
Terms for subject International trade containing 无利 | all forms | in specified order only
平等互利和互通有无的原则principle of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other needs
承认无海岸线国家悬旗权利公约Convention Recognizing the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast
无专利状态public domain
无人能提出权利主张或异议的汇票bill free from claims or defenses
无利without return
无利ex coupon
无利without return
无利不论是否到期ex interest
无利润企业家no-profit enterpreneur
无形利益invisible gain
无抽签的利益买卖公债用语ex drawing
无没收权利non-forfeiture option
无红利ex dividend ED;x.d.
无红利dividend off
无红利户non-dividend payee
[经]无股息无分红无还本也无要求摊派新股的权利ex all
无要求参与新股的权利ex new
权利人无提出异议之权licensee estoppel