
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 旋转 | all forms | in specified order only
旋转提升用钢丝绳nonspinning hoisting wire rope
旋转钢丝绳nonrotating wire rope
旋转钢丝绳nonspinning wire rope
旋转钢丝绳nonspinning cable
旋转钢丝绳non rotating wire rope
中心支承旋转centre pivoted window
二重旋转rotation diad
从动旋转翅环idle rotating fin
旋转锻造cold swaging
制粒造球旋转granulating turning table
表面前进旋转火焰淬火法combination progressive-spinning method of flame hardening
前进旋转火焰淬火法combination progressive-spinning method of flame hardening
反向旋转backing run
同步旋转synchronous revolution
同步旋转换流机synchron rotary converter
吹氧炼钢旋转转炉rotating oxygen-blown steelmaking vessel
圆形旋转磁场circular rotating field
圆筒旋转切头剪drum-type rotary crop shear
塞西旋转式炉Sesci furnace (生产高级铸铁用)
外部旋流转换器external vortex transformer
布料器旋转循环distributor rotating cycle
布料器旋转循环distributor movement cycle
布朗式旋转布料器Brown distributor
带卷旋转装置coil rotating rig
带卷旋转装置coil rotating device
带材旋转浇铸法rotary strip casting process
带钢跟踪装置控制用旋转swivel cylinder for strip tracker control
戈德弗雷旋转炉膛焙烧炉Godfrey roasting furnace
戈德弗雷旋转炉膛焙烧炉Godfrey roaster
数字式高温旋转黏度计digital high-temperature rotary viscosimeter
旋臂式转柱起重机pillar jib crane
旋转rotary motion
旋转供油rotary oil supply
旋转供油装置rotary oil supply
旋转倾动机构rotating and tilting mechanism (旋转溜槽的)
旋转冲头turret punch
旋转冶炼炉rotary smelter
旋转冷却器rotary cooler
旋转切割rotary cutting
旋转切管机rotary pipe cutter
旋转加料管rotating feedpipe
旋转加料管rotating feed-pipe
鼓风炉旋转卸料台rotating discharge table
旋转卸料台rotating discharge table
旋转压模台rotating die table
旋转压片机rotary tabletting press
旋转压片机rotary tableting press
旋转压线模revolving die (用于捻异形股钢丝绳)
旋转反演轴rotation-inversion axis
旋转变压器rotating transformer
旋转变流机slip-pole rotary converter
旋转可调角度的布料溜槽rotating adjustable angle distribution chute (无钟炉顶部件)
旋转喷头煤气洗涤塔revolving-spray tower
旋转喷头煤气洗涤塔revolving-spray tower
旋转喷洗器revolving-spray washer
旋转喷雾洗涤器rotor-spray washer
旋转spinning device
旋转圆坯连铸机rotating rounds caster
旋转圆柱体rotating cylinder
旋转圆柱法rotating cylinder method
旋转圆盘rotating disk
旋转圆盘rotating disc
旋转圆盘法rotating disc method
旋转圆盘萃取器rotating-disc extractor
旋转圆试棒电位降腐蚀探测法rotogenerative detection of corrosion
旋转圆锥rotating cone
旋转型搅拌器rotating type stirrer
旋转头式压坯机dial feed press
旋转头式压坯机dial-feed press
旋转头式压坯机dial press
旋转夹紧装置turnover jig
旋转对称rotational symmetry
旋转导板rotating guide
旋转X 射线谱rotational X-ray spectrum
旋转X 射线谱rotation X-ray spectrum
旋转工作台revolving table
旋转布料器revolving distributing device
旋转布料器rotary distributor
旋转布料器revolving distributor
旋转布料器rotary distributor (【技】以旋转方式布料的高炉布料器。有马基式旋转布料器和快速旋转布料器。)
旋转布料器revolving distributing device
旋转布料器revolving distributor
旋转布料器distributor gear
旋转布料器炉顶revolving top
旋转布料器炉顶revolving top
旋转布料器炉顶Mckee top
旋转布料溜槽rotating distributing chute (无钟炉顶部件)
旋转底盘式炉revolving tray oven
旋转开关rotary switch
旋转式凸轮驱动压片机rotary-type cam-driven tableting press
旋转式刮刀rotary scraper
旋转式刮刀rotary scraper
旋转式刮刀rotating scraper
旋转式刮刀rotating cutter bar
旋转式刮刀rotary cutter bar
旋转式刮刀rotary cutter bar
旋转式压力机rotary press
旋转式压机rotary press
旋转式吊包radial ladle
旋转式吊包radial ladle
旋转式圆筒造球机revolving balling drum
旋转式圆筒造球机revolving balling drum
旋转式夹模器rotary die head
旋转式带钢自由活套贮存装置rotary free-loop strip accumulator
旋转式干燥器revolving drier
旋转式弥散器rotating disperser
旋转式拉模盒rotary die box
旋转式拉模盒rotary die box
旋转式搅炼装置rotating puddling machine
旋转式搅炼装置rotating puddling machine
旋转式水口rotary-type nozzle (【技】滑动水口的一种。主要由固定盘、旋转盘和固定装置组成。固定盘和旋转盘上分别开设有注钢孔,通过旋转盘转动和注孔的重合与错位来调节钢流与注速。)
旋转式浸煮器rotary digester
旋转式漏斗swiveling tundish
旋转式炉顶swing-type roof (电弧炉的)
旋转式炉顶swinging roof (电弧炉的)
旋转式焊接用变比机motor-driven welding machine
旋转式焊机rotary welding machine
旋转式熔炉rotary smelter
旋转式燕翅杆rotary scraper
旋转式燕翅杆rotating scraper
旋转式燕翅杆rotating cutter bar
旋转式燕翅杆rotary cutter bar
旋转式生物接触器rotating biological contactor
旋转式电磁搅拌器rotary-type electromagnetic stirrer
旋转式电铲electric revolving shovel
旋转式翻车机rotary car dumper
旋转式脱水机rotary dewaterer
旋转式装料机rotary charger
旋转式起重机rotary crane
旋转式起重机revolving crane
旋转式连铸机rotary continuous casting machine (【技】主要由一个带有结晶槽的旋转浇铸轮和一根无头钢带组成。进行生产时,钢水浇人由钢带与结晶槽组成的结晶器中,经过冷却成形,生产出梯形断面的铸坯。由于该种连铸机的主要部件是由铸轮和无头移动钢带 (endless moveable steel belt) 组成,故亦称轮带式连铸机。)
旋转式造型机turnover moulding machine
旋转式钢管矫直机rotating steel pipe straightener
旋转式钢管矫直机rotary steel tube straightener
旋转式钢管矫直机rotary tube straightener
旋转式限位开关rotating limit switch
旋转式黏度计rotational viscometer
旋转式黏度计rotating viscometer
旋转arc of rotation
旋转弧形取样器rotary-arc sampler
旋转弯曲rotational bending
旋转弯曲疲劳试验rotating-bending fatigue test
旋转弯曲疲劳试验rotating bending fatigue test
旋转弯曲疲劳试验bend rotating fatigue test
旋转弯曲疲劳试验机rotating bending fatigue test machine
旋转弯曲疲劳试验机rotating bending fatigue machine
旋转悬臂梁式疲劳试验机rotating cantilever beam type machine
旋转扫描swivel scan
旋转拉伸弯曲rotary draw bending
旋转拉延弯曲rotary draw bending (一种弯管法)
旋转挤压rotary extrusion
旋转振动器rotating vibrator
旋转振实装置Ro-tap fixture
旋转挺杆式起重机swinging jib crane
旋转探头超声波探伤装置rotary probe type ultrasonic tester
旋转接合swivel joint
旋转搅拌rotational stirring
旋转搅拌rotary stirring
旋转整流机rotary rectifier
旋转料斗revolving hopper
旋转料斗revolving hopper
旋转料斗revolving chute
旋转斜盘swash plate
旋转方向sense of rotation
旋转晶体法rotating crystal method
旋转本征函数rotational eigenfunction
旋转机构turning gear
旋转柱体式黏度计rotating cylinder type viscometer
旋转格筛rotating grizzly
旋转梁式疲劳试验rotating beam fatigue testing machine
旋转梁式疲劳试验机rotating beam fatigue testing machine
旋转梃杆起重机swinging jib crane
旋转revolving pot
旋转模座rotating die holder
旋转模锻circular forging
旋转模锻型锻rotary swager
旋转气门swivel damper
旋转气门butterfly (damper)
旋转气闸swivel damper
旋转水冷辊rotating water-cooled roll
旋转活塞鼓风机rotary piston blower
旋转流槽swivel launder
旋转流槽revolving chute
旋转浇注辊rotary casting roll
旋转浇铸台rotary casting table
旋转淬火rotary quenching
旋转淬火rolling quenching
旋转淬火spin hardening
旋转淬火hardening by spinning
旋转混合机rotary blender
旋转溜槽rotating chute (无钟炉顶部件: While the rotating chute is distributing the contents of one lock-hopper bin, the other can be filled. 当一个闭锁料仓用旋转溜槽布料时,另一个闭锁料仓则可以进行装料。)
旋转溜槽distribution chute (无钟炉顶部件: ①When the blast furnace stockline has descended to the desired level, the lower seal valve opens and allows the charge to flow at a controlled rate onto the distribution chute. 当高炉料线下降到预定位置时,下密封阀打开,炉料按可控流速进人布料溜槽。② The distribution chute rotates around the vertical axis of the furnace and changes to predetermined angles with respect to the horizontal plane. 布料溜槽围绕炉子竖轴线旋转,并调整到预定的水平倾角。)
旋转溜槽下端tip of rotating chute
旋转溜槽设计design of rotating chute
旋转漏斗slewing hopper
旋转炉底revolving hearth
旋转炉炼钢法rotary converter process
旋转炉顶swing-type roof
旋转炉顶式电弧炉swing-roof type electric arc furnace
旋转炉顶式电炉swing-roof type electric furnace
旋转焊接spin welding
旋转熔池rotating bath
旋转电弧焊rotating arc welding
旋转电极rotating electrode
旋转电极rotary electrode
旋转电极法rotating electrode process
旋转矫直机rotary straightener
旋转磁化强度rotary magnetization
旋转磁场rotating field
旋转磁场revolving magnetic field
旋转磁场型电磁搅拌器rotating magnetic field type stirrer
旋转gyratory screen
旋转粉碎机rotating disintegrator
旋转线圈rotating coil
旋转线圈moving coil
旋转给料机rotary feeder
旋转给料阀rotary feeder valve
旋转swivel cylinder
旋转slewing cylinder
旋转swivel arm
旋转芯棒rotating mandrel
旋转芯棒rotating plug
旋转薄膜接触器rotafilm contactor
旋转螺栓sling bolt
旋转设计rotable design
旋转试验法rotating test method
旋转踏板开关rotating paddle switch
旋转立式车床boring-and-turning mill
旋转转炉炼钢法rotary converter steelmaking process
旋转pivoted axle
旋转rotational axis
旋转spinning axis
旋转线slewing axis
旋转rotating axle
旋转axis of revolution
旋转运动rotational movement
旋转运动rotary motion
旋转连铸rotary continuous casting
旋转连铸法rotary continuous casting process
旋转连铸法RCC process
旋转速度rotating speed
旋转速度rotational speed
旋转速率rate of rotation
旋转造型turnover moulding
旋转钢丝绳rotating wire rope
旋转rotary rig
旋转铰接pivot hinge
旋转swaging hammer
旋转revolving hammer
旋转锻压效应rotary forging effect
旋转锻打机swaging machine
旋转锻打机rotary swaging machine
旋转锻细swaging down
旋转锻细法swaging process
旋转锻细法swaging method
旋转锻造rotary swaging
旋转锻造rotary forging
旋转锻造压头swaging snap
旋转锻造压模swaging snap
旋转锻造机rotary swaging machine
旋转锻造机rotary swager
旋转锻造机rotary forging machine
旋转锻造法rotary forge process (无缝钢管的)
旋转锻造用感应加热线圈swaging coil
旋转闸阀gate turn valve
旋转rotary valve
旋转阀外壳rotary valve casing
旋转阳极spinning anode
旋转阳极rotating anode
旋转阳极炉rotating anode furnace
旋转阴极rotating cathode
旋转除鳞机rotary descaler
旋转风挡swivel damper
旋转going barrel
旋转鼓风机rotary blower
旋风式转炉cyclone converting furnace
晶体旋转rotation of crystal
晶体旋转crystal rotation
晶体旋转rotation of crystal
晶体旋转crystal rotation method
格雷夫筒式旋转氧气炼钢炉Graef rotor
模台旋转式压机rotary press
氧气平吹旋转转炉工段 设备rotor plant
氧气平吹旋转转炉炼钢法rotor process
氧气炼钢旋转rotating oxygen-blown steelmaking vessel
水冷旋转双辊式连铸机rotating water-cooled twin-roll caster
水平旋转轴离心铸造true centrifugal casting
旋转oil rotary pump
液压旋转钻机hydraulic rotary drill
液相穴末端旋转搅拌rotary stirring at end of crater
炉顶旋转roof slew
炉顶旋转式电弧炉swing-roof type electric-arc furnace
炉顶旋转式电炉electric furnace with swing-out roof
炉顶旋转机构furnace roof swinging mechanism
炉顶旋转机构roof swinging mechanism
炉顶旋转电炉swing-roof furnace
独立旋转independent rotary arm (钢包回转台的)
独立旋转臂倾翻力矩overturning moment of independent rotary arm
环形旋转炉底加热炉circular rotary hearth furnace
电动旋转式挖掘机electric revolving shovel
电动旋转式焊机motor driven welding machine
电弧炉炉顶旋转electric arc furnace roof swinging
电弧炉炉顶旋转EAF roof swinging
电弧炉炉顶旋转机构roof swinging mechanism of EAF
直头机旋转opener swing angle
相位旋转指示器phase rotation indicator
碳膜旋转可变电阻器carbon film rotary variable resistor
结晶器以下铸坯旋转搅拌rotary strand stirring below mold
结晶器内旋转搅拌rotary stirring in mold
结晶器内旋转搅拌rotary in-mold stirring
绕枢轴旋转的导板台pivotable guide table
绕枢轴旋转的移送台pivotable transfer table
绕枢轴旋转pivotable roll
绕枢轴旋转pivotable roller
罗托弗特高速旋转氧气顶吹转炉法Rotovert process
试样旋转rotating specimen holder
转动螺旋形加热器rotating spiral heater
返时针旋转counter clockwise rotation
迪舍尔旋转导盘Diescher rotary guide shoe
迪舍尔轧机旋转导盘Diescher rotary guide shoe
时针方向旋转counter-clockwise rotation
逆向旋转counterrotating roll
造球旋转pelletizing turning table
造球旋转granulating turning table
钢水包旋转ladle turret
顶吹旋转转炉法top-blown rotary converter process
顶吹旋转转炉法top blown rotary converter process
顺序旋转式火焰淬火progressive spinning flame hardening
顺序旋转火焰加热淬火progressive spinning flame hardening
顺时针方向旋转clockwise rotation