
Terms containing 无资金 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.企业资金无偿供给制system of supplying the enterprises with funds free of charge
econ.属于他这个合伙人的一切无形资产都是用现金支付了的All intangible assets belonging to him as a partner were paid in cash
econ.我们因缺乏资金而无法开发新项目We cannot explore new items because we lack capital
commer.投资者可以现金、机械,或以专利权、商誉、专有技术和技术服务等无形资产投资The capital contribution of an investor may take the form of cash, machinery or intangible assets such as patents, goodwill, know-how and technical service
busin.无人认领资金unclaimed fund
securit.无充足资金not sufficient funds
tech.无奖金计时工资plain time rate
org.name.无形贸易和贸易资金委员会Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade
fin.无形资产减值准备累计金额accumulative amount of provision for impairment of intangible assets
busin.无形非金融资产intangible nonfinancial assets
securit.无用资金dead assets
econ.无资格享受纳税优惠的年金计划a non-qualified pension plan
fin.无资金no funds
textile无资金no fund
securit.无资金cold purse
securit.无资金偿还的负债unfunded liability
securit.无资金准备的债务unfunded liability
IMF.无资金准备的负债unfunded liabilities insurance, retirement
proj.manag.无资金准备的负债unfunded liabilities
securit.无资金实力担保straw bail
securit.无资金投人zero investment
fin.无足够资金no sufficient funds
econ.无追索供应资金nonrecourse finance
econ.无追索权的资金融通non recourse finance
econ.无追索权的资金融通the non-recourse finance
busin.无追索权的资金融通non-recourse finance
tech.无追索权资金筹措non-recourse financing
interntl.trade.无追索资金融通non-recourse finance
securit.无限制资金no limit fund
securit.无限制资金no limit funds
econ.无风险资金流量a non-risk flow
busin.无风险资金流量non-risk flow
interntl.trade.贸发会议无形贸易和贸易资金委员会UNCTAD Committee on Invisibles and Financing Related to Trade
IMF.非金融无形资产nonfinancial intangibles
IMF.非金融无形资产nonfinancial intangible assets
tech.非金融无形资产non-financial intangible assets