
Terms containing 日产量 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.产品质量日报daily product quality record
busin.产品质量日报daily product quality report
mining.以前的日平均产量previous daily out-put average
anim.husb.奶牛取样日产奶量纪录sample-day production record
met.大方坯平均日产量average daily output of bloom
textile日产量initial daily output
busin.日产量initial daily production
met.平均日产量average daily output
met.平均日产量average daily production
oil平均单井日产量average daily production per well
repr.biol.平均日产奶量average daily milk production
oil平均日产油量daily average oil production
securit.平均每日产量average daily turnover
met.年平均日产量mean annual daily output
econ.开始日产量initial daily production
oil当前日产量current daily production rate
tech.日产量total daily production
anim.husb.按母鸡只日产计算hen-day basis
repr.biol.按母鸡只日产蛋量计算hen-day basis
repr.biol.按母鸡日产蛋量计算hen-day basis
repr.biol.按母鸡饲养日产量计算HDBhen-day basis
repr.biol.按母鸡饲养日产量计算hen-day basis
railw.支配机车日产量average daily output of freight locomotive at the disposal of railway administration
repr.biol.日产daily yield
econ.日产乳量daily milk yield
fishery日产卵量估算法daily egg production method
repr.biol.日产奶量daily milk yield
earth.sc.日产桶石油当量barrels per day oil equivalent
oil日产油量daily oil production
earth.sc.日产油量barrels of oil per day
oil日产液量daily fluid production rate
auto.日产量output per day
tech.日产量daily yield
tech.日产量daily working capacity
tech.日产量daily product
oil日产量daily production rate
econ.日产量daily turnover
met.日产量output per day
met.日产量single day production
met.日产量daily production
met.日产量daily output
eng.geol.日产量day output
hydroel.st.日产量daily capacity
econ.日产量daily flow
tech.日产量current yield
gen.日产量昼夜的生产量daily output
mining.日历日产油量calendar day oil rate
busin.日均产量average daily production
busin.日均产量average daily output
tech.日生产量day capacity
tech.日生产量daily capacity
tech.最初日产量initial daily production
oil最高日产量maximum daily production
anim.husb.最高日产量maximum daily yield
railw.机车日产量average daily output of locomotive
tech.机车日产量locomotive daily output
tech.机车平均日产量average daily output freight locomotive
anim.husb.d. y.日产daily milk yield
tech.日产量daily output
chem.日产量daily capacity
proj.manag.日产量barrels per day
textile日产量daily production
tech.日产量output per day
tech.日产量daily making
tech.每日生产量daily capacity
tech.油田每日产量field potential
met.粗钢日产量daily crude steel output
repr.biol.精子日产量daily sperm production (DSP,公畜每日所产的精子数,可用组织学方法或排空试验法测定)
anim.husb.精子日产量daily sperm production
anim.husb.精子日产量公畜每日所产生的精子数。可用组织学方法或排空试验法测定daily sperm production
tech.装卸实际工作工日产量output per actual man-day for loading/discharging
tech.装卸实际工作工日产量efficiency of cargo-handling per man-shift
tech.计划日产量scheduled daily yardage
tech.货车日产量serviceable work-done per car day
railw.货车日产量average daily output of serviceable wagon
tech.货车日产量serviceable ton-kilometers per wagon per day
tech.货车日产量average daily output of wagon
railw.货运机车日产量average daily output of freight locomotive
busin.货运机车日产量output of a freight locomotive per day
tech.货运机车平均日产量average output per day of rail freight locomotive
tech.运用车日产量serviceable work done per car per day
tech.运用车日产量daily output per serviceable car
met.铁水日产量daily hot metal production (Figure 1 shows the increase in daily hot metal production from the start of the campaign through the end of November 2010.图 1 说明了自本次炉役开始到 2010 年 11 月底铁水日产量的增加情况。)