换Short Window Fourier Transform
短时脉冲谱分析仪burst spectrum analyzer
短时自然现象研究中心Center for Short-Lived Phenomena
离散时间-脉冲响应discrete time-impulse response
离散-空间与连续-时间法discrete-space and continuous-time method
离散空间-离散时间法discrete space-discrete-time method
积时浓度time-integrated concentrations
积时资源分配的自动计划编制automatic scheduling with time integrated resources allocation
窝工时间dead time
立方厘米每小时cubic centimeters per hours
等价时间阻尼equivalent temporal damping
等效荷载历时曲线equivalent load duration curve
等量全功率时equivalent full power hours
等量全功率时equivalent full power hour
1 米远处每小时毫伦剂量milliroentgen per hour at one metre
纳希瞬时单位〔过程〕线Nash Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
绘制广角反射-折射时间图程序名称wide angle reflection-refraction time plotting
编制预报方案时间forecast preparation time
美国布尼维尔电力管理局实时运行与调度系统BPA's real-time operations and dispatch system
脱离地球最佳时间Earth departure window
自动延时补偿器automatic time element compensator
自动时变滤波设计automatic time-varying filler design
自动设计时变滤波器程序名称automatic time-varying filler design
英制马力-小时British horsepower-hour
英里 /小时miles per hour
英里/小时/秒miles per hour per second
蜕变/小时disintegrations per hour
蜕变/小时disintegration per hour
表列时间选择法selection at list time technique
西海岸区时间序列West Coast Time Series
观测时间偏差time of observation bias
设备维修时间equipment repair time
质量-时间-长度mass, time, length
资源共享分时系统resource sharing timesharing system
起始时间starting time
超前预报时间forecast lead time
跃迁原子时stepped atomic time
距离辐射源一米处每小时伦琴数剂量roentgen per hour at one meter
轨道压力时标orbital forcing timescale
转数/小时revolutions per hour
轻金属时代Light Metal Age
轻金属时代light metal age
载面与时序哑变量cross-sectional and lime series dummy variables
过渡时间光谱仪transit time spectrometer
近实时雷达和水位计数据脱机处理和归档系统processing and archiving of radar and gauge data off-line and in near real-time system
远东时间Far East Time
连续时间-脉冲响应continuous time-impulse response
连续时间马尔可夫过程模型Continuous Time Markov Process Model
连续空间与离散时间法continuous-space and discrete-time method
迭代时间最优系统iterative time optimal system
逐时势蒸散发hourly potential evapotranspiration
逐时降水资料hourly precipitation data
逐次同时法successive simultaneity procedure
通过时间time length
道路建设临时用地road construction temporary land
部分历时〔系列法〕partial duration (series method)
部分历时系列partial series
部分历时系列partial duration series
采样时段sampling time interval
长时区域地球能量平衡实验Long-time Zonal Earth Energy Budget Experiment
间歇循环延时曝气系统澳大利亚研制intermittent cycle extended aeration system
随时间变化的光谱显示time varying spectral display
雨深-历时-面积曲线depth-duration-area curves
雨深-面积-历时曲线depth-area-duration curve
零时差zero moveout
非线性时变nonlinear time varying
顺时转clockwise rotation
顺时针方向旋转〔转动〕clockwise rotation
颁布时间issue time
预定到达时间estimated time of arrival
预报时间time of forecast
频度-持续时间-强度指数prevalence-duration-intensity index
频率和时间系统frequency and time systems
频率-时间分析frequency-time analysis
飞行时间质谱法time-of-flight mass spectrometry
马力-小时horsepower hour
〔电动〕马力-小时electric horse-power hour
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