
Terms for subject Economy containing 无货 | all forms | in specified order only
临近交货作此变更,确实让我们手足无措Such alteration at the final stage of shipment is indeed confusing to
他们希望这批货物能完好无损抵达目的地They hope that the goods arrive at the destination in perfect condition
他们的发言和正在讨论的交货日期无关Their remarks do not pertain to the date of delivery under discussion
他们除了优质货以外,无意购买其他货物They do not intend to buy anything other than top quality
内货全无content empty
卖方如由于无法控制的意外事故而不能供应所需货物,该订单将被认为已撤销The order shall be considered to have been cancelled if the seller is prevented from supplying goods required owing to any contingency beyond control
卸货后无风险no risk after discharge (不负责)
卸货费与船东无关free discharge
在货物完整无损地递交给承运人后,承担损坏风险的正是买方It is the purchaser who assumes risk of damage after delivery to carrier in good order
如经销商无力付款,我们有权推迟发货We shall have the right to delay shipment if the distributors fail to meet the payments
市场无存货market bare of stock
损坏如此严重,货物几乎无法售出,我们只得提出索赔As a result of severe damage, the goods are hardly salable adj., we have to resort to a claim
收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良好无损We acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition
收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良好无损We adj. acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition
不受限制货币unrestricted currency
无人领取的货物unclaimed goods
无包装货nonpacked cargo
无国籍货币the stateless money
无国籍货币the stateless currency
无形存货intangible inventory
无形货币invisible currency
无形货币ideal currency
无收入货运the non-revenue freight
无此收货人no such receiver
无法交付的进口货物undeliverable import goods
无法控制的恶性通货膨胀run way inflation
无法控制的通货膨胀the uncontrollable inflation
无法控制的通货膨胀run away inflation
无法辨认的货物the unidentifiable cargo
无法销售的货物the unsalable goods
无税货物nonassessable goods
无管制的通货膨胀open inflation
无管制通货彭胀open inflation
无货stock exhausted (售空)
无货all sold out
无货名征税条款dragnet clause
无货exchange of products conducted in the absence of money and commerce
无货币区non-monetized areas
无通货膨胀的充分就业full employment without inflation
无通货膨胀的经济繁荣economic prosperity without inflation
无销路的货品unmarketable goods
无限制法偿货币unlimited legal tender
无限的法定货币unlimited legal tender
无限额订货order without limit
美国无需有效许可证运货到目的地普通许可证general license G-DEST
暂时无存货the nostock at present
暂时无法满足的订货bad order
未经允许你方无权从事类似货品的商业性生产You have no right to enter into commercial production of the similar goods without being permitted
毫无理由地扣留他们的船货显然是不公正的It is evidently inequitable to detain their cargo without any reason
毫无疑问,该货物的质量已得到认可It is no doubt that the quality of the goods has been endorsed
毫无疑问,这批货会及时装运的Out of question, the goods will be shipped in time
由于已受订货太多,我公司无法再承接贵方订单We cannot accept your order because of heavy bookings
由于缺乏样品,義们无法定货We are unable to place an order for from want of samples
甲方无权改变、扩大或削减订货The first party shall have no authority to alter vt., enlarge, or reduce order
索赔必须在货物到后一个月内提出,逾期无效The claim must be lodged within one month of the arrival of the goods, after that date all rights to it will be forfeited
该货也许不至于说是无法出售It is perhaps extreme to say that the goods are unsaleable
货币市场的稳定是无庸置疑的There are no doubts about the stability of the currency markets
货物完整无损的提单clean bill of lading
这些货物由于受损无法售出These goods are unsalable since they are damaged
这批货安全无误地到达了The shipment arrived in proper condition
这种货现无存货,一个月后有货This item goes out of stock at the moment but will come back into stock in a month
除了送货给客户的外,发货部别无其他责任The dispatch department fulfils no other commitments than delivering goods to customers