
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
全球线电导航系统worldwide radio navigation system
全球线电导航系统global radio navigation system
加厚缝钢管heavy seamless steel pipe
周期人值班机器处所periodically unattended machinery space
周期性人值班periodically unattended
国际线电联合会International Scientific Radio Union
多艘人水下航行器联合控制系统combined control system for UUVs
安全和环境害化拆船指南guidelines for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling
定期人机舱periodically unattended machinery space
尼斯金菌采水器Niskin sterile water sampler
2009尽早实施2009年香港国际安全与环境害化拆船公约中的技术标准Early implementation of the technical standards of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,
2009 年香港国际安全与环境害化拆船公约Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Cycling of Ships, 2009
弹道导弹规律性变轨技术un-regularity orbital transfer technology for ballistic missile
感应线数据通信data transmission by induction radio
扩频线数据通信spread spectrum wireless data communication
人值班机器处所unattended machinery space
人值班机械操作unattended machinery operation
人机舱zero man engine room
人机舱unattended engine room
人水下潜器unmanned under-water vehicle
冗余的 DP 控制系统simplex DP
冷凝器蒸汽机non-condensation engine
刷同步电机brushless synchronous motor
填料函泵glandless pump
声运转noiseless running
失火危险或失火危险较小的辅机处所auxiliary machinery spaces having little or no fire risk
害环境技术environmentally sound technologies
害通过船舶innocent passage ship
害通过right of innocent passage
帆船dumb craft
座下排污阀Seatless bottom blow valve
损探伤试验non-destructive testing
损检测法non-destructive method
损检测法non-destructive means
损检测设备无损探伤设备non-destructive testing equipment
损检验标准non-destructive test standard
推力转角neutral angle of propeller blade
支承跨距无支撑跨距unsupported span
支索桅unsupported mast
支索起重柱unstayed derrick post
效上层建筑non-effective superstructure
断级滑行艇stepless planning boat
机发光二极管inorganic light emitting diode
机纤维材料inorganic fiber material
档锚链studless chain
气喷射发动机airless injection engine
气喷射式柴油机solid injection diesel
气喷射式柴油机airless injection diesel
水硼砂原矿或提炼品anhydrous borax crude or refined
油轴承oil less bearing
法找到网页webpage cannot be found
浮箱张力腿平台pontoon-less TLP
润滑压缩机non-lubricated compressor
润滑压缩机oil-free compressor
源电子扫描阵列雷达passive electronically scanned array
火花风机non-sparking fan
空泡水翼non-cavitating hydrofoil
立管修井riser-less light well intervention
端部肘板的主要构件的跨距span of a primary supporting member without end bracket
Wi-Fi 线上网技术wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi)
线传声器wireless microphone
线信道wireless information channels
线充电wireless charging
线充电技术wireless charging technology
线局域网接近点wireless local area net access point
ATM 线接入通信系统ATM wireless access communication system
线数据通信wireless data communication
线数据通信系统wireless data communication system
线电人员radio personnel
线电位置基准Radioposition reference
线电台的检验平台survey of the radio station
线电定位wireless fix
线电定位法radio position fixing
线电定向器wireless direction finder
线电报务主任radio officer
线电报务员radiotelephone operator
线电报务员radioman telegrapher
线电报自动报警器radiotelegraph auto alarm
线电波实验室radio waves laboratory
线电测向radio directions finding
线电测风室radio wind room
线电职责radio duties
线电通信与搜救分委员会Sub-committee on Radio Communication and Search and Rescue
线耳机wireless headset
线"耳麦"wireless headset
绝缘导线uncovered wire
绳系结ropeless connection
绳系结装置ropeless linkage
缆自治水下机器人autonomous underwater vehicle
缝压力管seamless pressure pipe
缝铜管seamless copper tube
膨胀器的蒸汽机non-expansive engine
触点起动器软起动器starter without contacts
量纲环量数non-dimensional circulation
键安装螺旋桨轴keyless screwshaft
键螺旋桨keyless propeller
键轴锥体keyless shaft taper
阻尼横摇unresisted rolling
限展弦比infinite aspect ratio
限航区unrestricted service
障碍区obstacle-free sector
须照看器具unattended appliance (LPG system, LPG 系统)
须燃烧的贮汽器non-burning type steam reservoir
极少或失火危险的液舱、空舱及辅机处所tanks, voids and auxiliary machinery spaces having little or no fire risk
槽形舱壁单元的支承跨距unsupported span of corrugated bulkhead elements
测距导航线电信标range beacon
海上线电中继浮筒radio relay buoy
热轧缝钢管hot finished seamless tube
热轧缝钢管hot finished seamless steel pipe
环境害化方法environmentally sound method
紧急线电示位标emergency positioning indication radio beacon
紧急线电示位标emergency position indication radio beacon
—般线电通信general radio communications
蒲氏风级Beaufort scale
蒲氏风级Beaufort number
试验效日期耐火试验test expiry date
货船线电安全证书cargo ship radio certificate
长期的人区域periodically unattended machinery space