
Terms containing 无 形 财产 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.专卖税和无形财产税条例franchise and intangibles tax
econ.全部财产,包括有形的和无形的,都已岀售了All the property n., both tangible and intangible, has been sold
interntl.trade.无形个人财产intangible personal property
tech.无形应折旧财产intangible depreciable property
busin.无形财产immaterial property
busin.无形财产nonvisible property
econ.无形财产intangible property
textile无形财产incorporeal chattel
interntl.trade.无形财产non-visible property
fin.无形财产incorporeal property
econ.无形财产immaterial goods
China, law无形财产intangible assets
busin.无形财产incorporeal possession
busin.无形财产投资investment made in intangible property
commer.无形财产投资investment in intangible property (与有形财产投资(investment in tangible property) 相对)
securit.无形财产投资investment in intangible property
tech.无形财产intangible property rights