
Terms containing 无增长 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.人口无增长zero population growth
econ.人口零点增长生死相抵,人口无增长zero population growth
plann.城市的无计划增长unplanned urban growth
econ.城市的无计划增长the unplanned urban growth (发展)
fin.工资无增长的复苏wageless recovery
tech.无变异增长invariant increase
libr.无增长np growth
IMF.无增长zero growth
IMF.无增长zero draft
libr.无增长steady state
econ.无增长the zero growth
busin.无增长no growth
busin.无增长nil growth
textile无增长成本zero incremental costs
interntl.trade.无增长经济nil-growth economy
oil无增长经济nilgrowth economy
econ.无增长经济the nilgrowth economy
busin.无增长经济nil growth economy
chem.无序链增长disordered chain propagation
econ.无损耗的重量增长breakeven weight growth
commer.无损耗重量增长breakeven weight growth
gen.无论是电影、视频还是书籍,这类题材的作品无疑是在增长中Whether one looks at films, videos or books, the genre is clearly on the rise
busin.无通货膨胀的增长growth without inflation
fin.无通货膨胀的经济增长non-inflationary growth
busin.无限增长infinitely increasing
fin.永无止境的增长奇迹never-ending growth miracle
busin.经济无增长零增长率zero economic growth
interntl.trade.经济无增长zero economic growth
tech.经济无增长zero economic zone