
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 无法 | all forms
上下文无关文法context-free grammer
卡尔梅斯无缝管生产法Calmes process
X 射线无损检测【探伤】法X-ray defectoscopy
无人铸造法no-man-casting process
无人铸造法no-man-casting philosophy
无坩埚区域熔炼法crucibleless zone melting method
无头带钢热轧法endless hot strip rolling process
无头轧制法endless rolling process
无头铸轧法ECR process
无感绕法〔绕组〕curtis winding
无感绕法curtis winding
无损探伤法nondestructive testing method
无损探伤法nondestructive flaw-detecting method
无损检测法nondestructive flaw-detecting method
无损检测法method of nondestructive inspection
无损测定法nondestructive evaluation method
无模拉丝法dieless wire drawing (电解腐蚀和加热张力拉拔法)
无氧化法process without oxidizing period
无氧化法nonoxidizing process (【技】碱性电弧炉炼钢的一种无氧化期,炉料熔清后经过还原调整钢水成分和温度后即可出钢的炼钢方法。由于无氧化期,可充分回收炉料中的合金元素,冶炼时间也得以缩短。)
无氧铜生产法coalesced copper process
【钢】 无氮混合气吹炼法mixed blast process
无氮混合气吹炼法mixed blast process
无氮鼓风高炉法nitrogen-free blast furnace process
无渣操作法slag-free operation
无焦炼铁法method of eliminating coke in production of iron
无焦炼铁法coke-free ironmaking process
无熔剂锰铁生产flux free method
无熔剂法flux free method
【团】无粘结剂压块法binderless briquetting
无缝管轧制法seamless-tube rolling process
无缝钢管轧制法seamless steel pipe rolling process
无酸除鳞法acidless descaling process
无酸除鳞法acid-free method of descaling
无间隙接头焊接法closed joint method
无静差调整法floating control mode
曼内斯曼无缝钢管生产法Mannesmann process for making seamless steel tubes
染色渗透液无损检测法dye-penetrant process
油浸无损检测法oil penetrant process
涡流超声无损检测法eddy sonic method
液体渗透无损检测法penetrant fluid test
渗油撒粉无损检测法oil powder method
渗透无损检测法penetrant flaw detection method (【技】利用液体的毛细现象对材料或工件的表面开口缺陷进行无损检测的一种常规方法。它不受材料组织结构和化学成分的限制,操作简单并且灵敏度高。)
渗透液无损检测法penetrant fluid test
渗透着色无损检测法penetrant-dye method
电磁场无模成型法direct magnetic pulse forming process
电磁场无模成型法direct magnetic pulse forming method
电磁无损检测法electromagnetic method of crack detection
着色渗透无损检测法dye-check penetrant process
磁力无损检测法magnaflux method
磁粉无损检测法magnetic powder method
磁粉无损检测法magnetic particle method of inspection
磁粉无损检测法magnetic particle inspection method
磁粉检验无损检测法magnaflux process
荧光磁性粒子无损检测法fluorescent magnetic particle inspection method
马格纳罗着色荧光无损检测法Magnalo process
高频无损检测法high frequency flaw detection method